Rent workflow in OC Rental app

Rent workflow in OC Rental app

In this chapter is described the whole rent process. In case you want to make reservation before rent, see How to create Reservation.

Creation of new Rent

For creating new rent click on button Rent situated in section Actions or use Item Utilization.


Then you will see Rent Card where you fill all important information about rent:


In case Monthly rent is turned on, the price of rent item is reflected from the price list setup into rent.

Taking over protocol of the rent item

When the customer has decided to rent the rent item and take it, you are able to check the state of the rent item. All the information you can add into Handover Protocol.



Before renting, go to section Taking-Over and enter current state of the rent item.


In case you want to preview, print or send protocol to customer, click on Print Protocol.


In status Rents - new you are enable to change values in fields as Tariff [Month], Tariff [Day] and Tariff [Hour]. The system then calculates with new tariff values and is reflected into Rent contract and invoicing as well.


Release of rent item

When taking over protocol is filled, then you can oficially rent the rent item by clicking on button Release.


In status Rent - Released you can change the rent item amount anytime by using wizard named Change Tariff. Just enter Tariff Change Date and Tariff [Day] and the system will calculate with the new tariff.




Returning protocol of the rent item

When the rent of rent item expires, you can check its current status.

Go to section Rents - Released, open concretely rent and click on Handover Protocol. Then scroll down into part Returning and fill important data about date and time of returned rent item.



You are able to note the damage on concretely rent - click on Manage and Damages. This damage is also reflected into damaged rent item (on rent item card) and into handover protocol.


Finishing of whole rent

When you want to finish the rent of rent item, go to section Rent - Released and choose concretely rent. Then go to Process and click on Finish Whole Rent.


Invoicing of the rent

At the end of the rent, you can invoice to customer. Go to section Rent - Finished, open concretely rent, click on button New and choose Create Invoice (or Create Fee if you want). You can also post it.


Posted invoiced amount is possible to check directly on Rent Card for all rent items. For particular item there is visible also some additional information for each rent line, e.g. free units, consumed units, etc.




A typical workflow, including detailed information about the Rental app, is shown in the video:

Follow up:

How to do basic setup of OneCore Rental App

How to create Rent Item

How to create Fixed Asset

How to create reservation

How to work with Units

Mass invoices/credit memo sending

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