

Before you can perform the actual migration, you need to perform Complete system setup. This process is controlled by the Configuration Workbook (Configuration Worksheet). This workbook is described in the documentation Business Setup in the current version.

Among other things, the basic code lists used for processing the OneCore product agenda, described in the following chapters, as well as the standard code lists used especially in relation to the accounting processing of the agenda, must be set.

Financing Models

Financing Models It is used for specific settings of calculation parameters, document numbering formats, number series and other parameters that apply to a certain group of contracts. Unlike the OneCore Setupwhich apply to all contracts, and Contract with Service Setup, which apply to all contracts with services, there can be an unlimited number of contract models and can be used to create different settings for each contract group.

From a migration perspective, we recommend considering the existence of separate models for migrated contracts. If there is a requirement, for example, for a different way of numbering contracts (a different numbered series, or manually), a different way of determining input parameters, etc., it is also recommended to use special models for migrated contracts.

For a detailed description of the models, see Financing Products and Services Pricelists

Financing Contract Template

Financing Contract Model It contains a subset of contract data in which primarily accounting-related data is set up. When a new financing contract is created by a user, the system copies all preset values in the fields from the template contract to the newly created financing contract.

A general recommendation from the migration point of view is that if it is necessary to use a special Financing Model for migrated contracts, it is also necessary to use a special Template (a Model is assigned to the Template).

Also, a template for migrated contracts may be needed for other reasons (different way of accounting for migrated and new contracts, etc.).

For a detailed description of the models, see Financing Products and Services Pricelists

Financing Product Type

Financing Product Type It is used to define the basic types of products and their general characteristics, which will subsequently be developed in financing products.

From the migration point of view, the use of a special Financing Product Type for migrated contracts is necessary if there is a need to base new contracts on other input parameters that are set on the Product Type.

For a detailed description of product types, see Financing Products and Services Pricelists

Financing Product

The Financing Product defines the default values for creating a Financing Template or Offer, but also defines the conditions that must be met in order to validate the contract.

From a migration perspective, the vendor recommends ALWAYS using a special Financing Product for migrated contracts. The reasons are evident from the description of the Migration tab – see below.

For detailed product descriptions, see Financing Products and Services Pricelists

Financing Template

The Financing Template is primarily used to narrow down the conditions that have been defined on the Financing Product. It can also be used as a definition of framework conditions for a certain client.

From the point of view of contract migration, the use of special templates Isn't recommended, but it is not excluded if the nature of the migrated contracts requires it.

For a detailed description of the templates, see Financing Products and Services Pricelists

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