How to do basic setup of OC Rental App

How to do basic setup of OC Rental App

In Rental App is important to set up basic parameters, which will be reflected into process of creating items, reservations and rents as default.

It's possible to set up 6 parameters in section Settings:

  • Rent Module Setup

  • Rent Posting Setup

  • Tariff Groups

  • Tariff Subgroups

  • Tariff Pricelist

  • Rent Item Locations

In the picture below is shown the place, where you can find this settings.


Rent Module Setup

Warning Interval For Insurance Ending - the number of days remaining until the insurance expires. The system displays a message if the object is offered for rent before the end insurance validity date.

Mechanic Resource Group - the field is used to set the resource group for mechanics. Selection of particular mechanic is based on values defined in Resources table. For created Resource is possible to set Mechanic Resource Group. Values ​​are then possible to select on the rent line in fields Rent Item Apposition [Mechanic] and Rent Item Pickup [Mechanic].

Reason Code for Invoice - specifies the reason code which will be then displayed in field “Reason” on the invoice screen.

Rent before return days - it is in formula to calculate records in Tile “Rent before returns”.

Tile “Rent before return” filters those rents, where Rent To [Date] is Work date (which is set in Settings) decreased by number of days which are set in field.

Note: In case of change the no. of days before return, the number displayed on tile can be updated after page reload. In case of testing environment is needed rollcentrum update (CTRL + F5).

Allow Edit Handover Protocol for Invoiced Rent - if turned on, you will be able to edit Handover Protocol after you have created final invoice. Be aware that if rent was invoiced, you are able to edit returning date and time, but this modification does not change invoiced amount. It will appear only in printout.



Numbering, Dimensions, Email

In numbering and Dimension fast tab is possible to select default Numbering and Dimensions into fields displayed on screenshot. In the Email section, there is a predefined email body in connection with sending rental invoices by emails.




Rent Posting Setup

By combining Gen. Bus. Posting Group and Gen. Prod. Posting Group set relevant accounts where individual rental items are billed:


Tariff Groups

Here you have ability to create tariff groups by your requirements. Tariff groups represents categories of items and are intended for for better distinction between them.


Tariff Subgroups

You can create subgroups for individual tariff groups. Tariff subgroups represents subcategories of tariff groups and in this place you can define the items in more detail.


Tariff Pricelist

Based on combination of tariff groups and tariff subgroups create tariff price lists. Individual amounts will be reflected into process of creating rent automatically.

You have to fill at least one row in Tariff Pricelist Subform. The system need to know tariff day for detail calculation.



To link the price list with the item, don't forget to select the Pricelist Code in the specific rental item on the Rent Item Card.


Rent Item Locations

Define the Code, Place and Description of rent items locations.


You have ability to edit this general set up also in concretely reservation or rent according to your parameters.

Follow up:

How to create rent item

How to create new reservation

How to create rent - workflow

How to work with Units

Mass invoices sending

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