Averaged – in this case, the OC will create one service for the entire duration of the contract. It calculates the total value of the tax for the entire financing period according to the discount bands and distributes this total value evenly into the service instalments.
According to the discount zones – in this case, the OC will create as many consecutive services for road tax as the discount bands based on the age of the vehicle are issued during the duration of the contract (calculated from the Date of First Registration to the Date of Expected Termination). The value of the service instalment is different in each discount zone, taking into account the actual value of the tax for the given period.
Applies only to CZ: according to the current wording of Act No. 16/1993 Coll., on Road Tax, the subject of road tax is a vehicle of category N2 and N3 and their trailers of category O3 or O4, with the exception of category O with the code of body type DA (semi-trailer).
Applies to SK only: according to the current wording of Act No. 361/2014 Coll. on Motor Vehicle Tax, a vehicle of category L, M, N and O is subject to road tax.
Creating a Road Tax Service