The financial settlement card 4046816 for financial leasing consists of three parts:
Information about the contract and the financed object
Buying by Customer
Calculation of individual data needed to calculate the Early Termination Settlement Buying by Customer
Returned Object
Calculation of individual data needed to calculate Early Termination Compensation Returned Object
General Tab
The General tab opens for all financial settlement types (Type field in Fin. Settlement Types) and contains general data from the contract, customer, object, or some fields for the financial settlement itself.
All of these fields must be selected in the Financial Settlement Field Setup, otherwise they will not be populated.
Fills in the OC automatically as smlouvy_XX number, where XX is the serial number of the settlement for the given financing contract
Non-editable by the user
Contract Settlement Type
Values sú=Full, Partial
Editable ak is Contract Type=More Subject, otherwise not
If Full – the system creates the FIV of the entire contract
If Partial – the system will create the FIV of the item that is selected on the Financial Settlement card (see below)
Financial Settlement Type
Automatically completes the OC with the settlement type selected by the user when it is created
Non-editable by the user
Reason for Financial Settlement
Automatically completes the OC with Early Termination Reason from Financial Settlement Types
Non-editable by the user
Financial Settlement Status
Automatically completes the OC with "New" when creating a financial settlement. The status is then changed using the status change buttons on the Actions tab of the action bar
Option values = New, Approved, Issued, Canceled (empty values will be invisible when you click on the option)
Financing Contract No.
Automatically fills in the OC with the number of the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Detailed Contract Status
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Type
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Product Type Code
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Product No.
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Product Name
Completes OC automatically according to Financing Product No.
Non-editable by the user
Customer No.
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Customer Name
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financed Object No.
Automatically completes the OC with the last item number from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-user-editable for single subject contracts
Editable for multiple subject contracts. The user can change the course number (select the course for which he wants to make a settlement) – a lookup to the list of courses with a filter for the contract number. When you change, the subject fields are updated:
Financed Object Name
Detail Object Status Code
VAT Special Mode (Zvláštní režim DPH)
Licence Plate No. (Licence No. (Licence No.)
Chassis No. (VIN)
Serial Number
Purchase Price
Object Return Date
Financed Object Name
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Detail Object Status Code
Fills in the OC automatically according to the number of the object from the given object
Non-editable by the user
VAT Special Mode
Fills in the OC automatically according to the number of the object from the given object
Non-editable by the user
Vehicle Registration Number (ECW)
Fills in the OC automatically according to the number of the object from the given object
Non-editable by the user
Chassis No. (VIN)
Fills in the OC automatically according to the number of the object from the given object
Non-editable by the user
Serial number
Fills in the OC automatically according to the number of the object from the given object
Non-editable by the user
Procurement Price Excl. VAT
The OC will automatically fill in the procurement price of the object (fulfillment is similar to the same field on the contract card)
Calculation Residual Value
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Calculation Interest %
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Handover Date
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Expected Contract Termination Date
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Early Contract Termination Date
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user if there is no blank on the contract
Editable, if empty on the contract. After editing, the value is entered into the Early Course Termination Date field
Object Early Termination Date
Fills in the OC automatically from the course for which a financial settlement is made, if the field on the item is not empty
Non-user-editable for single-object contracts
Editable for Contract Type=Multiple Object
Unpaid Principal Amount
Adds OC automatically from the financing contract from the last posted non-canceled payment from which a financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Object Sale Date
To be completed manually by the user
Enters into calculation for Type=Returned Object
Sales Price Excl. VAT
To be completed manually by the user
Enters into calculation for Type=Returned Object
Financial Settlement Date
Automatically completes the OC with the current date of creation of the financial settlement. The user can change to the desired date
Approval Date
Does the user fill in the date of approval of the financial settlement or add the function for approval of the financial settlement? if it has not been added manually by the user (see below). The date is for informational purposes only.
Posting Date
To be completed manually by the user. If empty, it will fill in the OC automatically as part of the function for issuing a financial settlement
To be completed manually by the user
Approved by Currency
Completes OC automatically according to Approved
Non-editable by the user
Created By Currency
Adds OC automatically
Non-editable by the user
Buying by Customer Tab
The tab is visible for Financial Settlement Type=Buyback by Customer and contains the calculation field for this type of early termination.
After creating the OC, it fills in some fields (see picture), other fields can be added by the user:
Unpaid Principal Amount
Automatically replenishes the OC with the principal balance from the last posted and non-credited payment from the T&C contract
On the non-editable tab
VAT on Unpaid Principal
The OC will automatically add VAT on the unpaid principal according to the general principles for determining VAT described in the next chapter.
On the non-editable tab
Unpaid Principal Amount Incl. VAT
Fills in the OC automatically as the sum of the fields Unpaid Principal+VAT Outstanding Principal
On the non-editable tab
Note. it is the selling price of the item, for which there must be a separate invoice (e.g. for the purposes of logging in to the DI PZ, or inclusion in assets, where it is not useful or necessary to display other FIV items).
Contract Debt
Adds OC automatically from the contract (Contract Balance = sum of customer open items per contract)
Unpaid penalty invoices
Default empty field
Fill in manually if the user wants to include uninvoiced finance charge into the calculations.
Note: the user has two options:
Option 1: Generate finance charge memos on the contract (Create finance charge memo) and then manually fill in the amount of finance charge memos in this field. Then, after the FIV is issued, the finance charge will be posted and the penalty invoice will be attached to the FIV. Or:
Option 2: Generates and posts finance charge memos on the contract before creating the FIV. The value of the finance charge is then included in the Contract Debt. In this case, do not enter anything in this FIV field.
Completes OC automatically from Všeob. Contract Terms and Conditions, Early Termination Fee field
Early Termination Fee excl. VAT
Automatically replenishes the OC with the value from the Early Termination Fee (GTC)
Editable, to be changed by the user if necessary (e.g. fee waiver, different height, etc.)
When a change is made, the value is automatically calculated:
Early Termination Fee VAT (268)
Fee for Surger. Termination with VAT (270)
Early Termination Fee VAT
Fills in the OC automatically with the VAT value
Calculation according to the general principles for determining VAT described in the next chapter.
On the non-editable tab
Early Termination Fee incl. VAT
Adds OC automatically
Sum of Early Termination Fee excl. VAT (267)+Early Termination Fee VAT
On the non-editable tab
Unpaid prodč costs.
Default empty field
Editable field
The user manually fills in the amount of costs that have not yet been reinvoiced (e.g. the cost of agency collection, parking, towing, etc.).
VAT unpaid costs for prodč
Non-editable field
Calculation according to the general principles for determining VAT described in the next chapter.
Unpaid Early Termination Costs incl. VAT
Non-editable field
Fills in the OC automatically as the sum of the Unpaid Pretime Costs fields. UK+VAT Unpaid Costs prodč
Outstanding Insurance
Default empty field
To be completed manually by the user. Outstanding premiums arise if the user has the insurance in installments and has had an insured event in the given insurance period. In this case, the insurance company is entitled to the premium for the entire insurance period, regardless of the early termination of the contract.
Billed without VAT
Penalty for Early Redemption % (GTC)
Completes OC automatically from Všeob. contract conditions from the Penalty for Early Redemption % field
On the non-editable tab
Penalty for Early Redemption %
Adds OC by default from Penalty for Early Redemption %
On the editable tab, the user can manually edit
After the amendment/change, the Financial Income Compensation is automatically calculated
Reimbursement of financial revenue, penalty
Adds OC automatically
On the non-editable tab
Calculation = Round(Early Redemption Penalty % * Outstanding Principal/100; 2)
Below the team field, there will be a section (not a new tab) Settlement Result (subject to technical possibilities):
Total Bill (465)
Empty by default
On the non-editable tab
Calculates OC automatically based on the sum plus and minus fields in Financial Settlement Field Setup
If the user has filled in some values manually, it is necessary to perform the calculation calculation using the Update button.
Returned object Tab
The tab is visible for Financial Settlement Type=Returned Object and contains the calculation field for this type of early termination.
After the OC is created, some fields are added (see picture), some fields must be filled in manually by the user before the calculation is performed:
in the General tab:
Date of early termination of the contract – already filled in and not editable in the picture, the value was taken from the contract
Date of early termination of the course on – picture already filled in and not editable, the value was taken from the contract
Object Sale Date
Selling Price Excl. VAT
in the Returned Object tab
explained below.
The Returned Item tab contains the following field:
Contract Debt
Adds OC automatically from the contract (Contract Balance = sum of customer open items per contract)
Contractual Penalty
Default empty field
Fill in manually if the user wants to include the contractual penalty in the FIV
Unpaid penalty invoices
Default empty field
To be completed manually by the user.
Note: the user has two options:
Generates finance charge memos on the contract (Definalize contract) and then manually fills in the amount of finance charge memos in this field. Then, after the FIV is issued, the finance charge will be posted and the penalty invoice will be attached to the FIV. Or:
Generates and posts finance charge memos on the contract before creating the FIV. The value of the finance charge is then included in the Contract Debt. In this case, do not enter anything in this FIV field.
Unpaid prodč costs.
Default empty field
Editable field
The user manually fills in the amount of costs that have not yet been reinvoiced (e.g. agency collection costs, parking fees, etc.).
VAT unpaid costs for prodč
Non-editable field
Calculation according to the general principles for determining VAT described in the next chapter.
Unpaid early costs. Uk. incl. VAT
Non-editable field
Fills in the OC automatically as the sum of the Unpaid Pretime Costs fields. UK+VAT Unpaid Costs prodč
To the settings. FIV fields give a plus and include in the invoice for FIV
Outstanding Insurance
Default empty field
To be completed manually by the user. Outstanding insurance premiums arise, for example, if the user has the insurance in installments and had an insured event in the given insurance period. In this case, the insurance company is entitled to the premium for the entire insurance period, regardless of the early termination of the contract.
Billed without VAT
Other Costs excl. VAT
Default empty field
The value is added manually by the user if he wants to reinvoice other costs with VAT within the FIV
Other Costs VAT Costs
Empty field by default, not editable on the card
Calculation according to the general principles for determining VAT described in the next chapter.
Other costs incl. VAT
New Field
Empty field by default, not editable on the card
The value will be filled in automatically by the system after entering/changing the value Other costs without VAT
Other Loss
Default empty field
The value is added manually by the user if he wants to reinvoice another damage without VAT within the FIV
Total Costs
New Field
Default empty field
On the non-editable tab
Calculates OC=Contractual Penalty + Unpaid Penalty Invoices (380+Unpaid Early Payment Costs incl. VAT + Outstanding Insurance Premium+Other Costs incl. VAT + Other Damage
Revenue Compensation excl. VAT (ENG: Revenue Compensation excl. VAT)
Empty by default
On the non-editable tab
Calculates OC=ROUND((Object Sales Date-Date pretime. Terminate Subject)/365)*Calculation interest % p.a.*Principal balance excl. VAT; 2)
VAT Revenue Compensation
Empty by default
On the non-editable tab
Calculation according to the general principles for determining VAT described in the next chapter.
Revenue Compensation incl. VAT
Empty by default
On the non-editable tab
Calculates OC= Revenue Compensation excl. VAT+VAT Revenue Compensation
Object Sales Settlement
Empty by default
On the non-editable tab
Calculates OC=Unpaid Principal (165)-Sales Price Excl. VAT (250)
Below the team field, there will be a section (not a new tab) Settlement Result (subject to technical possibilities):
Bill Total
Empty by default
On the non-editable tab
Calculates OC automatically based on plus and minus sum fields
Empty by default
On the non-editable tab
Fills the OC automatically: If the Total Bill <0, then the amount of the Total Bill in absolute value will be listed as an overpayment
Empty by default
On the non-editable tab
Fills the OC automatically: If the Total Bill >= 0, then the amount of the Total Bill in absolute value will be shown as an arrears.
If the user has filled in some values manually, it is necessary to recalculate the calculation using the Update button.