Odometer Status

Odometer Status

The Odometer Status History table contains records of the odometer status of the vehicle.

The first entry in the Odometer Status History is created when the contract is activated (the Initial Mileage from the object is written). Other records can then be created manually, from a service permit, from fuel card transactions, or by another import.

Opening Odometer Status History

The Odometer Status History can be opened from the Financed Object:

When entering the odometer status on an object via the new button, the new system transfers the data from the object to the record in the history.

Another option to open the odometer status history is from the financing contract.

We can also open the odometer status history from the overview or the insurance claim card.

Another option to open the odometer status history is from the overview or the Maintenance Permission tab.

When entering a service permission, the user writes the mileage on the allowance card: which the system writes in the odometer history after changing the allowance status to "Approved".

If the user enters a mileage so large that it would occur when calculating the predicted mileage, the system saves the record, but does not calculate the predicted mileage and writes 0:


The Odometer Status History is also recorded from fuel card transactions. After importing fuel card transactions, when a non-posted purchase invoice is created, the system writes the odometer status from each fuel card transaction, provided that the item handover date is filled in on the item.

An entry in the Odometer Status History is also from the Car Rental module, if the vehicle has the Leasing Object No. filled in on the car rental card. When entering or changing km on the rental card, the system will ask: "The mileage has been changed. Do you want to insert a new mileage into the Odometer Status History of the OL170035_01 Financed Object?"

If the user clicks No, the mileage will not be saved in the Odometer Status History.

If the user clicks on Yes, the mileage will be saved in the odometer status history and the value in the Area = Car Rental field will be filled in the created row.

Description of Odometer Status History Table


It is possible to open a card from the record (or if the user wants to create a new record manually).


General tab:

  • Financed Object No.

    • Object No. according to the contract for which the entry was made

    • Fills in the system automatically when you create a record.

  • Licence Plate No.

    • From the financed object, the system will add automatically when the record is created

  • Chassis No. (VIN)

    • From the financed object, the system will add automatically when the record is created

  • Make

    • From the financed object, the system will add automatically when the record is created

  • Model Line

    • From the financed object, the system will add automatically when the record is created

  • Model

    • From the financed object, the system will add automatically when the record is created

  • Financing Contract No.

    • Fills in the system automatically when a record is created

  • Customer No.

    • Fills in the system automatically when creating a record from a financing contract

  • Customer Name

    • Fills in the system automatically when creating a record from a financing contract

  • Customer Business Place No.

    • Fills in the system automatically when creating a record from a financing contract

  • Customer Business Place Name

    • Fills in the system automatically when creating a record from a financing contract

  • Contractual Mileage

    • The system fills the system automatically when creating a record from the field of the same name from the last row of the Contractual Distance table (Contractual Distance+Initial Odometer Status).

  • Returned Object

    • Default N

    • Changes the system to Y on the line automatically if Returned Odometer Status is entered on the item card.

  • Created

    • The date and time the line was created

  • Created

    • Identification of the user who created the record

Mileage tab:

  • Area:

    • Specifies how the listing was created

      • Blank – for manual writing

      • Maintenance – the entry was made from the maintenance permission

      • Tire service – the entry was created from the processing of the tire service data record

      • Fuel – the entry was made during the processing of fuel card transactions

      • Car Rental – the entry was made when entering/changing the km on the issued rent in the Car Rental Company

  • Document No.

    • will be filled in according to the area of origin,

      • Maintenance permission number for the Maintenance area.

      • Entry No. Fuel Card Transaction Fuel Area

  • Approval No.

    • Approval number from the service permission. It is usually indicated on purchase invoices from

  • Mileage Date

    • The specific date to which the mileage relates.

  • Odometer Status (Mileage)

    • Mileage value on a given date

    • After manual entry The values will be checked (the checks are on the page, not on the table. I.e. when entering e.g. fuel transactions, service allowances, no checks will be performed):

    • After entering, a check will be made to see if the Mileage Date is filled in:

      • If not, you will receive an error that the field must be filled in

      • If it is, it can enter Mileage

    • After entering the Mileage value, the previous line is checked:

      • The system finds the record

        • Financed Object No.=Same

        • Mileage Date<= as on the created record

        • Entry No. = Highest

        • Note: We are looking for the nearest lower line, but according to Mileage Date

      • It then compares whether the Mileage (specified)>Mileage from the previous line is true

        • If it is true, it writes the value and continues

        • If it doesn't, it asks if the status is less than the previous one and if it should be saved: "Mileage is lower than the last record in history. Save record?" or "The mileage is lower than the last record in history. Do you want to save the record?"

          • If the user confirms Yes, they write the value and continue.

          • If it confirms No, it doesn't save the Mileage value, and the user can enter a different value.

    • After entering a value and checking the previous value, the next row is also checked

      • The system finds the record:

        • Financed Object No.=Same

        • Mileage Date>= as on the created record

        • Entry No. = lowest

        • Note: We are looking for the next higher line according to Mileage Date

      • It then compares whether the Mileage (entered)<Mileage from the next line is true

        • If it is true, it writes the value and continues

        • If it doesn't, it asks if the status is greater than the following and whether to save it:

          • ENG: Mileage is greater than the next record in history. Save record?

          • EN: The mileage is greater than the next record in history. Do you want to save the recording?

          • SK: Stav tachometer je väčší ako nasledujúci záznam v histórii. Chcete uložiť záznam?

        • If the user confirms Yes, they write the value and continue.

        • If it confirms No, it doesn't save the Mileage value, and the user can enter a different value.

  • Planned Mileage

    • Does the system calculate automatically after entering the Odometer Date

      • Planned Mileage = round(Initial Mileage (4026685) + (Contractual Distance) x Contract Duration Days; 0)

        • Total Days = Contractual End Date (10100)) – Handover Date

        • Number of Days = Mileage Date – Handover Date

        • When activated, fill Mileage without recalculation

    • If the user has entered the mileage so large that the predicted mileage would overflow during the calculation, the system saves the record, but does not calculate the predicted states and writes 0

  • Km Under/Over Limit

    • The system calculates automatically after calculating the Planned Mileage field:

      • Km under/over Limit= Mileage (10) - Planned Mileage (60)

  • Ratio km- %

    • Will the system automatically calculate:

      • Ratio km % = round(((Km Under/Over Limit*100)/(Planned Mileage-Initial Mileage (4026685)); 0)

  • Ration km (value)

    • Will the system automatically calculate:

      • Ratio km (value) = round(((Km Under/Over Limit)/(Planned Mileage-Initial Mileage (4026685)); 2)

  • Lower Tolerance %

    • Taken from a financing contract

  • Lower Tolerance

    • Taken from a financing contract

  • Lower Tolerance Actual

    • Does the system calculate automatically when a line is created:

      • Lower Tolerance Actual = round((Planned Mileage (60)-Initial Mileage (4026685)))*Lower Tolerance % (85)/100; 2)

  • Upper Tolerance %

    • Taken from a financing contract

  • Upper Tolerance

    • Taken from a financing contract

  • Upper Tolerance Actual

    • Does the system calculate automatically when a line is created:

      • Upper Tolerance Actual = round((Planned Mileage (60)-Initial Mileage (4026685)))*Upper Tolerance % (75)/100; 2)

  • Predicted Mileage

    • Does the system automatically calculate:

      • Predicted Mileage = round((Mileage-Initial Mileage (4026685)) * Total number of days)/Number of days; 0)+Initial Mileage (4026685)

        • Total Number of Days = Contractual End Date – Handover Date

        • Number of Days = Mileage Date – Handover Date

  • Predicted Mileage Difference

    • Does the system automatically calculate:

      • Predicted Difference = Predicted Mileage - Initial Mileage (4026685)- Contractual Distance

  • Predicted Yearly Difference

    • Does the system automatically calculate:

      • Predicted Yearly Difference = round((Predicted Difference*12)/Financing Period (in Months); 0)

  • Predicted Contractual Distance

    • The system calculates automatically

      • Predicted Contractual Distance = Predicted Mileage (79500)-Initial Mileage (4026685) from API Financed Object (4026560)

  • Predicted Yearly Distance

    • Does the system automatically calculate:

      • Predicted Yearly Distance = round((Predicted Contractual Distance*12)/Financing Period (in Months); 0)

  • Predicted Financing Period (in months)

    • Does the system automatically calculate:

      • Predicted Financing Period (in Months) = round(Total number of days / 30.4; 0)

        • Total Days=Contractual Distance (10055) from API Financing Contract Header (4026397) / Km per day

        • Km per day=(Mileage (10)-Initial Mileage (4026685) from API Financed Object (4026560)) / Number of days; 0)

        • Number of Days = Mileage Date – Handover Date

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