Rent item creation in OC Rental App

Rent item creation in OC Rental App

Working in Rental company required to register items which are intended for rent. In Rental App are 3 ways how to create rent item:

  • create Rent Item from Item

  • create Rent Item from Fixed asset

  • create Rent Item manually

Create Rent Item from Item or Fixed Asset

In section Actions click on button Rent Item. Remember, that before creating Rent Item from Item or Fixed asset you have to be sure that Item or Fixed Asset are already created, for more information see How to create Item and How to create Fixed Asset.


After clicking you will see Rent Item Card, which consists parts as General, Rent Item,Insurance and Management.

In section General No. of Rent Item is generated automatically according to numbering.

During creating Rent Item is important to distinguish between Items and Fixed Assets.

  • In case you want to create Rent Item from Item, search in field Item No.

  • In case you want to create Rent Item from Fixed Asstet, search in field Fixed Asset No.



The field Rent Item situated on Item or Fixed Asset Card must be turned on. If it's turned off, the Item or Fixed Asset can not be rented!

For created Rent Items must be selected Tariff Group, Tariff Subgroup and Pricelist Code.

Item Status - read-only field which is showing the reflection of what is happening with Rent Item on current Work Date. There are several options: "Not Assigned", "Reservation", "Cancel Reservation", "Rent", "Return", "Cancel Rent", "Close", "Invoiced", that are described in table below.


Example how works field Item Status

Rent Item no.

Reservation/Rent No.

Rent Date and Time

Contract status

Item status on current work date 9.10.24




5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

Contract not created

Not Assigned




5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

Reservation new

Not Assigned




5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

Reservation Released


Item is available for rent from 9.10.24, 7:01



5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

a) Reservation Canceled

Cancel Reservation

Reservation was canceled 9.10., 9:22 - item is possible to rent anytime (past, future)



5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

b) Make Rent / Rent in state New


Reservation will be find under scope Reservation Closed



5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

Rent New

Not Assigned

New rent VP2100315 is possible to make with the same item. After Make Rent with this item



5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

Rent Released


Rent item is not available to select during creation of new rent within the rented dates of released rent. But it is possible to create Rent New (VP2100317) with selection of dates Rent From/Rent To outside of rented period of released rent. In case there was alredy created rent (VP2100316), which includes the same item already used in Released rent, it is displayed message (in both cases) after clicking on Release button: "Rent Item No. R00318 is still rented in the contract no. VP2100314!"



5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

Create invoice / Rent in state Released


In case we create new rent VP2100320 with Rent From - Rent To after the period where was item released we are able to create new rent with this item but rent wont be possible to release, because message appears: "Rent Item No. R00319 is still rented in the contract no. VP2100318!"



5.10.24, 7:00 - 9.10.24, 7:00

a) Cancel Rent / Rent in state Cancelled

Cancel Rent

Credit note was not created, it is possible to cancel invoiced rent. Possible to release rent VP2100320.



Returned 9/10/24 11:18:10

b) Finish Whole Rent / Rent in state Finished


VP2100323 - Released Rent created with  R00321, R00322 (return time considered)



Returned 9/10/24 10:05:18

Create invoice / Rent in state Invoiced

Not Assigned

VP2100323 - Released Rent created with  R00321, R00322 (return time considered)

Follow up:

How to do basic setup of OneCore Rental App

How to create Item

How to create Fixed Asset

How to work with Units

How to create Reservation

How to create Rent - workflow