Consent Temp. Evid. List Card And List

Consent Temp. Evid. List Card And List

The list can be searched using the image-20240924-065919.png Tell me what you want to do and typing a name for the list. You can also use ALT+Q to launch Tell me.

Or you can open the spreadsheet directly on the "Manage Users, Security Groups, and Permissions" roles hub. After clicking on the link, the List of Templates for Recording the Reason for Consent will open


If the user wants to create a new template, he clicks on the button image-20240924-071700.png . A blank tab opens.

If the template has already been created and is active, the user can change the values of the template until the first contact consent is activated for the template. However, if at least one consent is already activated for the template, the template is non-editable and only the "Default when creating contact" field and the "Active" field can be changed

If the template is Active = NO and no consent is created with the template, the user can delete the template

The user fills in the template as follows:


General tab:

  • Code

    • 20 characters

    • The user enters the text identifier of the template. We recommend that you specify it in such a way that it is possible to identify from the code for what purposes the template is intended

  • Description

    • 100 characters for text

    • The user enters a more detailed description to identify the template

  • Detail Type Contact

    • Values: empty value (default), Company detail, Person detail

    • The user selects a value to specify a filter for which contacts the template will be displayed when creating from the contact card.

    • If the user leaves the value blank, the template will be shown for all types of details.

  • PR Code Filter Subjectivities (Legal Subj. Code Filter)

    • By selecting the legal subjectivity, the user determines the filter for which contacts the template will be displayed when creating from the contact card.

    • The user can select multiple values, but must separate them with "|"

  • Data Retention Period

    • Optional field

    • If the user wants to monitor the data retention period, he can enter a data formula, e.g. 3R. This information will be downloaded to the consent line on the contact and will be used in reports and data anonymization functions

    • the period is calculated from the Consent Expiration Date in the GDPR table Recorded Consents

  • Default when creating a contact

    • Default value = NO – template inactive

    • If the user sets the value to Yes, consent to this template will be created automatically when creating a new contact from the wizard

    • If the User changes the value to Yes, then when activating the template by pressing the "Active" button, a message will be displayed: "Do you want to establish consent for all contacts of contact type a (value according to the set Enumu in the Contact Type field)?" 

      • If you click on the YES option, then the consent to this template will be based on all contacts for which the settings of Contact Detail Type and PR Code Filter are suitable. Subjectivities of the template, but only for contacts that have a value of "Active" in the Contact Status field)

      • If he clicks NO, the template will only be activated and when creating a new contact, the consent will be automatically created according to this consent template.

    • If the User changes the value to NO, the consent will not be created automatically when creating a new contact via the wizard. 

  • Active

    • When creating a template, this field is set to No. If set to NO, the template won't be offered on a foundation basis.

    • When you switch the value to YES when activating a template, a message will be displayed: "Activate the template?

      • If the user clicks on the value = YES, the template will become active according to the setting of the "Default when creating contact" field

      • If the user clicks NO, the template remains inactive

    • If the template is already active and the user changes it to No (deactivates the template), a message will be displayed asking if you want to deactivate all active consents on contacts. If the user chooses a value:

      • Yes - all active contacts are switched to inactive

      • No - active consents will remain active and the template will no longer be selectable for further consent

    • Values can be changed to a moment

    • If the template is already switched to non-active, it cannot be reactivated. The user must make a new template (important for records)

  • Active Date

    • Written when the template is activated

  • Ending Date

    • Written if the user changes the Active value field to NO

  • No. Of Active Consent

    • The displayed number expresses the number of active consents for the template

    • after clicking on the number, the list of Registered Consents will open, filtered to

      • The template

      • Consent Status = Active

Scope of provided data tab

  • No. of Data Requested

    • The value will express the number of selected data that the contact must approve for the template

    • By clicking on the number value in this field, the "Consent Template Data List" opens

    • The user creates rows in the list with the required data for approval and the prepared list is closed via the scroll icon

    • In the Number of personal data requested field, the number of created rows is displayed

Consent Template Data List

The table will be used to record the data that we need through this template and the contact must approve it. The list is opened by clicking on the value of the "Number of required personal data" field from the consent data registry template

A user can create rows in two ways:

Via the Copy Data to Template function

The button is located on the template for the registration of the reason for consents. After clicking on the button, a window opens where the user can:

On the Options tab, in the Copy from Template field, select the consent template from which you want to copy the data.

After clicking OK, the template data set in the "Copy from Template" field will be transferred to the new template.

In this way, the data that we are copying must not already be stored in the "Data list of the new template". Otherwise, it will end with a message that the data already exists on the template and the copied data will not be copied to the new template

They fill in the necessary data manually, line by line

By clicking on the "New" button, the user creates a new line

They fill in the fields as follows:

  • Template Code

    • Non-editable field

    • The code of the template from which the row is created

    • Tightens automatically

  • Template Description

    • Non-editable field

    • Description of the template from which the row is created

    • Tightens automatically

  • Table No.

    • The user selects the table number where the consent field is located (e.g. 5050)

  • Table Name

    • Non-editable field

    • It is automatically tightened according to the entered table number

  • Field No.

    • The user selects the field number that is required for consent

    • The user can only select from a field in the specified table

  • Field Name

    • Non-editable field

    • It will be tightened automatically according to the entered field number

  • Data Sensitivity

    • Entering a value is optional, but important for further reporting and creation of documents if the contact asks for a copy of consents to personal data

    • User selects from values

      • Blank value

      • Sensitive

      • Personal

  • Consent Purpose

    • The user specifies the purpose for which the data in the row is provided

  • Method of obtaining data

    • The user enters how the consent for the data was obtained

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