Financing period change in OC Financial Leasing App

Financing period change in OC Financial Leasing App

When the contract is in status Active, it's possible to change Financing Rates, Financing Period and Principal Amount.

All the changes you make are reflected in 2 places - Calculation Lines and Payment Calendar. For more information about general contract changes see attached video:

In this case, we are choosing the process of changing Financing Period, which is described below:



Step n. 1

At the beginning, you must find the Contract, on which you want to change Financing period. On dashboard click on Active and choose the concretely Contract.

Step n. 2

Then you will see Financing Card. Click on button Process and Change Financing Period Wizard.


Step n. 3

Into field New Financing Period, enter the number of new Financing Period in months.


Then click on Next and Finish.


After realizing changes, it's necessary to update calculation through button called Calculation, which is situated in section Process. All of the changes you made will be reflected in the Calculator Lines and Payments Calendar.

Follow up:

How to change financing rate

How to change principal amount

How to work with early termination

How to work with bulk changes