Insurance Claim
Insurance Claims List
The list of insured events can be viewed from the menu of the OneCore Rolcenter - Insurance via the option Insurance Claims/Insurance Claims or by searching for an overview of insurance claims through a magnifying glass.
Records of Insurance Claims
An insured event can be registered on the financed object from Insurance Claims List via the option "New"
After confirming the selection, the OC will display the Insurance Claim Card.
Insurance Claim Card
The insurance claim card has the following tabs:
Damage and Repair
Insurance Indemnity Settlement
General Tab
Field description:
No. (No., 1)
The system assigns an insurance claim number from a number series
Insurance Claim Type (40)
The user selects the type of insured event according to which the subsequent procedure will take place
Description (35)
The system will add a text description according to the selected type of insured event
Insurance Company Text (110)
The user fills in the text provided by the insurance company as the insurance claim number. The text often contains various characters that are not suitable for matching, e.g. spaces, hyphens, etc. Therefore, this text is used only for printing into documents and for matching purposes there is the following field, which contains only numeric characters from this text
Insurance Company Claim No. (115)
The system fills in the numeric characters from the previous field
Editable field, user can change
Insurance Company No. (20)
User selects the insurance company to which the insured event relates
If the user selects the insurance contract number first, the insurance company number is automatically filled in by the system from the insurance contract
Insurance Contract No. (25)
In this field, the user selects the insurance contract number to which the insured event is linked. In the opened window, it is possible to search for an insurance contract according to various displayed parameters (e.g. number, insurance company, product, vehicle registration number, etc.) by entering the appropriate value in the field
In this way, you can search by all columns of the selection window. In the selection window, the user selects the insurance contract by clicking on the number (i.e. insurance contract number) in the selected row
If the insurance claim card was created from the list of insured events displayed from the financed object, the card already has the financing object number filled in. In that case, this field is filtered on insurance contracts based on that financed object
Insurance product No. (65)
Adds the system automatically from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number
Product Variant Code (70)
Adds the system automatically from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number
Coverage Code (75)
Adds the system automatically from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number
Financing Contract No. (50)
Adds the system automatically from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number
If the insurance claim card was created from the list of insurance claims displayed from the financed object, the card already has the financing contract number automatically filled in when it is created
Detailed Contract Status (52)
The system will add the current detailed status of the financing contract according to the selected insurance contract/financed object
Financed Object No. (300)
Adds the system automatically from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number
If the insurance claim card was created from the list of insured events displayed from the financed object, the card already has the financing object number automatically filled in when it is created
Financing Object Name (350)
The system will be supplemented from the financed object
Non-editable field
Chassis No. (VIN) (305)
Completes the system from the financed object according to the selected insurance contract
If the insurance claim card was created from the list of insurance claims displayed from the financed object, the card already has the financing object number and the body number automatically filled in when it is created
Licence Plate No. (Licence Plate No., 310)
Completes the system from the financed object according to the selected insurance contract
If the insurance claim card was created from the list of insured claims displayed from the financed object, the card already has the financed object number and the vehicle registration number automatically filled in when it is created
Serial Number (315)
Completes the system from the financed object according to the selected insurance contract
If the insurance claim card was created from the list of insurance claims displayed from the financed object, the card already has the financing object number and serial number automatically filled in when it is created
Customer No. (200)
It will complement the system from the financing contract
If an insurance contract is not selected, the user can also use various filter fields to select the customer – name, city, ID number, birth number, etc.
Customer Name (205)
It will complement the system from the financing contract
Status (60)
When entering an insurance claim, the default status of the insurance claim is "New"
The status change is done manually by the user
A change in status may trigger the Financing Contract Status Change Wizard if the field "Change Fin. Contract Status" = Yes is in the Insurance Claim Type (4027132) table in the Insurance Claim Type table = Yes (for more detailed description, see chapter Change Claim Status)
Change Fin. Contract Status (120)
Fills the system automatically according to the selected type of insured event
Non-editable field
Event Creation Date (100)
User enters the date of occurrence of the insured event
Event Evidence Date (105)
The system automatically fills in the current date when the insurance claim card is created
The user can change the
Estimated Damage Value (150)
Populated by user, registration fields
Damage Type (1015)
Multiple Choice
Vlastí (Own)
Administrator (1080)
The system automatically fills in the username of the user who created the claim as an insurance claim administrator in the leasing company
A user can change it by selecting it from a list of users
Created At, 2000000001, Created By Name, 182
The system automatically fills in the date and time of creation of the insurance claim card and the username of the user who created the insurance claim
Modified (Modified at, 2000000003), Modified (Modified by Name, 192)
The system will automatically fill in the date and time of the last change on the insurance claim card and the username of the user who made the change
Damage and Repair Tab
Driver No. (1005)
Select from your Contacts list
Driver Name (1010)
Completes the system according to the selected contact in the Driver No. field.
Accident Description (1066)
Registration fields, filled by the user manually
Damage Description (1060)
Registration fields, filled by the user manually
Mileage (Mileage, 1070)
Does the user manually fill in the mileage at the time of the occurrence of the damage (insured event)
When a service allowance is created from the insurance claim card, this value is transferred to the service allowance. After changing the status of the allowance to "Approved", the Status history Odometer record with given mileage
Police (Police, 1055)
Registration fields, filled by the user manually
The Culprit (1050)
Registration fields, filled by the user manually
Culprit Insurance Contract No. (1090)
Registration fields, filled by the user manually
Culprit Insurance Company (1095)
Registration fields, filled by the user manually
Insurance Assessor (130)
The user manually completes the insurance adjuster in the insurance company by selecting from the list Insurance Adjusters
Claim Settlement Method (1020)
The user selects from the following options:
Preset Value - Unspecified Disposal Method
Leasing Company Account
The indemnity will be credited to the account of the leasing company
Insurance Unblockage
Upon approval by the leasing company, the indemnity goes to a third party (e.g. a garage that repairs the item or a tenant who has paid for the repair of the service)
Claim Settlement Form (1025)
Multiple choices:
Faktura (Invoice)
Prevolená hodnota
The leasing company pays the cost of repairing the service and submits an invoice to the insurance company, on the basis of which the insurance company calculates and sends the insurance indemnity to the leasing company
Damage settled without repair costs
The insurance company calculates a reasonable amount of damage (reasonable repair costs) and pays out the insurance indemnity calculated in this way without subsequent documentation of the repair
Posting Residual Value
Fills in the system automatically in case of insured events with an insured event type that has the "Theft" or "Total Loss" flag set
The amount of the book residual value of the object will be included in the calculation of the "Total Amount" field in the Insurance Indemnity Settlement tab
Vendor No. (Maintenance, 1030)
From the list of Vendors, the user selects the service that repairs the financed object
Vendor Name (Maintenance) (1035)
The system fills in the name of the vendor according to the selected vendor number
Approval No. (1000)
Does the system automatically fill in the approval number from the service allowance created for the given insured event (service permit status = Approved)
Repair to Date (1040)
The user enters an estimated date for the correction
Evidence Fields
Expected Price excl. VAT (Expected Price excl. VAT, 1155)
Calculated Field
Does the system automatically fill in the sum of the amounts from the "Expected Price excl. VAT" field. VAT)" from Maintenance Permission Lines
Insurance Indemnity Settlement Tab
Field description:
Participation (1100)
The system will add the form of deductible from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number on the General tab
Possible field values:
Percent + Min Abs Sum
Absolute Sum (Abs Sum)
Only Percent
Max Sum
Percent + Min + Max (Percent + min + max)
Participation %
The system will add the form of deductible from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number on the General tab
Participation ABS
The system will add the form of deductible from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number on the General tab
Participation MIN (Participation MIN)
The system will add the form of deductible from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number on the General tab
Participation MAX
The system will add the form of deductible from the insurance contract according to the insurance contract number on the General tab
Invoice Line Amount
Calculated Field
Does the system automatically fill in the sum of amounts from the "Purchase Price Excl. VAT" field from Maintenance Permission Lines (regardless of whether a purchase invoice has been created and posted)
Real Participation (1130)
The user manually fills in the deductible calculated by the insurance company (according to the final sheet received from the insurance company)
Reduction Amount
Calculated Field
Does the system automatically fill in the value from the "Reduction Amount" field from the insurance indemnity
The value represents unrecognized entries from the service invoice by the insurance company
Correction Amount
Possibility of recording the amount to make up the difference between the paid repair costs (purchase invoice from the service centre), the delivered insurance indemnity and the amount to be reinvoiced to the client (the given amount will remain an expense for the leasing company)
Total Correction
Does the system automatically fill in the amount that represents the sum of the fields:
Real Participation + Reduction Amount + Correction
Reinvoiced Amount excl. VAT VAT)
Calculated Field
Does the system automatically fill in the amount from the "Amount to Reinvoice" field from the Maintenance Permission Lines
Direct Reinvoiced Amount Excl. VAT
The user manually enters the amount of the cost of repairing the financed object that has not been applied to the insurance company, but has been reinvoiced directly to the client
Total Amount
The field shows a statement of costs and revenues
In case the value of the "Claim Form" field is:
<> from Book Value Residual Value, the system calculates the value of this field according to the formula:
Invoice Line Amount - Insurance Indemnity (LCY) - Actual Participation - Reduction Amount - Correction - Direct Reinvoicing to Client
= Book Value Residual Value, the system calculates the value of this field according to the formula:
Book Value of Financed Object + Invoice Line Amount - Insurance Indemnity (LCY) - Actual Participation - Reduction Amount - Correction - Wreck Price - Direct Reinvoiced to Client
Fin. Object Book Value
The system fills in the value by using the function from Fixed asset based on depreciation at the time the insurance claim was created. The field is still static with the possibility of editing by the user.
Does the system fill in the value from the asset card from the field Book value From the line with the code of the default depreciation book on the date of the insured event occurrence
The field is still static with the possibility of editing by the user
Insurance Indemnity Amount
Calculated Field
Does the system automatically fill in the value from the field Amount from the insurance indemnity
Insurance Indemnity Amount (LCY)
Calculated Field
Does the system automatically fill in the value from the field Amount (LCY) from the insurance indemnity
Contract Ending Date
Evidence Fields
Populated by the user
Object Removal Date
Evidence Fields
Populated by the user
Wreck Price
The value of the wreck calculated by the insurance company in the event of an insured event evaluated by the insurance company as a total loss
Populated by the user
Police Report Received Date
Evidence Fields
Populated by the user
Financial Settlement Limit Date
If the user enters the contract termination date, the system calculates the PV processing period from the date of termination and insurance settings. For example, in an insurance claim such as theft, the user entered the date of termination of the contract. Deadline for settling financial settlement in the insured event card = contract termination date + deadline for settling financial settlement (from insurance settings)
Financial Settlement Date
Evidence Fields
Populated by the user
Financial Settlement Customer Sent Date
Evidence Fields
Populated by the user
Financial Settlement Amount
Evidence Fields
Populated by the user
Archive Date
Evidence Fields
Populated by the user
In the event that a Financial Settlement is created for the insured event, the condition for the correct calculation of re-invoicing per client is the correct entry of the maintenance permission lines. On the Sale field Reinvoice Method. In case the reason for reinvoicing to the client on the allowance line is:
Abbreviation Insurance Indemnity
Reinvoicing will not be set up for the reduction amount on the service permission line. The amount will be reinvoiced from the financial settlement, where it will be debited from the insurance claims card
Direct reinvoicing to the client
Reinvoice Method = Mass Invoice
Customer Tab
Field description:
Company Identification No. (Registration No.)
Populates the system from the customer's card
Customer Balance (LCY)
Calculated Field
The system displays the customer's balance (unpaid customer entries for all contracts)
Contract Balance (LCY)
Calculated Field
The system displays the balance of the financing contract for which an insured event is created (unpaid customer entries filtered to the given financing contract)
Cust. Contract Person No.)
Contact person for resolving an insured event
Ability to select a contact from the Contacts list
The name of the customer's contact person (Cust. Contract Person Name)
The system fills in the name of the contact person, according to the selected contact person number
Non-editable field
Subject Tab
Field Values Subject It fulfills the system from the subject of financing.
Insurance Claim Notes
On the insurance claim card, the user can record notes on the insurance claim. The user enters the note from the FactBox by committing the character + In the Notifications (Notes). The system displays a window for entering a note for the insurance claim.
Comments can also be entered and displayed from the list of insurance claims.
Changing the Status of an Insured Claim
Changing the status of an insured event is done manually by the user.
With the change of PU state to the state Processed There is also a change in the status of the financing contract according to the settings in the table Types of Claimfield Change Financing Contract Status
If the field Change Financing Contract Status them:
A manual status change on the claims card will take place without triggering any further action
When manually changing the PU status to a state Processed The system will start Contract Status Change Wizard (detailed description of the change in the contract status in the documentation Contract Changes).
If the Change Contract Status Wizard is successful, the status on the Claims card will be changed
If the Contract Status Change Wizard is not successful or is cancelled, the status on the claim card will remain New
It is possible to record the devinculation of an insurance contract from the insurance claim card or from the insurance contract card. The list of invinculations is used only for record-keeping.
It is possible to record multiple devinculations for one insurance contract. It is possible to create a devinculation from the insurance claim card using the Devinculation. Once confirmed, the system will display the insurance devinculation card.
Field description:
No. (No.)
The system assigns an insurance devinculation number from the number series
Insurance Contract No.
Does the system fill in the insurance contract number from the insurance claim card
Financing Contract No.
Does the system fill in the Financing Contract No. from the Claims Card
Insurance Claim No.
Does the system fill in the number of the insured event from which the user creates a devinculation
Issue Date of Insurance
If the system fills the current date, the user can change the
Sent To Contact No.
The user selects the contact number of the insurance company/service to which the unblockage is sent
Field Value Options:
Blank (default value)
Approve with Budget
Disapproval with Budget
The user selects the status according to the decision to approve/disapprove the inculation