VAT Rate Change
In the event of a legislative change in VAT rates, it is necessary to reflect these changes in BC and OC as well.
In BC, the necessary actions are carried out for all rate changes. Whereas in the shopping centre, the changes mainly affect the basic VAT rate.
To change the VAT rate in general, there is a tool for mass changes to VAT in BC, see the description in the PD Nastavení DPH, Kontrolní hlášení DPH a Souhrnné hlášení | Hromadná změna sazby DPH or see Manage VAT Rate Changes - Business Central | Microsoft Learn.
To ensure a change in the VAT rate in the system, it is necessary to exchange the VAT posting groups of the goods. These changes are made in the system settings. In particular, the changes concern adjustments in the following areas:
Area | Settings |
Change in VAT Rate | In the VAT Rate Change Setup table, execute:
Standard Sales Codes (Recurring Sales Lines)
Standard Purchase Codes (Recurring Purchase Lines)
Setting up cash cases (Cash Desk Event)
Purchase and sales backups | Change the VAT rate in issued or lower statuses of advances that have not been paid as of the effective date of the VAT rate change. Change other settings in accordance with the legislative layer. |
Prepayment | Change the rate in the Sales & Receivables Setup table. |
VAT Statements / Control Statement / Sales List Statement |
Business Setup | Change settings in:
Rental Setup | Change the settings in the Tariff Groups table. |
Insurance Framework Contract Posting Setup | For Insurance Framework Contracts, the following must be set manually in the table:
Subsequently, it is necessary to run mass Jobs to exchange VAT product posting groups on existing contracts. There are two tasks, one for contracts before activation and the other for active contracts, see the description of the tasks in PD
The VAT rate can also be exchanged on existing purchase orders that have not been invoiced. There is also a separate batch task for this purpose, see the description of the task in PD
Financial Leasing Contracts with Special VAT Regime
Info on financial leasing contracts with a special VAT regime:
Only objects are repaired as in the case of regular financial leasing (contract headers, payment documents, calculation inputs...)
Existing Special Mode Items do not need to be corrected:
Pre-activation contracts should update the Special Mode Entries in the calculation, especially the entry fee item
Contracts active – items of the margin type – VAT on the item will not be corrected, it is not used in the calculation of calendars (only the tax base is used)
Items for the closing fee must be recalculated, but this one is not in the OC or is not used.