Multiple objects contract creation in OC Financial Leasing App

Multiple objects contract creation in OC Financial Leasing App

In Financial Leasing App you are able to create contract with more objects. The process of creating a multi-object contract is the same as for single-object contracts, except for a few details:

Step n. 1

In the first step of the wizard, select the customer and the object you want to finance with the contract. You then add each other object additionally to the financing card.


Step n. 2

In the second step of wizard you can see, that information about fixed asset purchase price and its residual value are reflected from Fixed asset card into wizard and contract automatically, but you can edit them manually if necessary.


In case you change fixed asset purchase price on contract, the origin purchase price will not change on fixed asset card.

Other information like Part Payment Period, Financing Period (in Months) and Dowm Payment fill in manually.


Step n. 3

In the third step of wizard is the amount of Service per Financing Period and Insurance per Financing Period reflected from fixed asset card to wizard automatically again, but you can edit them on the contract. Other data fill in manually.

In the last step is displayed overview about payment information. After checking click on button Finish.

Working with Calculation

Firstly it is important to activate Multi-object Contract button.


On Financing Card in section Object Lines you see information about fixed asset which we chose in previous step. For adding another fixed asset, click on FH FA Lines Subform and Add New FA.


It is possible to add or remove another objects only in status Calculation.

After clicking you can choose from all existing fixed assets, for this case we choose Volkswagen Polo.

Then information about him are reflected from its card into Financing Card automatically. In section Calculation you can see that the financial data on both objects are gradually totalized by adding other objects.


After adding each additional object, click on button Calculation to update the calculation.

Changes in multiple objects contract

After creating active contract you can make changes.

Except for changing of interest rate or financing period, which are performed at the contract level, you can also change the purchase amount or other fees, which is performed at the object level.

Stand on the row of the object you want to make changes to and use Change Financial Parameters:

In this place you can change:

  • Principal Amount

  • Service Fee

  • Insurance Fee

  • Residual Value.

The changes will then be reflected on the financing card and into payments calendar.

After making every change, don't forget to update the calculation.

Follow up:

How to do basic setup of OneCore Financial Leasing App

How to create new financial leasing

How to create active contract