Setup for Exceptions

Setup for Exceptions

Insurance Setup

  • Request Exception E-mail

    • Based on this setting, the system sends a notification if a merchant has created and issued a new request for an exception.

Setting Up Exception/Insurance Framework Agreement Relations

To control exceptions, you need to set up the Exception/Fram.Agree Rel. table to manage exception requests and create an exception rate.

You must specify an insurance framework agreement and a product exception and insurance company. These are the basic parameters for creating a rate for an exception. Without the data in this table, the approved rate cannot be uploaded to the system.

  • Insurance Company No.

    • User selects insurance company

  • Insurance Product No.

    • User selects insurance product

  • Insurance Framework Contracts

    • The user selects an insurance framework agreement

  • Insurance Set No.

    • User selects insurance set

Right to change the status of an exception

In User Settings, there is a field:

  • Allow Request Exception

    • you need to mark YES for users who will manage exception requests


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