Setting up the Print Report, Attachments
Report (attachments) for printing and sending
After running the function under the Print or Create attachment button on the sales document card (invoice/credit note), the system reads a report from the Invoice Printout Setup table, according to the value on the sales document card in the Invoice Print Type and Document Type fields.
Invoicing Print Setup
In the table, the fields are:
Invoicing Type = Typ Fakturace
If the value is:
According to the value of the invoicing type and the type of document, the system searches for a record (line).
From the record, it takes the ID report, the structure of the email, or. Jobrespensibility for sales documents that have a value in the Inovice Print Type field – Blank on the document card.
According to the value of the invoicing type and the type of document, the system searches for a record (line).
From the record, it takes the ID report, the structure of the email, or. Jobrespensibility for sales documents that have a value in the Inovice Print Type = Payment field on the document card.
Service (Maintenance)
According to the value of the invoicing type and the type of document, the system searches for a record (line).
From the record, it takes the ID report, the structure of the email, or. Jobrespensibility for sales documents that have a value on the document card in the field Inovice Print Type = Service.
Fuel (Fuel)
According to the value of the invoicing type and the type of document, the system searches for a record (line).
From the record, it takes the ID report, the structure of the email, or. Jobrespensibility for sales documents that have a value in the field Inovice Print Type = Fuel on the document card
Financing Object Sale
According to the value of the invoicing type and the type of document, the system searches for a record (line).
From the record, it takes the ID report, the structure of the email, or. Jobrespensibility for sales documents that have a value in the field Invoice Print Type = Financing Object Sale on the document card
Document Type
The system filters by document type when searching for a record
Report ID
the user selects a report that is generated when printing or saving attachments to document attachments
Email Body Layout Code
Settings for the body of mail
E-mail Subject
The system reads the value into the body of the mail
E-mail Attachment Name
attachment name for the Attachment Sales Invoice type.
Sent To
the Jobresponsiibility of the contact to be sent is selected.
Customer Card
In the Invoicing tab, you can set up mass sending of sales documents for the customer.
Mass Sending of Saleable Documents:
Blank value
The system does not process the document (does not send, does not switch the sending status)
Mass Tasks
Invoicing tasks: Post Financing Payment (with services); Mass Invoicing Fuel Cards; Mass Reinvoice Maintenance; Post Billing Credit Memos After posting the document, they immediately send the document, namely:
Create, save attachments
Toggle on tab Document Status = Complete
Status Sending E-mail
Sent = if the mail is sent
Not sent – error = if the sending failed.
The Sending Email error text writes a description of the error
Periodic Task
After running the Mass Sending Documents task, the system creates an email for one customer, in which all the attached documents are
Periodic Task Zip
After running the Mass Sending Documents task, the system creates an email for one customer, which contains a Zip attachment with all document attachments. In Zipe, a directory is created from attachments)
Stop Sending:
Ak je nastavené na ANO
Neither bulk invoicing jobs nor the job Sending documents in bulk doesn't send sellable customer documents.
Method of Sending Invoices
In the table Method of sending documents, it defines the method of sending sales documents (print, email), as well as the creation of additional attachments for individual invoicings for a given customer.
Invoicing Type
For lower invoicing tasks, the system searches for a record by Invoicing Type:
Post Financing Payment (with services) = Invoicing Type Payment
Mass Invoicing Fuel Cards = Invoicing Type = Fuel
Mass Reinvoice Maintenance = Invoicing Type = Service
Post Billing Credit Memos = Payment
Document Type
Invoice/Credit Memo
Type of Sending Documents:
After posting, the system sends the document to print
After posting, the system sends the document set by Jobresponsibility to the contact
Attachment Format
A parameter is selected to create the report format
Attachment Report ID
Selecting a report for an attachment
Attachment Report Name
It is retrieved from the selected report
Attachment Layout Code
Loaded with the selected attachment layout
Attachment Layout Description
Choose an attachment layout
Attachment Name
Text box
When inserting attachments into document attachments, the system changes the attachment with the selected text
Sales & Receivables Setup
In the Sales and Receivables Setup table, tab E – mailing Setup, the parameters of the Mass Sending Document task are set, such as: Email body report ID (the email dataset should contain the fields from the customer card); Email Body Layout Code, Subject, Attachment Name
Sending Saleable Documents
Manually Sending Saleable Documents
After posting an individual document, the user has the option to send a document with attached attachments by e-mail from the document card.
After posting, the document has:
Document Status = Empty
Email Sending Status = Not Sent
The user checks the sales document, then toggles Document Status = Complete
The user uses the Create Attachment button to create document attachments
When the button is launched, the system:
Checks Document Status = Complete
If there is no Document Status = Complete displays a message
For the Invoicing Print type on the Sales Document Card:
creates attachments from Invoice Printout Setup and Customer Inv. Sending Method
saves them in the Attachment of the document
for Sales Invoice Report attaches Attachment Type = Sales Invoice
for Attachment Report attaches to Attachments Attachment Type = External Attachment Sales Invoice or Credit Memo
If the user inserts an attachment that is to be attached to the email, he must add Attachment Type = External Attachment Sales Invoice or Credit Memo
Then use the Email button to create an Email and send it.
After sending, on the sales document card, the field Sending Status - E-mail = Sent
Sending Documents by Mass Invoicing Tasks
Invoicing tasks: Post Financing Payment (with services); Mass Invoicing Fuel Cards; Mass Reinvoice Maintenance; Post Billing Credit Memos after posting the document, if the following is set on the customer card:
Mass Sending Sale Documents = Mass Tasks
Stop Sending = NO
The method of sending customer invoices for a given Invoicing Type is Email = YES
System after posting sales documents by invoicing tasks:
Sends saleable documents
Overrides on the sales document card Sending Status - E-mail = Sent
Writes Success or Failure invoicing jobs to the log
Mass Sending Document Task
The Mass Sending Document task can be run from the Role Center via search, or repeatedly via the scheduler.
The task processes sales documents that customers have set up on the customer card:
Mass Sending of Sales Documents = Periodic Task or Periodic Task Zip
Stop Sending = NO
After the job starts:
goes through the List of Posted Invoices and the List of Posted Credit Memos;
filters records
Document Status = Complete
Sending Status – Email = Not sent
In the header of the document, in the API MASS Invoice (4026710) field, ak je:
YES collects in the tray
NO - it's looking at the Shortcut Dimension 2 field. According to the dimension, it looks for the contract card, where in the API Financing Contract Header (4026397), and is in the Paym field. Calendar is Tax Document (19032) value in the field:
YES + Invoice Print Type = Payment skips document (document will not be sent), waits for manual sending
NO = continues on
Records are grouped by
Customer Numbers
On the customer card, it checks:
Mass Sending of Sales Documents = Periodic Task or Periodic Task Zip
Stop Sending = NO
Jobresponsibilities namely:
according to the value in the field in Invoice Print Type (Sales Cr. Memo Header (114), Sales Invoice Header (112), searches the Invoicing Printout Setup tab for a record that has the same value as the Invoicing Type in Invoice Print Type;
of the found record searches for a value in the Send To (Job responsibilities) field
Note. If the customer had documents with all types of invoicing, the task would create:
One mail for Jobresponsibility Invoice, in which there would be documents with all types of invoicing
Second e-mail for FMN Jobresponsibility, in which there would be documents only for Invoicing Type = Service.
Group records, create mail:
Takes the Jobresponsibility from the contact card
Body E – Mail:
The system reads the report from the Sales & Receivables Setup tab (311) from the Email Body Layout Code field
Object takes over
from the Sales & Receivables Setup tab (311) retrieves the value from the new field E – mail Subject
To an email attachment that was on the customer card in the Mass Sending of Sales Documents field:
Periodic task attaches all attachments from Attachment documents (does not zip them)
Periodic task ZIP, all attachments will be zipped. In Zipe, it creates a directory according to the numbers of the individual documents in which the attachments are located.
Sends by e-mail
On document cards, writes a value into a new field Sending Status – Email (79280) Sent
If an error occurs when an E mail is created or when sending, i.e. the E-mail is not sent. The system switches to the Sending Status – Email field to Not Sent – Error and writes an error to the Sending Error Text.
In Sent E-mails, the user can check whose e-mails were sent by the customer.