Highway Ticket Import
The Highway Ticket Import task (EN: Import of vignettes) has been added to the system. The task can be run from the role of the center: OneCore - Financing (All Products), Actions/Reports.
Funkcia po spustení vykoná nasledovné kroky:
Displays a dialog box in which the user selects the import file: "Open File - Options "Select..." or "cancel""
Once selected, the system imports the xls file into the API Highway Ticket Detail Line (4026684) table as follows:
Takes from the import file Licence Plate No (Licence Plate No.)
The vehicle registration number in the import must be in the format as je v OC
The system will search for the Registration Number in the OC, if it finds a match it will proceed to the next steps
filters the API Licence Plate History (4026584) table to the given Licence Plate No.
selects the last one from the found records according to Date
If the system does not find a match between the registration number of the imported file and the OC, it creates an entry in the Import Log with Result=Licence Plate No. Missing
continues to the next SS in importnom xls
If it finds a record, it takes the Financed Object No.
for the given object number can be found in the API Financing Contract Header (4026397)
Check Contract Status
If Status<>Signed and/or Active:
does not process the contract further
creates an entry in the Import Log with Result=Contract Status
IDE to the next SS in XLS
if Status=Signed and/or Active, it continues
If it finds Change Copy Exists=Y on the contract:
does not process the contract further
creates an entry in the Import Log with Result=Change Copy
IDE to the next SS in XLS
If you find a given contract in Calc. Variant Status=Active:
further does not process the Contract Variant, but enters a record into the contract, the Contract Variant is devalued.
For a given contract number, the following services are found in the Contract Services table:
If Service Code is specified on the managed line from XLS, it finds the service as follows:
Contract No.=same
Service Code=from import file
If it finds such a service, it continues to the service detail (description below)
If it does not find such a service, it will not process the record and will create an entry in the Import Log with Result=Error Service Code
If Service Code is not specified on the processed line from xls, it searches for the service:
Contract No.=same
Service Kind=Highway Ticket
If it finds exactly one record (= one service), it continues to the service detail (description below)
If it finds more records, it does not process the record and creates an entry in the Import Log with Result=Error Service Code
SOL Reservations:
if there is no Service Code in the import file, it is not possible to guarantee the correct "pairing" of the vignette to the service. The existence of exactly one service does not mean that the vignette by service is the same as the imported record.
For a given service number, it finds rows in the API Highway Ticket Detail Line (4026684) table and creates a new row:
Service Contract Type (1)=Contract
Service No (5)=same
Line No (10)=increment+10000
Contract No (15)=takes over from service
Financed Object No (20)=inherits from the service
VIN (30)=takes over from service
Highway Ticket No.=takes from import file
Highway Ticket Submit Day (45)=takes from import file
Highway Ticket Type (50)=inherits from service
Valid From (55)= takes from the import file in date format
Valid To (60)=takes from the import file in date format
An entry in the Highway Ticket Import Log with the result Success (EN: Success) will be added to the given contract number
Note: if the user finds contracts in the log where the import did not run (contract status, change copy, active variant, non-existent service, etc.), he manually checks the contracts, removes the reason for the error or manually enters lines to the service detail.
Sample import file:
Highway Ticket Import Log
Successes/failures in the Import of vignettes will be recorded in the Log, with a filter for failure.
The log will list records from newest to oldest.
There will be a Delete button in the Log bar, which will allow the user to delete the selected records.
The log will contain fields – all fields are non-editable in the overview, it is not even possible to delete a row:
Entry No (EN: Entry No.)
from 1 with an increment of +1 (the system will number from 1 to unique)
Licence Plate No.
From Import
Contract No: (CZ: Contract No.)
the contract number to which the registration number is assigned as the last record in the Registration Number History table
Service No (EN: Service No.)
Service No. from the leasing contract
Service Code
From Import
Result (EN: Result of processing)
Lic. Plate No. Missing
Contract Status
Error Service Code
Change Copy
Calculation Variant
Service Missing
Success - if the line was created
Import file name
full name of the imported file, e.g. dalnicneznamky042021.xls
Import DateTime (CZ: Import Date and Time)
User ID