Insurance Report Definition List
Reports for reporting to the insurance company are user-definable in the Insurance Report Definition Overview.
An overview of insurance report definitions can be displayed:
Manual Setup / Insurance Report Definition List
By searching through a magnifying glass
To create a new definition, the user selects New z Overview of insurance report definitions. The system displays a new Insurance Report Definition Card.
Insurance Report Definition Card
The insurance report definition card has two parts:
Header Bookmarked General to define report parameters
Subform Insurance Report Definition to define individual columns of the report.
General Tab
User enters a unique report code, max. number of characters 10
Fills in the text from the field Description from the specified Insurance Reporting Group Code
The user can change the
Report Type
The user selects the report type for which he defines the structure:
Extension (Prolongation)
Do not keep
Insurance Portfolio
Insurance Company No.
The user selects the insurance company of the report from the Insurance Company List
Insurance Product No.
User selects a product from the Insurance Company Product List
Reports must be defined for all products of the insurance company except for add-ons that report with the main product (usually KASKO). It is possible to create a separate report definition for add-ons reported additionally (creation of an insurance contract for an add-on during the validity of the main insurance contract).
Framewok Agreement No.
The user selects an insurance framework contract from the Insurance Framework Contracts overview, filtered to the specified insurance company and product
A framework agreement is an essential key for reporting
Insurance Reporting Group Code
User selects a code from the Insurance Reporting Groups list
The reporting set allows the creation of various reporting groups
Insurance Report Definition
Column Code
The user selects the column designation, max. 10 characters
Marking only for report definition
Column Order
The user numbers the order in which the system sorts the columns for output
Value Type
The user selects the source from the options
Defining a Field Value from a Table in a Database
Fixed value
The user enters the value of a constant if the value of the field Value Type = Constant
Table No.
A user selects a table number from the database if Value Type = Database
Table Name
The system fills in the table name according to the selected table number
Possible tables to choose from:
Object ID | Object Name | Object Caption |
18 | Customer | Customer |
4026397 | API Financing Contract Header | Financing Contract Header |
4026560 | API Financed Object | Financed Object |
4027010 | API Insurance Product Variant | Insurance Product Variant |
4027050 | API Insurance Rate | Insurance Rate |
4027100 | API Insurance Contract | Insurance contract |
4027122 | API Insurance Statement Line | Insurance Statement Line |
Field No.
The user selects the field number whose value is to be reported to the insurance company from the table selected in the field Table No.
Field Name
The system fills in the field name according to the selected field number
Custom Field Name
The user enters the description that he wants to use as the column name in the report. If the field is not filled in, the system will use the name of the field from the table in the resulting report
Change Trekking
Marking of fields (columns) for which their changes need to be monitored and reported to the insurance company
Fields are defined for Report Type = Change
When an increment statement is issued, the system stores the value of flagged fields Change Tracking to the internal table (4027120). If there is a change in any of the fields, the insurance contract will be included in the change report. By issuing a statement of changes, the new field values are added to the written internal table.
When reporting changes, it then checks the current data with an archived monitored field. If any of the monitored fields has been changed, the insurance contract is included in the report and the contents of the report are stored in an internal table for the next comparison.
Extension (Prolongation)
The user ticks the field according to which the system will suggest insurance contracts for Report Type = Renewal. In this case, it is an array Valid To z Insurance Contracts.
If the user makes a mistake in the report definition - he maps multiple columns with the same column order, the system displays an error message to the user during export:
Forced text format
There was a problem with exporting the customer's phone number to the insurance report. Although the database field is text, the format of the phone number did not match when exported to Excel.
In this case, it is possible to set a forced text format in the insurance report definition.
Afield XLS Format You need to type "@". Then, when you export to Excel, the field no longer matches.
Copying the Insurance Report Definition Card
It is possible to create an insurance report definition by copying an existing definition.
The function can be run from the overview or from the insurance report definition card.
After running the function, the system displays a dialog window for entering the definition code for a new report that will be created by copying.
Function Copy It copies both the header and line portions.
Supplement with a link to the product
Supplemental insurance is required by the insurance company to be reported together with the main product. This needs to be taken into account in the product definition.
The user must specify a link to the main product on the insurance set.
On the insurance contract, the system records the link of the add-on to the insurance contract to the main product.
A maximum of 7 add-ons can be registered for one main product. The order of the addition in the report is defined by the user on the insurance company's product for the add-on.
On the main product report card, the additions can be seen in the Addition 1 to Addition 7 fields and the relevant fields for the add-ons.
Add-on fields are calculated from linked insurance contracts to statement lines. They can be used in a statement for an insurance company. In the report definition for the main product, you need to add a definition for the columns for the add-ons.
The user selects 4027122 as the source table – Insurance Statement Line and a field for the add-ons that you want to report (Addition 1 – Rate, Annual Premium, Monthly Premium).
After reporting additions (or deregistration of disposals), the system will then write the date of reporting (or deregistration) to both the insurance contract with the main product and the insurance contract with the add-on.
Additional Insurance Report Retrospectively
In the case where there is additional insurance, e.g. Porridge, taken out retrospectively – at a time when the main insurance has already been announced.
Add-ons are normally exported only as a column to the main insurance to which they are linked.
Since the main insurance policy is already reported, only the add-on needs to be reported. There are two ways to sign up for an add-on:
In the main insurance policy increments report, the insurance contract number can be entered into the line manually, not by the function Suggest Lines (Suggest Line).
Since the fields for comparing changes are stored when reporting additions, it is also necessary to prepare a change report with the product, the framework agreement and the additional insurance set separately for the additional insurance that is reported.
There must be a reporting set on the additional insurance set (the same as the main insurance).
Define Additions Report for Add-ons Separately
The report will only be loaded with insurance contracts for add-ons that were added additionally, i.e. when the main insurance contract has already been reported (the Insurance Company Reporting Date field is filled in)
With this method, it is important to process the statement of additions only after the statement of additions to the main insurance has been issued (the system will add the dates of reporting to the insurance company), so that insurance contracts for additions that were concluded together with the insurance contract of the main product (same validity) do not fall into the statement for additions.