Invoicing in OC Rental App

Invoicing in OC Rental App

You are able to generate the invocice for rent in status Rent - released (so the invoice has data from the beginning of the rent) and Rent - finished (so the invoice has real data in case rent dates were changed or pro-long).

Standard invoicing

In Rental App create invoice when the rent was finished. Go to Rents - finished and click on button Create Invoice in ribbon New.


You find this invoice on Rent Card in field Invoice Count.

Monthly invoicing

In Rental App is possible to create long term rents, it means rentals which last more than one month.

The list of your long term rents is shown in the upper part of the main page, under the button Lonterm Rents.



All rentals shown in longterm rents you also find under Rents - Released.

After clicking on button Create Invoice the system creates the invoice for one month (from the first day till the last day of rent in concretely month).

The list of all invoices is available on Rent Card under the Posted Invoice Count.

Mass invoicing

In Rental App is possible to post more invoices at once. Search Mass invoicing rental.

Then fill the table by your conditions. In picture below you can see the example, when you create invoices with posting date till 01.06.2023.

After this action you will see the number of issued invoices. If there will be error, it means none of invoices meet your conditions.


In case you leave fields empty, system will create invoices to all customers and all contracts untill specified last posting date.

Automatic mass invoicing

If you want the system to create and post invoices regularly, e.g. on a monthly basis, search Job Queue Entries:

To create new job queue, click on the button New:

In the field Object ID To Run choose ID 70502803 (Mass Invoicing Rental).

In the section General you enter basic parameters for selected job queue, Earliest Start Date/Time included.

In the section Recurrence specify how often to repeat the job queue (in this case every month at 10 o'clock).

On the top bar switch job queue states - to start the job, click on the button Set Status To Ready.


This job goes through all the rents in the Released and Finished status and creates and posts invoices for each rental.

Additional fees

In case you want to add some additional fee, go to Rents - finished and click on button Create Fee in ribbon New.

In section Fee Detail provide Posting Date, Fee Type, Amount and Description.

You find this invoice on Rent Card in field Invoice Count.

Follow up:

Mass invoices/credit memos sending

How to create reminder in general

How to create reminder in detail

How to set up posting