Exception Types
Simple exception
When entering a simple exception, the user can enter one or more insurance products and check the box Request Rates. The procedure is standard. First, the merchant user has to issue the exception. The system sends a message to the insurance department (e-mail address in the insurance settings – e-mail for sending a request for an exception). Then the user – the insurance department starts the Send to insurance company function. He completes and sends the prepared email with the request to the insurance company. Records the response from the insurance company – agreement or disagreement. If approved, they fill in the approved rate and the selected insurance company and start the Upload to the System function. After replenishing the created rate, it triggers the Feedback to Salesperson function.
When entering a tender, the user creates multiple lines of the same product for different insurance companies. It is necessary to tick the box Request Rates. Again, the procedure is standard as in the case of a simple exception. When replies from insurance companies arrive, the user records Approved Rate and Selected insurance company Only for the line for which you want to create a rate.
Pledge Exception
After selecting the Pledge Exception type, the user selects Financing Contract No.to which the exemption relates. In this case, the customer requests additionally, the financing contract already exists. In the row of the subform, the user enters Insurance Product, Sum Insured and Insurance companyto which the pledge exemption applies. The process continues by recording the approval or disapproval from the insurance company. New rates are not created. After consent, the user launches the Feedback to Salesperson feature. Because there is a line with a product, the system warns with a message: "Not all requested rates have been uploaded. Do you want to change the status to "Uploaded to the system?" Yes/No. After a positive response, it changes the status of the request – Uploaded to the system.
Security Exception
If the user selects the "Security Exception" exception type, the fields in the exception request header are accessible:
Security Required
Here, the user enters what security is required
Security Customer
Here, the user records the customer's security
In the row of the subform, the user enters Insurance Product, Sum Insured and Insurance companyto which the security exception applies. The process continues by recording the approval or disapproval from the insurance company. New rates are not created. Once approved, the user will launch the Feedback to Salesperson feature and change the status of the request to Uploaded to the system after being notified.