Fuel Type

Fuel Type

Code list for recording fuel types to be entered into the catalogue card for the object category – Transportation Technology.

These settings are available via the search: Fuel Types.

A new record can be created via the New button on the Action Pane.


  • Code

    • It represents a unique code that the user enters manually. It is not possible to enter the same code twice. It can be numeric, text, or a combination of numbers and text with a maximum length of 10 characters. We recommend using codes that are easy to remember and describe the type of fuel.

  • Title

    • The user manually enters the name/description of the fuel type.

  • Imported

    • The system automatically ticks if the fuel type was added to the code list when importing catalogue cards.

  • Free of Road Tax

    • applies only to Czech legislation

    • User selects from Yes/No values

    • If Yes, the OC will not impose road tax on the item with the given type of fuel (i.e. the item with the given type of fuel is exempt from paying road tax).

    • If not, the item with that type of fuel is not exempt from paying road tax.

  • Letter of the Law

    • to be added by the user, displays the letter of the paragraph according to which the fuel is exempt from road tax.

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