Create Invoice
The user creates an invoice for the loan
Create Fee
For a description of the functionality, see. Vytvořit poplatek Create Fee
Choice Process:
The loan is issued through this item. After starting the function, the system checks the filling in of the data in the fields:
Delivery Address
Delivery City
Delivery Postal Code
If any of these fields is empty, the system will display the error message "Delivery address has not been filled in" and the loan will not be issued.
Detailed Entries
Displays a list of items filtered to the contract number
Detailed description in the chapter below
Car Rental Company Billing
A description of the functionality is in the chapter Vyúčtování autopůjčovny Rent Car Billing
Terminate Entire Lease
The lease is terminated, it is necessary to fill in the date and time of the end of the lease. For a detailed description see. Ukončení nájmu Finish Rent
A user can cancel a issued and registered loan if it has not been invoiced at least once.
If there is no posted sales invoice on the loan, the OC cancels the loan
If an unposted sales invoice is issued on the loan, the OC cancels the loan
If a posted invoice has already been issued for the loan, the OC will display the following message when attempting to cancel: "Cannot be cancelled. This loan has already been invoiced."
After selecting Cancel, the Status of the loan agreement changes to Canceled and can be found in the Loans-All tile
Terminate Line Lease
The function is not used.
Detailed Entries
Displays a list of items filtered to the contract number
Car Rental Company Billing
A description of the functionality is in the chapter Vyúčtování autopůjčovny Rent Car Billing
Handover Protocol
A description of the functionality is in the chapter Tisk dokladů k výpůjčce Print Rent Documents
To choose a report:
Contract Print
Description of the function in the chapter Tisk dokladů k výpůjčce Print Rent Documents
Send Documents
Description of the function in the chapter Odeslání dokumentů k výpůjčce Sending Rent Documents
Detailed Entries (API Det. Rent Contract Entry)
If the vehicle is free on the vehicle card Returned = Yes (currently the field is hidden on the card)
Rent from date and time
Rental to date and time
Note: Even if the vehicle meets the conditions described above, the vehicle can still be blocked for rental and reservation by the flag on the vehicle card Vehicle temporarily unavailable = Yes.