Before creating Active Contract you need to create Calculation, for more information use link How to create new financial leasing.
Then the process of transferring status from Calculation to Active Contract is simple.
At first, you have to click on button Change Status.
From the status Approved the loan is taken as a Contract and calculation numbering is changed to contract numbering.
We are allowed to change status sequence following:
Calculation → Send Offer (changes status to Offer), Archive Contract (changes status to Archived)
Offer → Send to Approval (changes status to Waiting for Approval), Archive Contract (changes status to Archived)
Waiting for Approval → Approve Contract (changes status to Approved), Archive Contract (changes status to Archived)
Approved → Sign Contract (changes status to Signed), Archive Contract (changes status to Archived)
Signed → Activate Contract (changes status to Active), Archive Contract (changes status to Archived)
Active → Suspend Contract (changes status to Suspend), Early Termination of Contract (changes status to Closing)
Suspend → Activate Contract (changes status to Active), Early Termination of Contract (change status to Closing)
Closing → Settling of Contract (changes status to Settling), Archive Contract (changes status to Archived)
Settling → Archive Contract (changes status to Archived)
Archived → we are not allowed to changed status of archived contract
Follow up:
On an active contract, you can post installments on a payments calendar. You can also cancel installments, but remember to update the calculation after each cancellation.
In case there are all payments invoiced in payment calendar and user clicks on button Calculation, payment calendar cannot be recalculated. Instead, there is displayed message: “There must exist at least one line where Rel<>0.”