Invoice Interfaces

Invoice Interfaces

Invoice Interfaces

For individual areas of data record processing, it is necessary to set up "Invoicing interfaces"

It is necessary to set up a billing interface for each data record format.

Important fields for Bulk tire change - import tire service

  • Code and Name of Invoice Interfaces

  • Business Type

    • Purchase - for processing data records from vendor

  • Source Code

    • Basic differentiation of the form and format of the import sentence from the supplier

    • For each area - the processed data sentence is a special

  • Automatic Posting

    • Do Not Turn On for processing data records, because then the posting would be done immediately when imported.

    • The data record only checks by importing. You need to wait for the delivery of the vendor invoice before processing

  • Default Invoice Ineterface Template No.

    • If the user doesn't set up mapping, the system uses the standard buy/sell code from the default template

  • Vendor No.

    • Do not fill in, it is entered when starting the task "Bulk tire change - import tire service" into the dialog window

  • Date Filename

    • Not used in this case. When importing, the system opens a dialog box and the user selects the file.

  • Object Type

    • Object Type To Import Is Report

  • Object ID

    • The user sets the object number for the import format

      • For "tire change" – 4027200

  • Type of Processing

    • The user sets from the following options:

      • Empty

      • Fuel Card

      • Maintenance Permission – for tire service data records

  • Automatic Release

    • If the field is checked, the system switches the created document of the unposted purchase invoice to the Released status

    • If Workflow is set to Purchase invoices, Automatic release = NO must remain, because the status of Released is not switched to the purchase invoice until it is approved.

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