Working with units in OC Rental App

Working with units in OC Rental App

In practice, we often encounter cases where rental companies rent items for which they define units of measurement. This happens mainly when they invoice the number of units consumed in addition to the rental.

In the Rental App, we're prepared for such cases. See the example below:

For this example, we have chosen a generator as the subject of the rent. Its unit of measure is the hour - so on the Item card, in the field Base Unit of Measure, we choose the hour. Click on new to create your unit of measure.


Units Count

There is a field Units Count in the general section of the Rent Item Card - this indicates the number of units that have been consumed so far. This entry represents the initial status for the next rent item. In the case of the first rental, the status is zero.



Units Count = the sum of units consumed for all previous rents. The value is automatically increased by consuming additional units.

The initial state of consumed units is also displayed on the Rent Card - press CTRL + ALT + F1 at the same time, click in the rental rows area, and type unit. In the table on the right, you will find all the data about the status of the consumed units.


Price per Unit

On the Tariff Pricelist Card, concretely in the Tariff Pricelist Subform, there is the field Price per Unit Over Limit. Complete this field if you want to invoice consumed units in addition to billing the rental of the item.


If you don't see the Price Per Unit Over Limit field, on the top bar select Personalize - Add Field - click in the Tariff Pricelist Subform area and drag and drop the field from the right table down into the rows.



You can also set free units in the price list - this allows the customer to use a certain amount of units for free. If this amount is exceeded, the system will automatically invoice the extra amount as part of the rental invoice.

Rental contract with units

In this example, we will create a monthly generator rent. We will also be interested in the number of units that are consumed within the rent. As we can see, the initial state of the object is 150 hours (see picture abowe).

Then change the rent status from New to Released.

We will then go through the Handover Protocol. We fill in the date and time of the return, if applicable, and other data. The Handover Protocol Subform section is important - specifically the Unit Status [Returning] field. In it, we see the status in which we received the item for use. However, we will enter the state in which we are returning the item. In this case, we enter the number of hours the generator has produced (250 hours).

In this case, the system calculates the number of hours that were produced within the rental (250 -150 = 100 hours). It then calculates these 100 hours at the rate of 5 that we entered in the price list. This amount will be part of the rental invoice.


Invoicing of units consumed

In the end, we Finish Whole Rent and Finish Invoicing.


The invoice shows separately the amount for the rental of the item and the units consumed. Given that the Price per Unit Over Limit is 5 and 100 units have been consumed, the final amount is 500.


Posting of units consumed

In the Rent General Posting Setup, you set the account to which the consumed units will be posted - specifically in the Billed Units field.


How to create Rent Item

How to create Item

How to do basic setup of OneCore Rental App

How to create Reservation

How to create Rent - workflow


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