Calculation Base

Calculation Base

The Calculation Base code list is used to define fields from selected tables, which serve as bases for calculating payment dates, assigning an object to assets, etc.

The code list is available via full-text search: Calculation Base

A new entry can be entered via the "New" button on the Action Pane, or by directly entering a new row.


  • Code

    • It represents a unique code that the user enters manually. The code can be alphanumeric with a maximum length of 10 characters. We recommend creating it in such a way that it is easy to remember and helps the user identify what base it is by the code

  • Description

    • The user manually enters the description/title of the document

  • Table No.

    • The user selects the number of the table in which the field is located, which will be used as the basis for the calculation

  • Table Name

    • Fills in the system automatically according to the selected table number

  • Field No.

    • The user selects a field number from the table defined in the Table Number field, which will be used as the basis for the calculation

  • Field Name

    • Fills in the system automatically according to the selected field number.

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