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Comment: Automatically translated by Lango


  • Averaged – in this case, the OC will create one service for the entire duration of the contract. It calculates the total value of the tax for the entire financing period according to the discount bands and distributes this total value evenly into the service instalments.

  • According to the discount zones – in this case, the OC will create as many consecutive services for road tax as the discount bands based on the age of the vehicle are issued during the duration of the contract (calculated from the Date of First Registration to the Date of Expected Termination). The value of the service instalment is different in each discount zone, taking into account the actual value of the tax for the given period.

Applies only to CZ: according to the current wording of Act No. 16/1993 Coll., on Road Tax, the subject of road tax is a vehicle of category N2 and N3 and their trailers of category O3 or O4, with the exception of category O with the code of body type DA (semi-trailer).

Applies to SK only: according to the current wording of Act No. 361/2014 Coll. on Motor Vehicle Tax, a vehicle of category L, M, N and O is subject to road tax.

Creating a Road Tax Service


  • Finds the Tax Code and Tax Rate as described above

  • If the Road Tax Legislation = Slovak, it goes on to find the discount according to the type of fuel:

    • Takes the Fuel Type from the financed object into the calculation window.

    • filters the API table Discount by Fuel Type (4047504) by Fuel Type and Valid From <= Reference Date from Contract Header <= Valid To (can also be empty):

      • if it finds a record for a given Fuel Type, it goes to the API Discount Rates by Fuel Type table and finds a record for:

        • Fuel Type Code = Same

        • Valid From <= Reference Date from Contract Header <= Valid To (can also be empty)

      • The calculation window takes the following values:

        • Discount by Type of Fuel Code

        • Discount by Type of Fuel Code %

      • Note: Discount Coefficient is not used in the calculation, it will be removed from the tables

      • If it does not find any record, it will consider that there is no discount (=0%), i.e. it will not take anything into the calculation window

  • Searching for discounts by age – after searching for discounts by fuel type, the search for discounts by age % in the API Discount by Age of Vehicle (4047503) table continues, regardless of legislation, as follows:

    • Checks that there is a non-zero value in the Financing Period (in Months) field on the contract

      • If it were, it wouldn't go any further (theoretical possibility).

    • Then he checks the dates on the object and proceeds to calculate the age of the object:

      • If there is a non-blank Object Handover Date on the object, it is used as the start date for the calculation + it is checked that the 1st Registration Date is not greater than the Object Handover Date. Otherwise, the Expected Handover Date from the financed object is used as the start date for the calculation.

      • The age of the vehicle in months at the beginning of the calculated period is calculated as the difference of the Calculation Start Date – 1st Registration Date.

      • The end date of the calculation is taken as Prep. Termination Date From Contract

      • Vehicle age at the end of financing calculates in months calculates as difference Calculation End Date – First Registration Date + 1

    • It then proceeds to search the Discount by Age of Vehicle API table.

      • The system filters the table according to Homologation Class Code (300) from the financed object and Valid from <= Reference date from the contract header <= Valid to (can also be empty):

        • If the Vehicle age at the beginning <>0, it filters the Interval from (month)<= Age of the vehicle at the beginning, otherwise it filters the Interval from (month)=0.

      • If a record exists in the table, the Interval to (month) field evaluates whether it covers the entire financing period. According to this, it will then decides decide how many discount bands will be used (1.,2,3 max 34) - the system will create discount bands according to the existing procedure (SK legislation still has discount bands).

        • If there is no record in the table (i.e. the current Czech legislation no longer uses any zones), the system will create only one road tax bracket for the entire duration of the contract with a zero discount

      • After finding the Discount By Age Code, the system proceeds to the Discount Rates ba Age API compositor and looks for the rate:

        • Discount Code=Same

        • Valid From <= Reference Date from Contract Header <= Valid To (can also be empty)

      • if it finds, it will also take Discount By Age % into the calculation window.

  • It then proceeds to calculate the values:

    • From the corresponding record of the Road Tax Rates table, it takes the value "Tax Rate (LCY)" (annual tax rate (LCY)) and writes it into the RoadTaxRateDec variable.

    • Applies a discount for fuel:

      • RoadTaxRateDec:= RoadTaxRateDec - ((RoadTaxRateDec * FuelTypeDisc." Discount in %") / 100);

    • apply a discount for the age of the vehicle from the corresponding discount band:

      • RoadTaxRateDec := RoadTaxRateDec - ((RoadTaxRateDec * VehicleAgeDisc." Discount in %") / 100);

    • calculates the amount in the contract currency using the contract exchange rate:

      • RoadTaxRateDecFCY := RoadTaxRateDec / greContract." Contract Exchange Rate";

    • calculates the amount in the contract currency using the contract exchange rate:

      •  RoadTaxRateDecFCY := RoadTaxRateDec / greContract." Contract Exchange Rate";

    • calculates the monthly amount in the contract currency Month Tax Rate with Discount:

      • MonthTaxRateDec := (RoadTaxRateDec/12)/greContract." Contract Exchange Rate";

    • Calculates the total value for the duration of the discount band:

      • Road Tax Total = Month Tax Rate with Discount * number of months of discount band from mm.yyyy Valid To – mm.year Valid From

    • Calculates the value per payment:

      • Road Tax To Payment = calculates the value of the installment according to the periodicity of the installments on the contract (either keeps or multiplies 3, 6 or 12 for monthly/half-yearly/annual repayments)

    • Valid From = takes over from the financed object from the Expected Handover Date or Handover Date the 1st day of the unposted payment period (if it is not emptythe Service is based on an active contract)

    • Valid To = end of discount zone (as calculated) or max Expected Termination Date from the contract

  • A second discount band will be created only if:

    • In Discount by Age of Vehicle, there is an entry for a given Homologation Class Code and

    • The contract term is longer than the interval to (months) from the first discount zone. 

  • A third discount band will be created only if

    • In Discount by Age of Vehicle, there is an entry for a given Homologation Class Code and

    • The contract period is longer than the interval Interval to (months) from the previous second discount zone. 

  • A fourth discount band will be created only if

    • In Discount by Age of Vehicle, there is an entry for a given Homologation Class Code and

    • The contract period is longer than the interval to (months) from the previous discount zone. 
