Import Rent Items
Import Rent Items from Items
You have ability to make bulk import of Rent Items from Items via following function available on Rent Item Card/Actions/Import/Import from Item (Fixed Assets)
If we have available such items, which have following parameters
Rent Item = Yes, Max. Rent Item Count ≤ Quantity on Hand
and Rent items were not yet created from all of available amount saved in field Max. Rent Item Count, then clicking on button Import Items creates:
detected missing number of Rent Items (without tariff group, tariff subgroup, pricelist), e.g. if Max. Rent Item Count = 100 and the detected number of Rent Items already created is 89, import function creates 11 new Rent Items
at the same time, the entry will be created into to the Package Item table
After running an import function, confirmation message appears
In Rent Items list is possible to see created items without pricelist setup
Import Rent Items from Fixed Asset
This function finds all Fixed Assets that have setup Rent Item = YES and Rent Item Created = NO, that are active and not blocked
After clicking on Actions/Import from FA
Confirmation message appears
it will be created ONE Rent Item for each Fixed Asset found (without tariff group, tariff subgroup, pricelist ). Tickbox Rent Item Created will be changed to YES
For creating new rent item, don't forget to fill Tariff Group, Tariff Subgroup and Pricelist Code.
Create more Rent Items with Pricelist setup
If you want to create more rent items just in a few clicks, click on Import Items with Setting.
Then choose the Item, from which you want to create Rent Item, define the tariff group, subgroup, pricelist and other data. Also enter the number of Rent Items, which have to be created (the system check the maximum rent item count from item card).