Use Job Queues To Schedule Tasks

Use Job Queues To Schedule Tasks

If you are assigned the SUPER permission set that is included with Business Central, you have permission to run all objects included in your license. If you have the delegated administrator role, you can create and schedule job queue items, but only administrators and licensed users can run them.

Repetitive job queues can affect performance, so you shouldn't run them too often. When you set how often you want a recurring task to run, try to set the time interval as large as possible. For example, if you're going to set the recurrence to five minutes, consider whether it can be 15 minutes or even once an hour. When planning for recurring job queues, consider which areas of your application will be affected by the job. Is this an area where many users work and will be affected by intense activity? Consider the length of time it takes to run a single job and the business motivation for running jobs at a given cadence.

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