Service Code
Non-editable field
The value of the field is automatically taken when creating a service detail from the contract service card
Vendor No.
Non-editable field
The system fills in the value of the field automatically from the field of the same name from the Fee Pricelist code list according to the entered service code.
Vendor Name
The system will be completed automatically according to the entered vendor number. The field is non-editable.
Fee Period
Non-editable field
The system fills in the value of the field automatically from the field of the same name from the Fee Pricelist code list according to the entered service code
Fee Excl. VAT (LCY)
Non-editable field
The system fills in the value of the field automatically from the Fee Amount Excl. VAT (LCY) field from the Fee Rates code list valid according to the Reference Date for the entered service code
Correction (+-%)
Editable field
For a description, see a separate chapter.
Contract Fee Excl. VAT (LCY)
The system calculates the value of the field automatically every time the Correction (+-%) is changed according to the formula:
Contract Fee Excl. VAT (LCY) = Fee Amount Excl. VAT (LCY) x (1 + Correction (+-%)/100)
When editing Contract Fee Excl. VAT (LCY), the value of the Correction (+-%) field is recalculated retrospectively according to the formula:
Correction (+-%)=((Contract Fee Excl. VAT (LCY) / Fee Amount Excl. VAT (LCY) - 1) x 100.
The correction will only be recalculated if the Fee Amount Excl. VAT (LCY) is different from zero
When editing Contract Fee Excl. VAT, the Contract Fee Excl. VAT (LCY) is automatically recalculated:
Contract Fee Amount Excl.VAT (LCY)=Contract Fee Amount Excl.VAT (80)*Contract Exchange Rate from the contract header
Contract Fee Excl. VAT
The system calculates the value of the field automatically even with each change in the Contract Fee Excl. VAT (LCY) field according to the formula:
Contract Fee Amount Excl.VAT=Contract Fee Amount Excl.VAT (LCY) (75)/Contract Exchange Rate from the contract header
When editing this field, the Contract Fee Excl. VAT (LCY) will be recalculated retrospectively
Contract Fee Total
Non-editable field
The system calculates the value of the field automatically according to the financing period, fee period and contract fee excl. VAT
The value enters the calculation
Extra service
Non-editable field
The system will fill in the value of the field automatically from the Above-standard fee field from the Fee Pricelist code list according to the selected service code
Purchase Price Excl. VAT (LCY)
Hidden field.
The system fills in the value of the field automatically from the Purchase Price Excl. VAT (LCY) field from the Fee Rates code list valid according to the Reference Date for the entered service code
Purchase Price Excl. VAT (Purchase Price Excl.VAT)
Hidden field.
The system fills in the value of the field automatically:
Purchase Price Excl.VAT=Purchase Price Excl.VAT (LCY) (55)/Contract Exchange Rate from the contract header
Purchase Price Total
Hidden field
The system fills in the value of the field automatically
The system calculates the value of the field automatically according to the Financing Period, the Fee Period and the Purchase Price Excl. VAT
Contract Fee Margin
Non-editable field
The system fills in the value automatically according to the formula:
Contract Fee Total - Total Purchase Price Excl. VAT
Currency Code
Non-editable field
The value of the field is automatically extracted from the field of the same name from the General tab on the menu tab
Invoiced Excl. VAT
Non-editable field
The system will automatically fill in the amount that has already been invoiced to the current system date
Filled by wizard for recalculations (see Wizard for recalculations). Změny smlouvy Contract Changes).
Theoretically Invoiced
Hidden field
Filled by wizard for recalculations (see Wizard for recalculations). Změny smlouvy Contract Changes).
Recalculation Settlement
Non-editable field
Filled by wizard for recalculations (see Wizard for recalculations). Změny smlouvy Contract Changes).
If the service is Reinvoice=N and there are zero rates on the service code, the system will create a detail with a zero value.