Financing product creation in OC Financial Leasing App
You always need to choose the financing product while creating new financial leasing. It is possible to set up parameters of financing product according to your requirements.
The advantage of setting up financial product is that it serves as a template for the most common financial leasing parameters and simplifies the process. The default values set in the financial product are automatically entered to the template.
Please note that example in attached video is example of loan related financing product, but there are the same fields also for creation of Financing Product related to Financial Leasing. The only difference is that for financing type Financial leasing is used only anuit calculation model.
In the screenshots below you can see three basic steps, through which you create financing product:
Step n. 1
In the picture you can see, how to set up financing product.
At first you have to click on Financing products.
Step n. 2
In the second step click on New.
Step n. 3
After clicking on button New, Financing Product Card is displayed. This template is designed to fill in the important data to creating financing products.
This template consists of 5 sheets:
No. Series
Calculations Parameters
Financing Indicators
Financing Product Rates