The services that are included in the offer are recorded in the OC in the Contract Services table. The list of services (Contract Services form) is opened by the user from the Financed Object Card or the Offer Card by the same button Contract Services.
No. (No.)
The OC assigns the service number automatically by adding a postfix _XXX to the offer number, where XXX is the serial number of the service within the offer
Non-editable field
Service Status
Sets up the OC automatically:
Preparation – when the service is set up
Active – after activation of the contract or service, if the service is added additionally
Cancelled – not used
Terminated – after termination of the service or contract
Change copy – service status on the original contract, if there is a change copy for it
Non-editable field
Service Kind
The type of service is the first piece of information to identify the service
A non-editable field that is added after creating a service from a financing product or financing template
Service Type Code
Carries some of the settings of the service
A non-editable field that is added after creating a service from a financing product or financing template
Tire Service
More detailed specification of the types of services Tire Service (Tire, Rim, Storage, Tire Change, Rim Accessories)
A non-editable field that is added after creating a service from a financing product or financing template
Service Code
It specifies the rate of the service, refers directly to the price list of the service.
The user selects a value from the relevant price list based on the combination of the "Service type" and possibly "Tire service" fields
Type = Service
The system is completed automatically by filtering to the service price list. The description will be given in the description of the service detail
User can change, whereby valid from <= Reference datum < Valid to
Type = Tire Service, Tire Service = Tire
Non-editable, field remains blank
Type = Tire Service, Tire Service = Rims
Non-editable, field remains blank
Type = Tire Service, Tire Service = Tire Change
Non-editable, field remains blank
Type = Tire Service, Tire Service = Storage
The system is completed automatically by filtering to the price list. The description will be given in the description of the service detail
The user can change the
Type = Tire Service, Tire Service = Rim Accessories
Non-editable, field remains blank
Type = Replacement Vehicle
The system will be supplemented by a financing product or a financing template
The user can change by selecting from the price list of replacement vehicles, whereby the following applies: Valid from <= Reference datum < Valid to
Type = Road Tax
Type = Highway Sticker
The system will be supplemented by a financing product or a financing template
The user can change by selecting from the vignette price list, whereby the following applies: Valid from <= Reference datum < Valid to
Type = Fee/Service
The system will be supplemented by a financing product or a financing template
The user can change by selecting from the pricelist of fees/services, whereby the following applies: Valid from <= Reference date < Valid to
Type = Fuel Card
The system will be supplemented by a financing product or a financing template
The user can change by selecting from the fuel card price list, whereby the following applies: Valid from < = Reference date < Valid to
Service Description
Fills in the OC automatically, text description of the service:
In the first step, the system automatically adds the Description value (10) to the Service Description (60) according to the Service Type Code from the Service Type API (4026705).
Then update the field according to Service Kind - i.e. write the current value in Service Description (i.e. do not compose) as follows:
If (Service Description in the result will contain the description from the price lists)
Service Kind=Fee/Service – according to Service Code, fulfill the Fee Description (20) from the API Fee and Service Pricelist (4026651)
Service Kind=Replacement Car – according to Service Code, fulfill the Car Type Description (15) from the Repl. Vehicle Pricelist (4026655)
Service Kind=Highway Ticket – according to Service Code to fulfill Description (15) API Highway Ticket Pricelist (4026653)
Service Type=Tire Service and Tire Service=Tire Storage - according to Service Code to fulfill Description (10) from API Tire Storage Pricelist (4026614)
If (Service Description in the result will contain a description according to the Service Type Code):
Service Kind=Maintenance – according to Service Code to do nothing
Service Type=Fuel Card
Service Type=Tire Service and Tire Service=Tire
Service Type=Tire Service and Tire Service=Tire Change
Service Type=Tire Service and Tire Service=Rim
Service Type=Tire Service and Tire Service=Rim Accessories
Service Type=Road Tax
A service flag that specifies whether a cost from that service should be reinvoiced to the customer.
If A, the system will create the service in such a way that the value of the service will be zero.
Calculation Amount Total
Calculates OC automatically on the Detail of each service. It is the value of the service, from which the Calculation Amount Total is then calculated
During validation, the value was rounded according to the Service Rounding Code set to the Financing Model of the contract.
A detailed description of the service calculations is given below in the description of the detail of services.
Calculation Amount Per Payment
Calculates OC automatically Calculation Amount Total/Number of Service Payments, in Contract Currency
During validation, the value was rounded according to the Service Rounding Code set to the Financing Model of the contract.
The value is then transferred (possibly after modification) to the service payment schedule.
Composed Service Code
If the offer also contains a composed service, then this composed service has its own code. A composite service is specific in that it consists of multiple services that are added/removed together
Typically, it is a Tire service, which consists of Tires, Rims, Tire Change, Storage and possibly Rim Accessories
A non-editable field that is added after creating a service from a financing product or financing template
Compose Service Amount Per Payment
Calculates the OC automatically as the sum of the Values to the payment for the given composed service, in the currency of the contract (it is calculated only if the Composed Service Code is non-empty and the value of the field is the same in all lines with the same composed service code)
Purchase Price Total
Completes the system from the detail service where it counts
In the case of Service Type = Road Tax (when the Purchase Price is not calculated on the detail), the system automatically fills in the value from the Value Total calculation (the Road Tax has the same purchase price).
The value is not rounded according to the Service Rounding Code set to the Financing Model of the contract.
Margin Total
It is calculated on the service detail, differently for each service (for a detailed description, see the description of the service detail).
In the case of Service Type=Road Tax (when the margin is not calculated on the detail), the system automatically fills in the value from Value to Calculation Total-Purchase Price Total=0 (Road Tax does not have a margin).
During validation, the value was rounded according to the Service Rounding Code set to the Financing Model of the contract.
Valid From
The beginning of the service. It is the same as the value of the field:
Date of expected handover (when the calculation is created),
Handover Date After Contract Activation
A different date if the service is created retrospectively or when the service is changed.
Valid To
The end of the service. It is the same as the value of the Expected Termination Date field on the calculation card, or a different date if the service ended early.
Valid To after Extension
The end of the service is filled by the system automatically according to the Prep. Date field. Terminate after Extension (Expec.Termin.Date After Extension) – see chapter for contract description for description.
Mandatory Service
Flag the service, if it's mandatory. Takes OC from a financing product or financing template
When deleting a mandatory service, the OC displays a message (only an informative warning message, without any other functionality): "This is a mandatory service. Approval is required for deletion. Continue?"
If the user confirms Yes, the system deletes the service
If not, it will not delete the service.
Vendor No.
If a supplier is specified in the price list for a given service, the OC will display his number here
Vendor Name
Adds OC automatically according to the vendor number
Flag of the service, whether it should be billed over the duration of the contract. Takes OC from a financing product or financing template
Editable, can be changed manually by the user.
When set to N, the system automatically deletes the value of the Billing Period field and sets the Service Billing Period field to non-editable.
Charge Period
The period for which the service should be charged. Editable if Bill = A. Takes OC from the financing product or financing template. Values = Blanks | Monthly | Quarterly | Half-Year | Annual | At the Regular End
Informative value only, currently unused
System flag, filled by the system automatically when the service is terminated.
Hidden Flag
Reflect Aliquot
Service flag, whether the value for the given number of days or for the whole month should be determined when calculating the service in the first (or last) installment.
In the case of the Fee/Service service, the value is taken from the fee price list, for other services the system sets automatically:
Service: Take into account aliquot=A
Fee: The aliquot taken into account is taken from the fee schedule
Replacement vehicle: Take into account aliquot=A
Highway vignette: Take into account aliquot=A
Fuel Card: Take into account aliquot=A
Tire Service/Tire: Take into account aliquot=A
Tire Service/Tire Change: Take into account aliquot=A
Tire Service/Storage: Take into account aliquot=A
Tire Service/Rim: Take into account aliquot=A
Tire Service/Rim Accessories=A
Road tax: Take into account aliquot=N
Example: Road tax is paid in its entirety for each month started. Therefore, the system automatically sets the flag value on this service to N
Full Aliquot Payment
Service flag Kind=Fee/Service, takes OC from the fee list
In the price list, it can only be set in combination with Take into account aliquot=N
Meaning: the entire value of the service is calculated by e.g. Instead of 36M, it takes 37M, but in the first (or last) aliquot payment, the aliquot value will be based on the number of days.
Migrated Service
Hidden field by default
Boolean, default N
Field added for service migration purposes (when leasing companies move from their legacy system to OC). Migrated services must then be marked with flag Y.
If Y, the system will NOT make a call when recalculating the service payment calendar, i.e. it will not create a top payment.
Currency Code
Hidden field by default
It is populated from the Currency Code (10) from the API Financing Contract Header (4026397) when the service is set up
Currency Exchange Rate
Hidden field by default
It is filled from the Contract Exchange Rate (4026685) from the API Financing Contract Header (4026397) when the service is created
The user may also have other fields displayed in the Contract Services, the meaning of which is clear from the name of the field.