Rim Discount

Rim Discount

Code list for recording rim discounts for the object category – Transportation Technology. It is used for operational leasing.

The relevant settings are available via the search: Rim Discounts

A new record can be created via the New button on the Action Pane.


  • Rim Code

    • selects by the user from the Rim Marks dial list

  • Rim Vendor Code

    • selected by the user from the Supplier List

  • Rim Vendor Name

    • completes the system automatically according to the vendor code

  • Purchase Discount %

    • to be filled in manually by the user

  • Valid From

    • The effective date from the given record in the table. It is completed manually by the user

  • Valid To

    • Valid date to the given record in the table. If the data is filled in with the < work date, the record will not be offered for work.