Working With Change Log Entries

Working With Change Log Entries

A common problem in many financial systems is finding the origin of errors and changes in data. This could be anything from an incorrect customer phone number to an incorrect posting to the general ledger. The change log allows you to track all direct edits to data in the database that a user makes. You must specify each table and field that you want the system to log, and then you must activate the change log.

You enable and deactivate the change log on the Change Log Settings page. When a user activates or deactivates the change log, that activity is logged, so you can always see which user disabled or activated the change log.

If you choose the Table action on the Change Log Settings page, you can specify which tables you want to track changes for and which changes you want to track. Business Central also keeps track of a number of system tables.

After you set up a change log, activate it, and change data, you can view and filter the changes on the Change Log Entries page. If you want to delete items, you can do so on the Delete Reverse Change Items page, where you can set filters based on dates and time.

A change log can also be generated in the desired format and only with the required changes in certain tables. It can be generated by the Print function.