Report Customer Liability
Generating a Liability Report is located: Reports – Customer Liability Report.
After launching the report, the Request Form dialog window is displayed, where it is possible to set the filtering of the report and whether we want to send the report, print it, or display only the "preview" in the OC.
Bookmark Customer
Set the filter to the customer numbers that you want to appear in the report. If the field is not filled in, the system will generate a report for all customers in the company
From a performance point of view, we recommend that you always filter report generation – for example: Number = "01121212", or Number = "01121212|01445544"
Add Filter
To generate the report, it is possible to add any other filter to customers from all fields of the Customer table to generate the report, for example: TIN, Title, Addressetc.
Bookmark Customer Liability
By default, the filter is not filled in, it is possible to set filters on records in the table: Customer Liabilityto be included in the report
With the help of a filter, you can set, for example: Financing Type = Financial lease (only financial lease contracts appear in the report), or Liability Amount (LCY) <> 0 (the report will show contracts that have a liability different from zero), etc.
After you confirm the Preview and Close button or select an output format, the system displays a report that contains:
Report Header
The report header states:
Report Name
The name of the DB where the report was created
List of Applied Filters
Generation Date
ID of the user who generated the report
The current page that is displayed
Report Body
It contains the number and name of the customer for whom the records and the names of each column in the report are displayed. The values are taken from the table: Customer Liability, in the chapter: Liability Calculation The calculation of each field is described in more detail:
Financing Type
Financing Contract No.
Currency of the Financing Contract
Residual Value
Object Purchase Price
Liability Amount
Debit without Interest (LCY)
Open Entries (LCY)
Liability (LCY) – Calculation: Debit without Interest (LCY) + Open Items (LCY)
Footer of the line-up:
It contains a line: "Total" where the summary value of the liability for the given customer is stated, i.e. the sum from the contracts displayed in the report, according to the set filters.