Setting Up Consents And Working With Consents

Setting Up Consents And Working With Consents

Consent is based only on the contact card

If a user opens the "Consent Evidence Overview" list via search or from the Manage Users, Security Groups, and Permissions Center role and wants to enter a contact, the system will not allow them to enter the contact number Message: "Enter new consent on the contact card"

A new consent is created in two ways:

  • Manually

  • Automatically

Manual setup by consent

In the top bar in the -> Navigate tab, click on the -> Consents button, or from the Factbox by clicking on the numeric value in the Number of Active Consents field

The Consent Evidence List opens

In the top bar there are buttons:

  • New

  • Edit List (Edit List)

  • Delete

    • delete consent only consent will be given if the value = "Empty" in the "Consent status" field

If the first consent is created for a contact, the new line is prepared automatically and the User can only fill in the fields

If consents are already entered in the list, the User can create a new consent by clicking on the New button

The user fills in the fields as follows:

  • Contact No.

    • A new row is created from the contact card, where the contact number is filled in automatically

  • Contact Name

    • It will be completed according to the specified contact number

  • Template Consent Code

    • selected by the user: after clicking, the table "Templates for Evidence of Reasons for Consent" opens The user selects a value from the Code field

  • Template Description

    • The value is automatically tightened

  • Date of Creation Consent

    • Datum, od kedy sú svoleníy platné

    • If the user changes the status to = Granted, they must, even if the date is filled in this field. If not, the message "Date of consent must be filled in" will be displayed and the status cannot be changed

    • After changing the status to = Granted, the field becomes non-editable

  • Consent Status

    • Editable field with conditions:

    • Default value is blank when creating a row

    • All values:

      • Blank value

      • Sent

      • Afforded

      • Disallowed

      • Expired

      • Ceased

    • If the value <> is from Empty, it will not be possible to return to the Empty state

      • Message: "It is not possible to return to a state with an empty value"

    • If Status = Granted is already set, consent can only be switched to Denied.

      • Message: "Change allowed only up to Rejected status"

    • Expired status cannot be entered manually.

      • Status changes automatically after consent expires

  • Consent Sent Date

    • The date is entered manually by the user as information when the consent was sent to the contact

  • Consent Expiration Date

    • The date is entered manually by the user according to the time specified in the consent request.

    • If consent is for an indefinite period of time or until revoked, the field will be blank

  • No. of Consent Data

    • Value (number) , how many data are required for approval.

    • When you click on the field, a list of data will open

  • Data Retention Time Interval

    • data from the Data Retention Period field from the selected template

    • informative data used for anonymisation)

  • Attachment

    • The user can save an attachment on the basis of which the contact approved the consent

    • Clicking into the field opens the Attached Documents table, the user links the attachment and the value from the Attachment field is downloaded to the field after creating the attached documents

Automatic setup by consent

First way:

When creating a contact, consent rows will be automatically created for the contact, which have a value = YES in the template in the "Default field when creating a contact".

  • Consents created in this way will have a value in the field Status="Empty" and Consent Date will be empty

  • After receiving the acceptance of consent, the user fills in the date in the Date of Creation field from which the consent was granted and changes the status in the created row to Granted. To be granted the "Approved" status, all of the information provided in the template must be approved by the contact who gives the consent.

The second way:

  • When activating a template in the "Consent Evidence Templates" table, the system looks at the flag in the "Default when creating a contact" field and if the value = YES in this field, it displays a message whether to base consent on all contacts according to the template settings. If the User clicks YES, consent rows are automatically created. Consents created in this way will have a value in the field Status="Empty" and Consent Date will be empty

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