Exception Request List
In the list of exceptions, you can create exceptions and monitor the process of their processing.
The Request for Exception Register contains three parts: header, exception request subform, subject data
In the Header, after assigning the request number, the user records:
Customer No.
Here, the user selects the customer number for which they are requesting an exception
Salesperson Code
Here, he selects the seller who is requesting the exception.
Exception Type
The user selects one of the types (for more details, see. Exception Types)
It is a request for a special rate amount
Tender (Tender)
Request for a special rate amount, addresses more insurance companies
Entry Insurance Exception
Registration of a request for a special condition
Security Exception
Registration of a request for a change of mandatory security
Participation Exception
Registration of a request for a change in deductible
Pledge Exception
Registration of a request for change of pledge
Financing Contract No.
The user selects which contract the request applies to
Reason Request
Text description of the reason for the request
Security Request
When applying for security, you must state the security required by the insurance company
Security Customer
When requesting security, you must specify the security required by the customer
when registering a new request, the status is Request
The status is changed by the user after recording the request using the following buttons:
Send the insurance company
Upload in the system
Feedback Salesperson
Expected Realization Date
The user records the date requested by the customer
Created At Date
Fills in the system
Asks For Rates
The user marks if it is a special rate request
The second part of the exception request is a subform where the user fills in:
Product No. (Product No.)
Here he selects the insurance product
Selected Insurance Company
To be filled in by the user only after the answers from the insurance company
Insurance Total
Sum insured
Size ccm
Engine Displacement
Preferred Insurance No.
selects the preferred insurance company
% / Absolute sum (% / Total)
They choose whether it is a percentage rate or a rate in absolute value, i.e. the annual premium
Required Rate
the amount of the required rate
After approval by the insurance company, the following field is selected:
Approved Rate
After uploading the rate to the system, the following data are filled in:
Create Rate
Rate No.
Product Variant Code
Calculation Method No.
Interval No.
The third part of the request for exemption contains information on the subject matter of the financing. The mandatory information that the user must fill in when submitting the application are:
Object Category
Commodity Code
Optional fields are:
Make Code
Model Line Code
Model (Model)
Model Type