There are two ways to interrupt accounting depreciation:
To calculate the interruption of accounting depreciation "from" date, the "Calculate Depreciation" task has been modified. A detailed description of the principle of adjustment is described Výpočet odpisů Calculate Depreciation
Tax depreciation is not affected by the new field for interrupting depreciation from or by modifying the Calculate Depreciation task.
For the Interruption of Accounting Depreciations batch job, a Batch Job Card must be created with Batch Job Type = FA – Interrupt to set filters for detailed contract statuses, financing product types, and depreciation book code. A detailed description of the card settings is described in the Nastavení Finance .
According to the set filters in the batch job, the number of the Fixed Asset Card No. from the Financed Object field is searched for from the Fixed Asset No. field.
A detailed description of the process of processing the task is described in
The new field "Depreciation Interrupt from" affects the correct calculation of accounting depreciation, also with regard to the possible start of depreciation interruption retrospectively, i.e. in the period for which accounting depreciation has already been posted. Therefore, the Calculate Depreciation task had to be modified. Modifying this task is described
Termination of suspension of accounting depreciation:
by transferring to a new contract. This case is solved by a new task on the subject card "Asset Card Transfer" describedÚloha Převod karty majetku FA Card Transfer Report
Successful theft resolution – due to the rare occurrence of this situation, the system does not handle automatic processing. Manual processing is required. The Depreciation Interrupt from field is editable.