For working in business is necessary to register and evidence your customers. In Loans App you have ability to create new customers , which is very simple process.
Step n. 1
directly via customer card, but we recommend to create new contact and then from contact can be created other entities - Customer, Vendor, Bank.
At the beginning click on button Customerslist Contacts, situated at the top of Dashboard. Empty Contact Card is opened. Numbering has been created automatically (automatic numbering setup).
We enter necessary information about Contact.
Step n. 2
Then click on button New and choose the type of contact (Company or Person).
Step n. 3
Name - enter company name
Type of Contact - Company (possible to create financing) or Person (not possible to create financing)
Legal Form - there are available 3 options:
Legal Entity,
Individual Entrepreneur,
Individual Non-Entrepreneur.
Fill Communication details and create customer via Actions > Functions > Create as > Customer
Once Customer or Vendor is created from this contact, values from Contact Card are copied to Customer or/and Vendor Card. We just add here additional information about a customer like accounting information, payment terms, prices and discounts. From here you can also drill down on past and ongoing sales activity.
or quideCustomer Card is possible to create new Loan or Financial Leasing. In case we create new Loan from Customer Card, appropriate legal form will be populated automatically with Customer Name into wizard.
For guide, how to fill each important field in Customer Card, see attached video.
How to do basic setup of OneCore Loans App