Insurance Statements Release
Statement Release
After finishing working with the report, it is possible to issue the report using the Issue in the menu Insurance statement cards.
By issue, the statement will be moved to the history - Insurance Statement List.
A statement is prevented from being released if there are fields in the subform rows:
Change Copy Exists = YES
If a change copy is created on a financing contract, the system will mark the contract with this flag
Contract with flag Change Copy Exists Prevent the issuance of a statement, it is necessary to delete the flagged line from the statement or transfer/delete the change copy on the financing contract
Additions Report Type
By issuing a statement of type Additions system:
Fills Insurance Company Check-in Date on Insurance Contract Card system date of issue of the statement (for the main contract and any amendments)
Saves the tracked fields for the newly reported insurance contract in an internal table (4027120) – the fields flagged in the statement definition Change Tracking
Disposals report
By issuing a statement of the Disposals type, the system writes the date of check-out into the insurance contract.
The system will also add the date of reporting to insurance contracts with the add-on.
Changes Report
When a report of type Changes is issued, the system writes the new values to an internal change tracking table.
Insurance Portfolio Statement
By issuing a statement of the Insurance Portfolio type, the system blocks the reported period and fills in the data in the Insurance Payment Schedule of the insurance company, symptoms:
Blocked = Yes
Sent = Yes
If the user enters the same period, e.g. monthly, when regenerating the trunk, all contracts for the specified period in the Date From - To fields will be filled in the report, regardless of whether they have already been issued in the past or not. In order for the statement to be issued, it is necessary to delete contracts that have already been reported.
Otherwise, when a report is issued, the system reports
If the user enters a reporting set on the report and does not enter an Insurance Framework Contract (the same reporting group for two RPSs), the system cannot check the settings for RPS - the "Do not require import of trunk" field. It outputs a warning and doesn't require you to import a trunk.