Calculation Input Types

Calculation Input Types

The Calculation Input Type code list is used for recording calculation inputs and their parameterization – for the use of calculation inputs, see PD for calculations/contract.

It is not necessary to have any other dials set up for completion.

Calculation Input Types

Availability of the code list via magnifying glass, Manual Setup or Configuration Book, name Calculation Input Types. After confirming the selection, the Calculation Input Types report opens.


Gen. Groups and CI Type Relations

Accessible by button from Calculation Input Types.

Contains posting settings for each CI code. It is possible to set here whether a specific HF or CRC will be charged on the contract. The actual posting setup is done in the table OneCore Posting Setup and this setting should match the billing areas you chose.

If HF or CRC accounting is required, this setting must be done before calculation inputs are created on contracts!


  • General Bus. Posting Group (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)

    • select the General Business Posting Group for which you want to set up CI posting

  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group

    • select the General Posting Group for which you want to set up CI posting

  • Post calc. local input (Post Calc. Input Local)

    • specifies the possibility of direct posting of a specific CI for the local area (to local accounting)

  • Post Calc. Input IFRS (Post Calc. Input IFRS)

    • specifies the possibility of direct posting of a specific CI for the IFRS area (to IFRS accounting)

  • Calc. Inlet Accruals Local (Calc. Inp. Accruals Local)

    • It is used for a finer breakdown of specific types of CIs that are to be accrued (link to the Accruals Calculation Method Settings board, where only the combination of the variant of the calculation input and the type of calculation input is set), according to this setting, accrual lines for individual CIs are then created, which are then transferred to the Accruals Calendar according to the selected Accounting Area (local).

  • Calc. Inp. Accruals IFRS (Calc. Inp. Accruals IFRS)

    • It is used for a finer breakdown of specific types of CIs that are to be accrualed (link to the Accruals Calculation Method Setup board, where only the combination of the variant of the calculation input and the type of calculation input is set), according to this setting, accrual lines for individual CIs are then created, which are then transferred to the Accruals Calendar according to the selected Accounting Area (IFRS).