Description Of Settings - Maintenance
The process includes the feature of invoicing bonuses for the required period. The user will use the bonus invoicing function if the output is an invoicing document for a given service and period, which will contain the achieved volumes for the given service and period. On the basis of the invoicing documents, the user invoices bonuses monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly.
Setup Description
In order for the system to work properly, it is necessary to have the system setup completed – seeBusiness Setup
Vendor Price and Rate Types
For vendor rate price lists, it is necessary to set up the Vendor Price and Rate Types code list.
For a general vendor rate type, you must specify:
Item Code (Item Code)
The user enters any "item code" of a maximum length of 20 characters
Description (Description)
The user fills in a description of the length of up to 50 characters
The user fills in the following fields in case the item will have a different type of service - e.g. replacement car. Based on these fields, the system then creates the correct line of service permission, which is important for using the service, e.g. Replacement Car
Service Kind (Service Kind)
The user chooses the type of service
Service Type (Maintenance Type Code)
The user selects the type of service according to the type of service from the previous field
Maintenance Code (Maintenance Code)
The user selects according to the type of service from the previous field
For the Tire Service service type, you still need to enter
Tire Service (Tire Service)
The field is accessible only for the Tire Service service type
Tire Season (Tire Season)
To be determined only for Tire