Insurance Indemnity
Insurance Indemnity List
An overview of insurance benefits can be viewed from the menu of the OneCore Rolcenter - Insurance via the option Insurance Claims/Indemnification or by searching for an overview of insurance claims through a magnifying glass.
Posting Insurance Indemnity to a Temporary Account
Incoming indemnity to the leasing company's bank account must be posted to the temporary indemnity account that is set up in the Insurance Setup like Temporary Indemnity Account.
Import Claim Payment From G/L
On the Insurance Claims List using the function Import Claim Payment From G/L The system imports (creates) the insurance claim posted on the temporary account.
After confirming the function, the system displays a dialog window in which it is possible to enter a filter for the Posting date, or other filters from general ledger entries. (it is better not to enter the filter for the posting date, so that the system works with all records according to the next procedure)
In "Insurance Settings", in the "Temporary Insurance Claim Account" field, the value must be, if it is not, the job is stopped. If set, then the system will create insurance claim entries from the items on the temporary account:
The function can be run repeatedly for the same period (posting date). When running the function, the system adds only records with a G/L entry number that does not exist from the list to the list of insurance claims. Thus, the task first sorts the insurance indemnity list by g/l entry number and finds the record with the highest g/l entry number. Subsequently, it goes to the list of general ledger entries and takes only records that have a higher item number than those already entered in the insurance indemnity list and there is a negative value on this record.
The user can also create an insurance claim card manually. After importing an incoming claim payment from the general ledger, you must then delete the manually created claim payment.
The user creates an insurance indemnity manually in the event of the termination of an insured event in the form of a cover sheet (the insurance indemnity was sent by the insurance company to the service account).
Indemnity Identification
To identify the data in the insurance claim and automatically match it with the insured event, use the Identification of insurance benefits.
The function can be started from the list of insurance claims.
After confirming the function, the system displays a dialog window in which it is possible to enter a filter for the Posting date or other filters from the insurance indemnity. (it is better not to enter the filter for the posting date, so that the system works with all records according to the next procedure).
The system filters the Insurance Indemnity Overview to Approved = No
When matching, the system takes the value from the Description 2 field on the insurance claim and then looks for this value in the insurance claims in the fields:
Insurance Company Claim No. or
POV Insurance Claim No.
In case he finds One insured event with the same description, writes the data from the insured event to the insurance claim card (i.e. insurance claim number, data related to the insurance contract, financing contract, financed object, customer, etc.)
Subsequently, they change the flag on the insurance indemnity Approved = Yes
Function Indemnity Identification can be run repeatedly by the user under the same defined conditions. Again, the system only goes through records that are flagged with Approved = No
In the event that when identifying an insurance claim, the system finds according to the pairing character (Description 2) more Matching Claims does not perform.
The user checks the unpaired claim and filters the text above the claims to find a duplicate claim
The user can manually add the claim number to the indemnity and change the flag status Approved to Yes.
Insurance claim card paired with insurance claim.
Insurance Claim Card
The Indemnity Card consists of three tabs:
General Tab
Field description:
No. (No.)
Insurance claim number assigned from the number series according to the settings
G/L Entry No.
G/L Entry No. That Is Assigned When Insurance Claims Are Posted
The value is fulfilled by the system when importing the claim payment
On a manually created insurance claim card, the field is blank
Insurance Claim No.
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Insurance Company No.
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Insurance Contract No.
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Financing Contract No.
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Description 1
When importing an insurance claim from the general ledger, does the system populate the value in the Description field
Description 2
The system fills in the numeric characters from the Description 1 field in the case of importing an insurance claim from the general ledger. In the case of manual indemnity, the user fills in the numeric characters from the insurance company's claim number
The field is used as a matching character in the case of automatic matching via the Insurance indemnity identification
When matching, the system looks for the value in the Description 2 field in the Insurance Company Claim No. field
Customer No.
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Customer Name
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Financed Object No.
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Chassis No. (VIN)
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Serial Number
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Car Registration Plate No.
Populates the system from the Claims Card when pairing the claim with an insured event
Posting Date
Populates the system when importing an insurance claim from the general ledger
Document Date
Populates the system when importing an insurance claim from the general ledger
Currency Code
Populates the system when importing an insurance claim from the general ledger
Does the system fill the amount of the received claim when importing the claim from the general ledger
Amount (LCY)
Does the system fill the amount of the received insurance claim in the local currency when importing the claim from the general ledger
The system switches to Yes after the insurance claim is matched with the claim via the Indemnity Identification
If the user has matched the indemnity with the claim manually (adding the claim number to the insurance claim card), change the value of the flag to Yes manually
Items that have a field value Yes already in the next run of the function Indemnity Identification with the same Posting Date are not included in pairing
Posted Amount
The system displays the amount of insurance indemnity booked per customer
Calculated Field from Customer Detail Entries
Posted Amount to Revenue
The system displays the amount of insurance indemnity booked in revenues
Calculated field from G/L Entries from the account set up in Insurance Settings, Revenue Account field for posting insurance indemnity to revenue
Remaining Amount
Does the system cover the difference between the amount of the indemnity and the amounts of the booked indemnity
Detailed Contract Status
Does the system fill the detailed status of the financing contract when pairing the claim with an insured event
Customer Tab
Field description:
Company Identification No. (Registration No.)
Fills the system when pairing an insurance claim with an insurance claim
VAT Registration No.
Fills the system when pairing an insurance claim with an insurance claim
Other Tab
User ticks as soon as the indemnity is settled
Evidence Fields
Settlement Date
Does the system fill the current date when the Completed field is checked
Responsible Person
The user fills in the name of the responsible person
This is a text entry
Settlement Comment
The user can enter text data
Insurance Company Comment
The user can enter text data
Reduction %
The user enters the amount of the insurance indemnity reduction by the insurance company in % after the delivery of the final sheet
Reduction Amount
The user enters the amount of the insurance indemnity reduction by the insurance company in the absolute amount after the delivery of the final sheet
The reduction amount is filled into the Insurance Claim Card and entered into the calculation of the field Total On the Insurance Indemnity Settlement
Reduction Reason
The user enters the reason (description) for the reduction
Evidence Text Field
Assessment Deliver To
The user fills in to whom the liquidation was handed over
Assessment Deliver Date
The user selects the date when the liquidation was delivered.
Insurance Indemnity Posting
On the insurance claim card in the main menu, under the button Process, is the button to settle the indemnity balance.
Create Application of Remaining Amount
The function is used to create a general journal entry for posting an insurance claim to the customer's balance.
The function can be started from the insurance claim card via Process/Create Aplication of Remaining Amount.
By clicking on the button, the system will display the following messages: "Create settlement of balance? Yes/No Balance has been entered in the general journal POJ_PLNENI POJ_PLNENI".
A line has been created in the general journal for the amount of the unposted insurance benefit. Field Value Description 2 from the insurance claim card is written into the External Document No. On the created line in the general journal for the option to automatically apply entries to the general ledger account (temporary insurance claim account and revenue account for insurance claim posting).
The user can change the amount of the insurance indemnity on the line.
General Journal
A line has been created in the general journal for the amount of unposted insurance benefits, which can be viewed using Process/General Journal.
Automatic Field Filling:
Posting Date
Date from Field Posting Date From the Insurance Claim Card
Document Type
External Document No.
Field Value Description 2 from the insurance indemnity
The field is used to automatically apply entries to the general ledger account (temporary claim account and revenue account for insurance claim posting)
Document No.
Insurance Claim No.
Account Type
Account No.
Customer No.
Field Value Description 1 from the insurance indemnity
Amount and Credit Amount
Field Value Amount from the insurance indemnity
Trade-in Account Type (Bal. Account Type)
G/L Account
Counter-Account No. (Bal. Account No.)
Temporary Account for Incoming Insurance Claims from Field Temporary Indemnity Account from Insurance Settings
Contract Code (Shortcut Dimension 2 Code)
The number of the financing contract for which the claim was created (Globálna dimezne 2 z Insurance Claim Payment Card)
The user can change the amount of the insurance indemnity for posting (Amount and Credit Amount) and run the function repeatedly to create another entry in the general journal.
After you post the created general journal entries, the posted amount is shown in the calculated field Posted Amount on the claim card and the amount in the Balance It is reduced by the amount charged. If the entire claim is posted, the value of the field Balance = 0.00.