How to do basic setup of OC Loans App

How to do basic setup of OC Loans App

It's possible to do basic setup of Loans App in section OneCore Setup. In OneCore Setup you manage the basic conditions and terms such as posting, guarantee types, contract documents, branches, contract transfer reasons, sale codes, numbering, non-working days, public holidays and withdrawal slips.

The setup could be done by the wizard or manually from Setup menu.


There are 2 parts of OneCore Setup - From the upper menu section and card sections.

OneCore setup upper menu section

  • OneCore Posting Setup

The posting setting is described here.

  • Guarantee types

The list of Guarantee types used in financing contract. All guarantees which are set up in this section, you can choose during the process of the loan creating. New types are added by button New.

  • Contract Documents

It is possible to set up the process of automatic assigning required contract documents.

contract documents.png


List of documents can be automatically assigned to contract based (Checkbox Automatically Assign to Contract) on selected Legal Form (Legal Entity, Individual Non-Entrepreneur, Individual Entrepreneur). We can setup in which contract status is needed to approve the contract and system notify user during contract status change in case document was not approved yet.

Manually can be added into contract only documents that meet the filter of Legal Form.


  • Branches

The list of Internal or External branches of your company.

  • General Terms and Conditions

Specifies general terms and conditions of the Loans.

  • Contract Transfer Reasons

The contract could be transferred from different reasons (as insolvency, takeover, death,..). There is the list of these reasons. The new one could be added by the button New.

  • Standard Sale Codes OneCore


OneCore setup card section


  • Contract Dimension Code - to set up Dimension in financing contract e.g. CONTRACT

  • Default Offer Validity Period - how long is the offer valid

  • Initial Fee Payment Terms - Default Payment Term for the Initial Fee Invoice

  • Initial Fee Standard OneCore Sales Code - Default Sales Code for the Initial Fee Invoice



The numbering of Contracts allows you to use default values or change the numbers codes in Calculation status and Guarantees for contract.

It is done in "No. Series List" table where you can create new series number for documents by button New.

It is neccesary to set up by making the selection active if the numbering of documents (No. Series) would be done automatically by the system - Default Nos. or manually Manual Nos..

  • Starting No. - it is used for first document number. If the numbering is "Default Nos" the system will automatically increments the document number by one.

  • Ending No. - if it is filled the system notifies you of the ending series.


Contract Transfer

It is possible to define Transfer Fee Payment Term and Transfer Fee Standard OneCore Sales Code in case of Contract Transfer.

For more information follow How to work with contract changes.


Non-working days

The system offers you the possibility to setup:

  • working and non-working days

  • all public holidays

to calculate Due Date in Payment calendar as first working day after standard calculated Due Date according to the Contract payment term. To set up non-working days, put button on. To set up holidays, choose exact day from the calendar and write short description (as 1/1/2022 - New Year)

For more information follow How to set up working days, public holiday.



  • Allow Non-Standard Posting - if turned on, the control of total amount of loan is turn off

  • Payment Terms Source for Individual Invoices - the possibility to choose whether the individual invoice reflects a payment term from the customer or from the contract



Posting Cancellation

In this part define the Custom Charge Statement text which will appear on the credit memo.


This text will then appear on the posted credit memos automatically.




Setup for closing is described here.



Here you can choose which reports you want to save in the attachment table on a specific contract.


Withdrawal Slip - don't use

This functionality should be for confirmation of providing loan amount on customer account. Is currently not developed, we only prepared fields in case some customization will be needed. The purpose of this functionality could be following:

Clearing account will be inserted into field Temp Receivable Account. This account will be used as clearing account for booking credit memo.

setup for iws.png


Financing product will be created with boolean Issue Withdrawal Slip = Yes which ensures no Initial Fee will be inserted during loan creation.


For posting drawing of the Loan, the Credit memo feature will be used as follows:

  1. Loan creation

  2. Contract activation

  3. Actions/Create Credit Memo > Credit Memo is created with amount of Principal Amount and account is set the account which is set in OneCore Posting Setup

We suggest to leave setup for Issue Withdrawal Slip empty until your partner will prepare customized development according client needs.

Follow up:


How to create calculation in general

How to create customer

How to set up posting

How to set up change log


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