Services other than Kind=Fee/Service
Total Calculation Amount Divided by Service Validity Period (equal to Financing Period)
This calculation is used in all cases where the service is created
Services where Kind=Fee/Service
Service created when the calculation is created (the service period is the same as the financing period)
Reflect Aliquot=NO, Full Aliquot Payment=NO
The regular payment is calculated as the Total Calculation Value divided by the validity of the service (equal to the financing period)
First Payment
(Value to Installment x Number of Days in 1st Installment ) / Number of Days of Month in 1st Installment
Last Payment
Total Calculation Amount minus SUM (of the first and all regular installments)
Take into account aliquot=NO, Full aliquot payment=YES
The amount of all installments is the same
Calculation Amount Total divided by (Service Validity Period (equal to Financing Period) plus one occurrence)
Reflect aliquot=YES
The regular payment is calculated as the Total Calculation Value divided by the validity of the service (equal to the financing period)
First Payment
(Value to Installment x Number of Days in 1st Installment ) / Number of Days of Month in 1st Installment
Last Payment
Total Calculation Amount minus SUM (of the first and all regular installments)
Service created during the life of the contract or when the financing period is changed (payments have already been posted)
Reflect Aliquot=NO, Full Aliquot Payment=NO
The regular payment is calculated according to the formula:
Calculation Amount Total/(Total number of service payments - 1)+((Number of days of the month in the 1st installment - Number of days of the 1st installment)/Number of days of the month in the 1st installment)
1. Instalment means the first instalment for the entire financing period, so it does not have to be equal to the first instalment of the service
Last Payment
Total Calculation Amount minus SUM of Due Payments
Take into account aliquot=NO, Full aliquot payment=YES
The amount of all installments is the same
Calculation Amount Total divided by (Service Validity Period (equal to Financing Period) plus one occurrence)
Reflect aliquot=YES
The regular payment is calculated according to the formula:
Calculation Amount Total/(Total number of service payments - 1)+((Number of days of the month in the 1st installment - Number of days of the 1st installment)/Number of days of the month in the 1st installment)
1. Instalment means the first instalment for the entire financing period, so it does not have to be equal to the first instalment of the service
Last Payment
Total Calculation Amount minus SUM of Due Payments
The system retrieves the VAT % field from the VAT posting setup. If the value of the VAT Calculation Type field is equal to Normal in the given table, then the system will finalize the VAT % as it is in the corresponding row. However, if the value of the VAT Calculation Type field is equal to Refundable VAT, then the system will finalize VAT % equal to ZERO.
Flag Contract RenewalExtension=Y indicates lines from automatic renewal contract extension – see Smlouva se službami Contract With Services
The flag Recalculation Settlement=Y indicates the line for recalculation settlement – see. Změny smlouvy Contract Changes
Last Payment Match
When recalculating the service payment schedule, the system performs the so-called top-up on the last installment: