Financed Object Card

Financed Object Card

The Financed Object Card contains detailed identification of the object, data on the acquisition and registration of the object, detailed technical data, etc. It is created when you create a financing contract from a catalogue card.

The structure of the card is described below.

Course Factboxes

Item Fact Boxes are used to quickly display the main data of the financed object or the contract of the given object.

They are/are not displayed depending on the contract flag Financing with Services Y/N – the description is given separately for each fact box:

Object Identification

  • Faktbox is always displayed.

Contract Details

  • Faktbox is always displayed.

Contract Services

  • Faktbox is displayed only for contracts with Financing with services=Y.

Object Prices Excl. VAT

  • Faktbox is displayed only for contracts with Financing sel services=Y.

Utilization of services

  • Faktbox is displayed only for contracts with Financing sel services=Y.

General Tab

The General tab contains basic information about the financed object. Most of them are downloaded from the catalogue card.


  • Number

    • Object number. Fills in BC automatically, Number smlouvy_01, without the possibility of editing (depending on the settings)

  • Financing Contract No.

    • Completes BC automatically, without the possibility of editing

  • Object Contracts

    • BC automatically completes the number of contracts for the object (if the body number on the object is empty, it gives a value of 1. Otherwise, it searches by the same body number). 

  • Catalogue Card No.

    • The number of the catalogue card from which the item was created

  • Contract Status

    • Completes BC automatically, without the possibility of editing

  •  Detailed Contract Status

    • Completes BC automatically, without the possibility of editing

  • Detail Object Status Code

    • Non-editable for single-object contracts, to be added by OC when changing the detailed status of the contract

    • Editable for multi-subject contracts 

  • Last Object Status Change Date

    • Completes BC automatically, without the possibility of editing

  • Expiration date

    • Non-editable for single-object contracts, to be added by OC when changing the detailed status of the contract

    • adds OC when changing the detailed contract status for multi-object contracts, if the previous det. Object status was not flagged Early Terminated=A, After Financial Settlement=A or After Archiving=A. Editable for Multiple Object Contracts

  • Financial Settlement Date

    • Non-editable for single-object contracts, to be added by OC when changing the detailed status of the contract

    • adds OC when changing the detailed contract status for multi-object contracts, if the previous det. Object status was not flagged Early Terminated=A, After Financial Settlement=A or After Archiving=A. Editable for Multiple Object Contracts

  • Archive Date

    • Non-editable for single-object contracts, to be added by OC when changing the detailed status of the contract

    • will be added to the OC when changing the detailed contract status for multiple subject contracts, if the previous det. the status of the object was not flagged Early Terminated=A, After Financial Settlement=A and/or After Archiving=A. Editable for Multiple Subject Contracts

  • Object Category

    • Adds BC automatically, without the possibility of editing (e.g. Vehicle), from the catalogue card

  • Homologation Class

    • Completes BC automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. M1)

  • Commodity Code

    • Adds BC automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. LTT)

  • Commodity Name

    • Completes BC automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. M1)

  • Group

    • Group code, BC will be added automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. OSOB_VOZ)

  • Group Name

    • Adds BC automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing

  • Make

    • Make code, BC will fill in automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. DACIA)

  • Brand Name

    • Brand name, BC will be added automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. Dacia)

  • Model Line

    • Model line code, BC will fill in automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. DUSTER)

  • Model Line Name

    • The name of the model line, BC will be added automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. Duster)

  • Model

    • Model code, BC fills in automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. DUSTER SD)

  • Model Name

    • Model name, BC is added automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing (e.g. Duster SD)

  • Model Type

    • Model type code, fills in BC automatically, without the possibility of editing (e.g. 1.5 DCI A0)

  • Model Type Name

    • Model type name, BC fills in automatically, without the possibility of editing (e.g. 1.5 dCi Arctica Music)

  • Launch of the model

    • Completes OC from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing

  • Model Year

    • Completes OC from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing

  • Subgroup

    • Adds OC from the catalogue card, with the possibility of editing

  • Subgroup Name

    • Subgroup name, BC will be added automatically from by type, without the possibility of editing

  • Species

    • Course type, BC will be completed automatically from the catalogue card, with the possibility of editing

  • Model Name

    • Species name, fills in BC automatically according to the species, without the possibility of editing

  • Object Usage Type for Insurance

    • By default, it fills OC according to OneCore settings. Editable.

    • Changed by the user, if the item is used otherwise as a standard use, the value has an impact on the insurance rate.

  • Object Usage Method

    • By default, OC fills the value from the wizard if it is not empty in the wizard

    • If the value is empty in the wizard, then it fills in the value that has Default=Y in the table Ways of using the financed object. It will then update it according to the Fuel Type if Free of Tax=Y is set on the Fuel Type.

    • Changes the user to a different value, if necessary. A vehicle despite this field may be exempt from road tax.

    • When the value changes, and if the vehicle does not have a Fuel Type with Free of Road Tax=Y, the system will automatically update the fields Exempt from Tax and Letter of the Tax Exemption Act.

    • CZ localization only (Luxury tax): When changing the value and then updating the page (F5, or switching to another tab – the check does not take place immediately after the change of the value in the field, but only after this update, or saving the record!) checks whether it is the case for the unclaimed part of VAT

      • For calculations/contracts that are in a lower status as Active, the system detects whether it is necessary to automatically create/delete a calculation input for the unused part of VAT. The criteria for the unclaimed part of VAT are as follows:

        • System Work Date => "VAT Limitation Valid From" (set in OneCore Settings) and

        • Financing Type= Operative Leasing and

        • Catalogue Group Code of the course has "Maximum price for VAT"<>0 (this value is then compared with the purchase price, if the purchase price is higher than the setting in the category of the card, then it meets the criterion for the unclaimed part of VAT) and

        • The value of the "Calculate limitation for VAT" field in the Financed Object Metod Usage table

      • Subsequently, it is necessary to start the recalculation of the installments on the contract

      • For contracts that are in the Active status, the system will not automatically delete or create the calculation input for the unclaimed part of VAT, it will only display an informative message if the calculation input should have been created/deleted: Check and edit calculation inputs due to legal restrictions (luxury tax).

      • The user then has to manually adjust the calculation inputs.

      • The criteria for the unclaimed part of VAT are as follows:

        • Handover Date in Contract => "VAT Limitation Valid From" (set in OneCore Settings) and

        • Financing Type= Operative Leasing and

        • Catalogue Group Code of the course has "Maximum price for VAT"<>0 (this value is then compared with the purchase price, if the purchase price is higher than the setting in the category of the card, then it meets the criterion for the unclaimed part of VAT) and

        • The value of the "Calculate limitation for VAT" field in the Financed Object Metod Usage table

  • Free of Tax

    • It fills the OC automatically according to the Method of Use, then according to the Fuel Type if the fuel type is set to Free of Road Tax=Y (e.g. electric according to Czech legislation).

  • Letter of the Tax Exemption Act

    • It fills the OC automatically according to the Method of Use, then according to the Fuel Type if the fuel type is set to Free of Road Tax=Y (e.g. electric according to Czech legislation).

  • Third-party liability

    • Fills OC automatically from the catalogue card

    • Set value A if object is subject to third-party insurance

    • Editable

  • Name 1

    • Does OC automatically fill in the value of Group Description

  • Name 2

    • Does OC automatically fill in the value from the Make

  • Name 3

    • Does the OC automatically fill in the value of Model Name

  • Name 4

    • Fills in the OC automatically with the value of Model Type Name

  • Title

    • Does OC automatically fill in the value from Name 1+Name 2+Name 3+Name 4 (Category=Vehicle) or Name 1+Name 2+Subgroup Description+Type Name (Machine)

  • Customer-Contact No.

    • Completes OC automatically, without the possibility of editing

  • Driver No.

    • The user can create and assign a driver to an object in the Object Driver History (from the contact persons of the customer contact who have Driver=Y)

    • The field displays the last entry from the Driver History

    • If there is an unblocked fuel card for the item, the change will be written to the fuel card

  • Driver Name

    • Automatically fills in the OC with the driver's name from the Driver History

  • Actual Market Value

    • Adds BC automatically, if the functionality is used, to a non-user-editable field

  • Actual Market Value Date

    • The BC will add the date automatically, according to the system date of entering the market price

Purchasing Tab

In the acquisition tab, data related to the acquisition of the financed object are recorded. Some of these data can be filled in by the user in the wizard for creating an offer and others can be filled in directly on the financing object card.


  • Vendor No.

    • To be completed by user (mandatory value for contract activation)

  • Vendor Name

    • displays BC automatically according to Vendor No.

  • Vendor Business Place No.

    • To be completed by the user from the vendor's business locations

  • Vendor Business Place Name

    • displays BC automatically according to the vendor's business location number

  • Order Code

    • Fills in the OC automatically from the catalogue card, without the possibility of editing

    • It is used when ordering an object

  • Vendor Offer No. (ENG: Vendor Offer No., SK: Vendor Offer No.)

    • The name of the vendor's file. The file must be located on the storage that is specified in OneCore Settings.

    • On the Editable tab

  • Object Order E-mail Address (SK: E-mail Address for Object Orders)

    • It is tightened to the purchase order of the subject, then when the email order is sent to the email

    • Lookup to the Object Order E-mail Address table (from the vendor) with the filters enabled:

      • Record Type=Vendor

      • Number=Vendor No.

      • Tag Code=Subject Tag Code or an empty field (i.e. the user can select an email address with the same tag or with a blank one).

    • If only one record is matched, the OC will be completed automatically if the Vendor No. on the object is selected.

  • Requested Delivery Date

    • The user manually fills in the requested delivery date. This date is then applied to the item/additional equipment purchase order

  • Purchase Order No. (ENG: Purchase Order No., SK: Purchase Order No.)

    • Displays the purchase order number (not cancelled) of the financing object, if any

  • Object Purchase Order Count (ENG: Object Purchase Order Count)

    • Calculated field, number of item purchase orders (including canceled)

  • Equipment Purchase Order Count (ENG: Equipment Purchase Order Count)

    • Calculated field, number of additional equipment purchase orders from other vendors (including canceled)

  • Confirmed Delivery Date (ENG: Confirmed Delivery Date)

    • Shows the value of the confirmed delivery date from the item purchase order (if specified on the order)

  • Expected Handover Date to Customer (SK: Predkládaný datum dodanie zákazníkovi)

    • Shows the value of the confirmed delivery date from the item purchase order (if specified on the order)

  • Purchase Type

    • User selects from values (Standard, Resale, Leaseback)

    • If Releasing Excluding VAT=Y, the field will be manually non-editable.

  • Releasing Excluding VAT (VAT)

    • The value is taken from the financing product

    • The field is non-editable

    • If flag "Leaseback exempt from VAT" = Yes, it is not possible to set flag VAT Special Mode to Yes.

  • Leasing with delivery of goods

    • Used in financial leasing with delivery of goods.

    • It is filled with a wizard to create a calculation/contract without services from the used Financing Product when creating a subject to the contract

    • Non-editable.

  • Used Financed Object

    • Y/N, adds wizard to create calculation

  • VAT Special Mode

    • A/N - for SK: par. 66, for CZ: means that the leasing company is not entitled to deduct VAT (i.e. the rate is 0%). However, at the output, VAT is calculated via the standard rate. According to this parameter, the BC determines the method of calculating VAT for installments.

  • Individual Import

    • Y/N, to be completed by the user.

  • Object ESG

    • Y/N, adds wizard to create calculation

    • Evidence Fields

    • Editable, user can change

  • Total Object Lifetime in Months

    • fills in the OC automatically from the catalogue card

    • Note: It is assessed in operating leases from the perspective of IFRS

  • Object Handover Address Code

    • to be completed by the user from the customer's alternate addresses

  • Object Placement Address Code

    • to be completed by the user from the customer's alternate addresses

  • Expected Handover Date

    • fills in BC automatically from the field of the same name from the contract. If there is a change in the contract, it will be automatically adjusted on the subject as well. User. non-editable.

  • Object Handover Date

    • fills in BC automatically from the field of the same name from the contract. If there is a change in the contract, it will be automatically adjusted on the subject as well. User. non-editable.

  • Expected Termination Date

    • fills in BC automatically from the field of the same name from the contract. If there is a change in the contract, it will be automatically adjusted on the subject as well. User. non-editable.

  • Item No.

    • Empty by default, editable (like other fields on the card in relation to change copy, variants, etc.

    • Lookup to Item(27), Item List(31,List) with Blocked(54)=N

    • The user selects the item number manually.

  • Fixed Asset No.

    • Empty by default, non-editable

    • The asset card number is completed by the Build Fixed Assets Cards task or the FA Card Transfer task.

Registration Data Tab

The Registration Data tab contains data on the registration of the financed object. Some of these data can be filled in by the user in the wizard for creating an offer, but most of them can be filled in directly on the Financed Object card after receiving the Technical Certificate of the Financed Object.


  • Licence Plate No.

  • Chassis No. (VIN)

    • To be entered manually by the user

  • Serial number

    • To be entered manually by the user

  • Object Owner

    • The value is filled in after creating a calculation from the API Financing Product Type (4026652)) from the Object Owner field.

    • The user can change the value and choose from the options Leas.spol./Customer/Other Subject. By default, Leas.spol.

  • Owner No.

    • Editable if Object Owner=Other Subject

    • selected by user if Object owner = Other subject

    • for other values Object owner not editable

  • Owner Name

    • Editable if Object Owner = Other Subject and Object Owner Number =empty

    • Adds OC automatically according to the owner's number

    • If the owner number is empty, the user can enter the name manually.

  • Operator

    • The value is filled in after creating a calculation from the API Financing Product Type (4026652)) from the Operator field.

    • The user can change the value and select from the following options: Leas.company/Customer/Other entity. By default, Leas.spol.

    • if there are services in the contract (for contracts with Financing with Services=Y):

      • When changing from Leas.spol. to a different OC value deletes services (if they exist and if Contract Status<Active and Service Status<Active apply):

        • Service Type = Road Tax and

        • Service type=Fee type= Radio licence fee and/or Television licence fee

        • When changing from a different value to Leas.spol. displays the message: It is necessary to create a service for MV Tax, Radio Fee or TV Fee.

    • When changing the value from Other Entity to another value, it automatically deletes the values Operator No., Operator Name, Operator's Business Place No. and Operator's Business Place Name

  • Operator No.

    • Editable if Operator=Other Subject

    • selected by the user if it is Operator=Other Subject

    • non-editable for other values of the Operator

  • Operator Name

    • Editable if Operator=Other Subject and Operator No.=empty

    • Fills in the OC automatically according to the operator's number

    • If the operator number is empty, the user can enter the name manually.

  • Operator's Business Place No.

    • selected by the user if it is Operator=Other Subject

    • non-editable for other values of the Operator

  • Operator's Business Place Name

    • Fills in the shopping centre automatically according to the number of the operator's business place

  • 1st Registration Date

    • The field is added from the wizard

    • If the Financing Type is Operative Leasing and Fleet Management, then the Date of First Registration can be changed.

    • If Road Tax is Service on the contract, then when editing, the system checks:

      • The date of the first registration cannot be empty. If the user deletes it, the system displays an error message and does not allow the change to be saved:

      • If the field is not empty after editing, the user is also asked: Do you want to update the road tax?

      • After confirmation, the user is shown a window for calculating the road tax, where the user must press the FINISH button and the team will update the service to the road tax.

  • Date of first registration on the leasing company

    • entered by the user, by default, the Date from the first record in the table is set to the registration number records. The field is editable.

  • Initial Mileage

    • Enters by the user. After filling in the OC, it will automatically create the first entry in the Odometer Status History

  • Year

    • to be entered manually by the user

  • Production Month

    • to be entered manually by the user

  • Vehicle Reg. Certificate No.

    • Registration number, Part I., is entered manually by the user (small technical card-plastic card)

  • Vehicle registration number

    • entered manually by the user (large technical certificate)

  • Technical Certificate Placement

    • Where is the original vehicle registration certificate stored?

    • Withdrawal options:

      • Client

      • Dealer

      • Leasing Company

      • Importer

  • Technical Certif. Delivery Date

    • Informative fields

  • Technical Certif. Lending Date

    • Informative fields

  • Technical Certificate Delivery Date After Change

    • Informative fields

Technical Data Tab

In the Technical Data tab, you can find technical data about the financed object. Most of them are downloaded from the catalogue card, but the user can change them. Some fields in this tab are linked to the creation of insurance contracts and services.


  • Chassis No. (VIN)

    • Displays the OC value if it has been entered in the registration data

  • Serial number

    • Displays the OC value if it has been entered in the registration data

  • Number type. EC approval

    • entered manually by the user (e.g. E1*2001/116*0307*33)

  • ES Type Approval Date

    • entered manually by the user (e.g. 10/10/2012)

  • Engine Displacement (ccm)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Engine Power (kW)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Engine Power (hp)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters by the user manually. Note: automatic recalculation is not possible due to the ambiguity of the coefficient.

  • Supercharging

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Entered manually by the user from the Engine Charges table

  • Fuel Type

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user from the Fuel Type List table

    • if the Fuel Type is set to Free of Road Tax=Y, the system will also update the Free of Tax and Free of Tax Letter of Law fields when the value of the fuel type code changes.

  • Gearbox

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user from the Gearbox table

  • Number of gears

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Type of Body

    • BC is completed automatically from the catalogue card or entered by the user from the Types of Body table

  • Number of Doors

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Colour Code

    • The user enters the color code (the experiment is known, for example, from the supplier's offer)

  • Color

    • to be entered manually by the user

  • Interior Colour

    • to be entered manually by the user

  • Seats

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Roof load (kg)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Fuel Tank Volume (l)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Length (mm)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Width (mm)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Height (mm)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Kerb Weight (kg)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or catalogue card, or Enters manually by the user

  • Max. Allowed Total Weight (kg)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Total Weight on Axles (kg)

    • entered manually by the user (for some types of trucks, it serves as an input to the motor vehicle tax assessment)

  • Max permissible weight of vehicle combination (kg)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Maximum permissible mass. Trailer (braked) (kg)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Maximum permissible mass. Trailer (unbraked) (kg)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Number of axles

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Rear Dual Fitting

    • to be completed by the user if there is a double mounting of rear tires on the object.

    • This field is used to calculate the tire service, where the system determines a higher amount of tires

  • Propulsion

    • BC is added automatically from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user from the Drive table (Front, Rear 4x4, etc.)

  • Wheelbase (mm)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • Highest design. Speed (km/h)

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user

  • ES/EHK Sound Emissions

    • entered manually by the user (e.g. 715/2007*566/2011F)

  • Outdoor Stationary Noise Level (dB(A))

    • entered manually by the user (e.g. 72,0)

  • Outdoor Moving Noise Level (dB(A))

    • entered manually by the user (e.g. 72,0)

  • ES/ECE Emissions

    • fill in the BC from the catalogue card or Enter by the user manually (e.g. 715/2007*566/2011F)

  • Emission Standard Code

    • adds BC from the catalogue card or Enters manually by the user from the Emission Standards table (e.g. EURO5)

  • CO Emissions (g/km)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • HC Emissions

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • NOx Emissions (g/km)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • HC+NOx (g/km) Emissions

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Particles (g/km)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Absorption Correlation Coefficient (1/m)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • CO2 Emissions (g/km)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Consumption – City (l/100 km)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Consumption – Out of City (l/100km)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Consumption – Combined (l/100 km)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Control

    • Withdrawal options:

      • Sided

      • Left-Hand Driving

      • In the middle

      • Double sided

      • Other

  • Number of cylinders

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Torque

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Powertrain Type

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Hybrid Type

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Vehicle range (km)

    • BC can be added from the catalogue card or entered manually by the user

  • Number of Security/GPS

    • After clicking on the data, the security table of the financed object will be displayed. The user can enter the necessary safeguards, including their parameters and flags, whether the item is considered to be the security of the object with an impact on the amount of the insurance premium.

Tires and Rims Tab

The tab is visible only for contracts with Financing with services=A (i.e. typically OL and SVP), otherwise not.

In the Tires and Rims tab, there are two subformers. One with the technical data for the tires and the other with the technical data for the rims of the financed object. If these technical data are listed on the catalogue card, then the system will transfer these data to the financed object, where the user can change them. Tire service (Tires, Rims, Tire Change, and Rim Accessories) are calculated for the parameters listed in these subforms.


  • Spare wheel

    •  Y/N. Default A, user editable.

  • Run-down wheel

    • editable if Spare wheel=A. Default N.

  • TPMS Pressure Sensors

    • Y/N, default A. User editable.

  • TPMS Type

    • Direct by default. AK Pressure sensor TPMS=N, non-editable. If Pressure Sensor TPMS=A, the field is editable. The user selects from Direct/Indirect.

Object Tire (API Object Tire / 4026675) – Subform


  • Location

    • selects the user from the options

      • Front+Back (default value)

      • Front

      • Rear

  • Period

    • The user selects from the following options:

      • Summer – cannot be selected in combination with Year-round.

      • Winter – cannot be selected in combination with Year-round

      • Year-round – cannot be selected in combination with Summer or Winter.

  • Tire Category

    • fills in the OC automatically from the financing product/template, or modifies the user from the Basic, Medium, Premium options

  • Width

    • the width of the tire.

    • Fills in BC automatically from the course catalogue card or selects by the user from the Tire Widths table, e.g. 225

  • Profile

    • Tyre profile.

    • Fills in BC automatically from the item catalogue card or selects the user from the Tire Profiles table, e.g. 45

  • Rim Diameter

    • Rim diameter.

    • Fills in BC automatically from the item catalogue card or selects by the user from the Rim Diameters table, e.g. 17

  • Tire Change Type (Tire+Rim, Tire)

    • Value has an impact on the establishment of the Tire Change service

    • Sets up the system automatically:

      • If the user sets To Calculation=N on the Rim rows (the default value when creating the calculation) or if the user sets it to N, the system automatically sets Tire Change Type=Tire on tire rows that have the same Position

      • If the user sets To Calculation=Y on Rim Rows, the system will automatically set Tire Change Type=Tire+Rim on tire rows that have the same positions

  • Load Index (LI)

    • the load index is filled in automatically from the catalogue card of the object or entered by the user, e.g. 91

  • Speed Category (SI)

    • the speed category is filled in automatically from the course catalogue card or entered by the user, e.g. in the

  • Tire Special Property Code

    • selection from the dial list (e.g. RUNFLAT, etc.).

  • XL

    • Y/N,

    • By default, N. Ak A, changed by the user manually.

  • Type(Passenger, 4x4, VAN)

    • entered by the user and determines the type of tyre

Object Rim (API Object Rim / 4026676) – Subform


Entering Object Rims is a necessary condition for creating the Tire Service/Rims service.

  • To Calculation

    • fills in the user on A if he/she wants the given rim row to be entered into the creation of the Service Service Type=Rim

      • When set to Y, the system will set the tire rows to the same Seasonality Tire Change Type=Tire+Rim

      • If it is N or when set to N, the system will set the same amount of tires on the rows. Seasonality Tire Change Type=Tire

  • Rim Code

    • selects the user from the options specified in the code list Rim Types

  • Location

    • the user selects from the following options: Front+Rear (default value), Front or Rear

  • Width

    • BC is completed automatically from the course catalogue card or entered by the user (e.g. 6.5 from size 6.5J x 17)

  • Suffix     

    • to be completed by the user from the rim size (e.g. J from the size 6.5J x 17)

  • Diameter

    • fills in BC automatically from the item catalogue card or selects from the Rim Diameter table (e.g. 17)

  • ET

    • to be completed by the user from the rim size (e.g. 42 from the size 6.5J x 17 ET 42)

  • Number of Holes

    • to be completed by the user (if the value is known)

  • Pitch (mm)

    • to be completed by the user (if the value is known)

Maintenance Tab (Maintenance Tab)

The tab is visible only for contracts with Financing with services=A (i.e. typically OL and SVP), otherwise not.

In the service tab, the user has the option to record data related to the service. The fields listed on this tab are filled in manually by the user.


  • EK/TK Validity Date

    • to be entered manually by the user

    • If the table Definition of Roadworthiness Inspection Periods (see the documentation) is set up correctly Business Setup), the system filters the table of deadline definitions when changing the Date of First Registration or when changing the "Object Usage Method" and its validity as of the working date. If only one row matches, the system uses it for calculation. If more than one row is suitable, the system searches further by engine capacity and maximum speed.

  • Maintenance free of charge

    • Y/N. Default N. To be entered by the user if A.

  • Number of years of free service

    • editable, if Maintenance free=A, to be entered manually by the user

  • No. of km of free service

    • editable, if Maintenance free=A, to be entered manually by the user

  • Prepaid Maintenance

    • Y/N. Default N. To be entered by the user if A.

  • Prepaid Service Number of Years

    • editable, if Prepaid service=A, entered manually by the user

  • Prepaid Maintenance Number of km

    • editable, if Prepaid service=A, entered manually by the user

  • Standard Warranty

    • Y/N. Default A. To be entered by the user if N.

  • Standard Warranty No. of Months

    • Editable if Standard Warranty=A. To be entered manually by the user

  • Standard Warranty No. of km

    • Editable if Standard Warranty=A. To be entered manually by the user

  • Extended Warranty A/N

    • By default, N. To be entered by the user if A.

  • Extended Warranty Number of Years

    • Editable if Extended Warranty=A. To be entered manually by the user

  • Extended Warranty No. of km

    • Editable if Extended Warranty=A. To be entered manually by the user

Termination Tab

In the Termination tab, the user records data related to the financed object upon termination of the financing contract, if the object is returned to the leasing company.

The fields listed on this tab are filled in manually by the user or by wizard to change the detailed status.


  • Customer Expected Return Date

    • It is used to record the date when the customer expects to be able to return the vehicle (used especially in operating leases). It is only a registration date.

    • Editable only via the AsistEdit button, which starts the wizard Change Expected Return Date:

    • No. (No.)

      • The system will automatically fill in the number of the given financing contract

    • Customer Expected Return Date

      • By default, displays the value of the field from the header of the financing contract

      • Entered manually by the user.

    • After confirmation by the Finish button, the system writes the date into the field in the financing contract and into the field of the same name on the financing object.

    • Note: this is solved in the form of codeunit API Ch.Cust.Exp.Ret.Date Wiz. (4047589) in order to be able to set write rights via standard User Permissions in derogation from the functionality of change copies/variants.

  • Object Return Date

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

    • if the Financing with Services=Y is on the Financing Contract:

      • when changing the Object Return Date, it finds the line in the Odometer Status History with Object Return=A and updates the Mileage Date on this record according to the changed value

  • Mileage upn Return

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

    • if the Financing with Services=Y is on the Financing Contract:

      • when entered, the system automatically creates an entry in the Odometer Status History and sets the Object Return flag to Y on the record

      • in case of additional value change, it searches for a record in Odometer Status History with Object Return=A and updates the Odometer Status on this record according to the changed value

  • Planned Mileage

    • the system calculates automatically

    • value = Contractual Mileage + Initial Mileage

  • Upper Tolerance %

    • Fills in the system automatically from the contract card

  • Upper Tolerance

    • Fills in the system automatically from the contract card

  • Lower Tolerance %

    • Fills in the system automatically from the contract card

  • Lower Tolerance

    • Fills in the system automatically from the contract card

  • Km under/over Limit

    • Fills in the system automatically when you enter the Planned Mileage)

  • Returned Second Set of Wheels

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

  • Object Taken Over By

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

    • selection from Users – i.e. an employee of the leasing company

  • Object Taken Over By Partner

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

    • Selection of suppliers

  • Inspection Date

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

  • Excessive Wear Excl. VAT (Excessive Wear Excl.VAT)

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

  • Excessive Wear Correction

    • It is written from the wizard or entered by the user manually. The value is set by the user to A if excessive wear is being repaired and the repair is approved through the service permission.

  • Inspected By (Inspected By)

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

    • selection from Users – i.e. an employee of the leasing company

  • Inspected By Partner No.

    • is written from the wizard or entered manually by the user

    • Selection of suppliers

  • Termination Comment

    • the user manually enters a text note to terminate if he/she wants to

  • Buy-back Guarantee

    • the user switches manually, if the item is agreed to be bought back by the supplier

    • Informative field only, it has no link to the contract guarantee

    • for SDS is filled from Business Portal

  • Book Value Excl. VAT (Book Value Excl.VAT)

    • the user enters it manually if he wants to record it directly on the object

    • Editable

  • Estimate Market Price Excl.VAT

    • the user manually enters the estimated market price of the object without VAT

  • Estimate Market Price Incl.VAT

    • the system automatically adds an informative price with VAT according to the posting groups set in the Financed Object Settings

  • Selling Price Accept Date

    • User enters manually after receiving payment for the sale of the vehicle

  • Certificate Unsubsription Date

    • to be entered manually by the user

  • Technical certifikate Handover To'

    • selects manually by the user

  • Technical Certificate Check-ou Date

    • to be entered manually by the user

  • Vehicle Handover to Buyer Date

    • to be entered manually by the user

Evidence of Object Sales Prices (API Evid. of Obj. Sales Price / 4026585) – Subform


  • Chassis No. (VIN)

    • Fills up the system automatically

  • Financing Contract No.

    • Fills up the system automatically

  • Sales Price Excl. VAT

    • Does the user manually enter the amount of the selling price without VAT in the contract currency

  • Buyer No.

    • to be entered by the user as soon as he already knows the buyer of the financing object

  • Buyer Name

    • fills in the system automatically according to the Buyer No.

  • Valid From

    • The user enters the start date of the price validity

  • Endorsed

    • Selects a user from a list of users

  • Approval Date

    • Does the user manually fill in the price approval date

  • Discount %

    • The user enters the amount of the discount in %, if it was provided to the buyer

    • If the discount is entered in sum, the % value is automatically recalculated from the Sales Price Excl. VAT

  • Discount Excl. VAT

    • The user enters the amount of the discount without VAT, if it was provided to the buyer

    • If a discount is entered in %, the value is recalculated automatically from the Sales Price Excl. VAT

  • Discount Incl. VAT

    • The system will automatically add the price with VAT according to the informative posting groups set in the Financed Object Settings

  • Invoiced Price Excl. VAT

    • Will the system calculate automatically

    • Value = Selling Price Excl. VAT – Discount Excl. VAT

  • Invoiced Price Incl. VAT

    • The system will automatically add the price with VAT according to the informative posting groups set in the Financed Object Settings

  • Commission %

    • The user enters the amount of the commission in %, if it was provided to the buyer

    • If the entered commission is in sum, the value % is recalculated automatically from the Sales Price Excl. VAT

  • Commission Excl. VAT

    • The user enters the amount of the commission without VAT, if it was provided to the buyer

    • If the entered commission is in %, the value is recalculated automatically from the Sales Price Excl. VAT

  • Sales Invoice No.

    • Completes the system automatically after creating a sales invoice for the subject

  • Posted Sales Invoice No.

    • Fills the system automatically after posting a sales invoice for an object

  • Invoice Date

    • The user manually enters the date of issue of the invoice for the sales price.

Real Estate Tab

The tab is visible only for contracts with Object Category=Real Estate.

Financed Object Ownership Sheets - Subform


  • Number

    • Entered by the user by selecting from the table Ownership Sheet List

  • Cadastral Office

    • Is it entered manually by the user when creating the title deed or the system is completed automatically after filling in the number.

  • Cadastral Office Address Code

    • Is it entered manually by the user when creating the title deed or the system is completed automatically after filling in the number.

  • Owner

    • Is it entered manually by the user when creating the title deed or the system is completed automatically after filling in the number.

  • Owner Address Code

    • Is it entered manually by the user when creating the title deed or the system is completed automatically after filling in the number.

  • Other Owners

    • Is it entered manually by the user when creating the title deed or the system is completed automatically after filling in the number.

  • Easements

    • Is it entered manually by the user when creating the title deed or the system is completed automatically after filling in the number.

  • Title Deeds

    • Is it entered manually by the user when creating the title deed or the system is completed automatically after filling in the number.

Functions on Financed Object Card

There are a number of buttons and functions on the overview and the item card. Some of them have the same functionalities as on the contract tab (see Smlouva se službami and Smlouva bez služeb), some are different.

On the COURSE CARD there is functionality:

Create section


  • Create Default Services

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Allows one-time creation of services that are marked as Default=Y on the financing product/financing template

  • Create Insurance Contracts

    • Allows the creation of insurance contracts that enter into installments and that are set up on the financing product/financing template.

  • Create Order

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Allows you to generate an order for an item or additional equipment for an item (see Nákupní objednávky předmětu)

  • Create Mass Order

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • It allows you to generate a bulk order of an item or additional equipment of an item (see Nákupní objednávky předmětu)

Elements section


  • Calculation Inputs

    • Opens the list of calculation inputs of the course.

  • Insurance Contracts

    • Opens the list of insurance contracts entering into installments that are assigned to the object.

  • Contract Services

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Opens the contract service overview.

Section Parts of the Course


  • Price and equipment

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Opens the Item Prices tab:

    • Contains detailed configurations of the item's price, including options for displaying Standard Equipment (if specified on the Catalogue Card), Optional Equipment (if entered on the Catalogue Card) and Additional Equipment (selection from the Additional Equipment Pricelist)

    • If the user makes a change in the configuration, he/she must use the Finish button to make updates to the calculation (prices, residual values), etc.

    • Detailed description in the Smlouva se službami and Smlouva bez služeb .

  • Object Security

    • Opens the list of security devices of the financed object, where the user can enter the security equipment of the object (including GPS devices) and their parameters. The specified security equipment may have an impact on the amount of the insurance premium.

Process Section


  • Fuel Cards

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Opens an overview of the fuel cards that are assigned to the item.

  • Licence Plate No. History

    • Opens the History overview of course registration numbers that are assigned to the course.

  • Contractual Mileage

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Opens an overview of the item's contractual (and annual) mileage. To enter values, see Smlouva se službami and Smlouva bez služeb OL.

  • Odometer Status History

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Opens an overview of the odometer statuses that are assigned to the object.

    • For more information, refer to the Odometer Status History chapter of this document

  • Claims

    • Opens the item's insurance claim list.

  • Maintenance Permissions

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Opens an overview of the item's service permissions.

  • Maintenance Permission Lines

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Opens the list of object service permission lines.

  • Object Revisions

    • The button is displayed only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

    • Opens the item revision list.

  • External Checks

    • The button is displayed for contracts with and without Financing with services.

    • Opens the list of external checks for the item.

Events section


Related section


  • Catalogue Card

    • Opens the course catalogue card.

  • Contract Card

    • Opens the object financing contract card.

  • Attachments

    • Opens the course attachments.

    • The user can save files (pdf, docs, jpg, etc.) that he wants to attach to the financed object (e.g. offer of the object supplier, additional equipment, handover protocol, etc.) into the course attachments.

    • For principles and detailed descriptions, see Smlouva bez služeb and Smlouva se službami

  • RPZV Log

    • opens a table for entering RPZV detail

Reports section


  • Print Documents

    • Allows printing of documents from the Printout Definition that have Table ID = 4026560 and meet the other filters.

    • For principles and detailed descriptions, see Smlouva bez služeb and Smlouva se službami

  • Send Documents

    • Allows sending documents from the Printout Definition that have Table ID = 4026560 and meet the other filters.

    • For principles and detailed descriptions, see Smlouva bez služeb and Smlouva se službami

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