How to set up a service

The method of calculating and creating a service for road tax is governed by the Creation of Road Tax Service parameter in Contract with Service Settings/Road Tax tab:

Applies only to CZ: according to the current wording of Act No. 16/1993 Coll., on Road Tax, the subject of road tax is a vehicle of category N2 and N3 and their trailers of category O3 or O4, with the exception of category O with the code of body type DA (semi-trailer).

Applies to SK only: according to the current wording of Act No. 361/2014 Coll. on Motor Vehicle Tax, a vehicle of category L, M, N and O is subject to road tax.

Creating a Road Tax Service

A road tax service can be created:

When the button is pressed, the system performs several checks:

If it is an object that meets one of the above conditions, or if Service road tax has already been created, then the system will display a message when starting the "Create default services" or "Create road tax" function:

If the object is exempt (or the tax has already been created) service does not create a road tax and changes the value of the Road Tax exempt field to YES on the object (after updating the Financed Object Card). This field is then used for road tax returns.

If there is no Service and the object is not exempt from payment, it proceeds to the next checks:

If the following values are set in Contract with Service Settings:

If the object is NOT exempt from road tax and there is no road tax Service yet, the system continues to create a road tax service and find the road tax rate:

If the input data on the course and the code lists have been correctly filled in and it is not a vehicle exempt from road tax, the system automatically calculates the motor vehicle tax. If the vehicle is not exempt but has a zero rate (SK: electric vehicles), the calculation will be performed and the result will be a Service with a zero value.

The calculation is made for all discount zones for the duration of the contract. However, the system counts with a maximum of four discount bands.

The calculation is further described via the calculation window, which opens after pressing the Create Road Tax button:

Note: The discount code according to the type of fuel is used only for SK legislation.

When the window is opened, there is a code where it calculates values and stores them in variables, which it then displays on pagi. The procedure is as follows:

If the user created the Road Tax manually from the list of contract services, then he/she completes the process of creating the Road Tax by clicking on the Create Road Tax button located on the toolbar. The OK button is used only to exit the window without creating a service.

After confirmation, lines for road tax are created in the Contract Services table. The Road Tax service is created according to the settings in the "Contract with Service Setup" table in the "Road Tax Service Setup" field.

Displaying the Service Detail

To display the detail of the Road Tax service, the user stands on a line (marks the line in blue) in the Contract Services code list, where the Service Type is equal to Road Tax. As soon as the user selects this line, then presses the "Detail" button.

Subsequently, the user will see the Road Tax Detail Card, which contains the "General" tab.


Note 1: Electric cars – difference between CZ and SK legislation:

Note 2: It is not possible to Reinvoice the setting Reinvoice=A for the Road Tax service.