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Road motor vehicles and their trailers, which are subject to operating leases, unless they are exempt from payment and do not have to be declared in the return, are subject to road tax. This means that the leasing company, as their operator, is obliged to pay road tax in accordance with the applicable CZ or SK legislation.

The calculation of the road tax is based on a large number of parameters of the financed object – the parameters are described in PD Katalog_Předmět, Services, price lists, Business settings.


  • The resulting format of the exported XML file corresponds to the Tax Authority form for Road Tax Returns from 2021 inclusive.


  • the resulting format of the exported XML file corresponds to the Tax Authority No. DMVv20 form for Motor Vehicle Tax Returns for the taxable period from 2020 (valid from 1.12.2020)

  • The solution ensures complete filling of the required data and data into the XML file for Proper and Repair Tax return for vehicles that are subject to financing and meet the following conditions:

    • in the Object Holder = Leasing Company field

    • have the dates of the first registration of the vehicle and the first registration of the vehicle to the leasing company filled in on the object

    • have a Licence Plate No on the object

  • For submission Additional It is not possible to ensure that the form is fully filled in so that it complies with the legal requirements. It will be necessary to make user adjustments after loading the xml file into the Tax Office form, especially in the following cases:

    • In the case of incorrect vehicle data, when an incorrect tax has been calculated, it is not possible to ensure the correct performance of lines 22 and 24 for individual vehicles. The task populates the lines with the currently calculated tax amount, which is filled into line 21. Subsequently, the original amount of tax must be filled in by the user in the form after loading the xml file, or the filled value must be corrected

    • In the case of an incorrect entry of information in line 10 (Tax Collector under Section 3 of the Act), when the date of inception and the date of extinction of tax liability is not stated in the additional return, this cannot be ensured by the task, the modification must be made by the user in the form after loading the xml file

    • If tax is paid in the return for a vehicle that is not subject to tax, the vehicle data on the object card is modified, then the task cannot add such a vehicle to the additional return, it is necessary to add this vehicle for tax correction by the user in the form after loading the xml file.

  • Vehicles subject to tax, where the Taxpayer is subject to § 3 lit. e) – Employerare not part of the solution. Such vehicles will have to be added to the Tax Office form by the user after loading the xml file.

A prerequisite is the correct and complete setup of all related code lists, price lists and the correct establishment of the financed object in the financing contract for operating lease.

The basic prerequisite is correctly set tables in the OC for the calculation of road tax, including tax rates valid for the next period and including tables for calculating the reduction/increase of the road tax rate.

Another important prerequisite is the timely and correct completion of the technical data about the vehicle on the leasing object card.


The starting point of the SD calculation for motor vehicles depends on filling in the following fields on the leasing object card:

  • 1st Registration Date

  • Leasing Comp. Reg. First Date

  • Licence Plate No.

  • Object Holder = Leasing Company

The end of the SD calculation for motor vehicles depends on filling in the following fields on the leasing object card:

Technical Certificate Check-Out Date. ATTENTION, even for stolen items, this date must be filled in at the moment of receiving the report from the police and then deregistering the vehicle from the register!

Road Tax Background Card

An overview of road tax / motor vehicle tax documents can be displayed by searching for the term entered in the magnifying glass.

The road tax base card can be displayed by searching for the entered term in the magnifying glass.

Or directly from the Road Tax Basis List by selecting Manage –> Edit or Manage-> View, or by selecting from the Card menu.

Creating a Road Tax Background Card

Creating a new document card is possible by selecting New in the Road Tax Base List / Road Tax Basis List.

Subsequently, the system opens an empty document card and the user must fill in the following data necessary for the creation of a tax return. These are general figures.

The data is stored in a spreadsheet and the next time you start creating a report, you will have it available to you and do not have to fill it in again. When changing the data (for the next year), you can insert the modified data again via the same icon or edit an existing definition.

After entering the data in the "Year" field and confirming by entering or clicking in another field, the following fields are automatically downloaded:

For CZ:


The field in the green box is populated from the Statutory Reporting Setup table. The fields in the yellow box are populated from the Company Information table. Pre-filled data can be edited by the user.

A description of the settings for the Company Information table and the Statutory Reporting Setup table is in PD Financial Setup.

  • Declaration Type – the user selects from the menu, the default value is "Regular"

  • Declaration type resolution code – the user selects from the menu, the default value is "A"

  • Start Date – Specify the first date of the period for which the source data will be filtered

  • End Date – Specify the last date of the period for which the source data will be filtered

  • File Name – enter the file name under which the generated xml file will be saved. The generated file is saved in the Downloads folder of the user that triggered the export.

For SK:


The field in the green box is populated from the table Nastavenie štatutárného vykazovania (Statutory Reporting Setup).

The pole in the yellow frame is filled from the table Informácie o spoločnosti (Company Information).

The field in the purple box is populated from the Company Official Card table.

The field in the gray box is populated from the Employee Card table.

Pre-filled data can be edited by the user.

Principle of filling the fields:

General tab:

Field Name:

Data type:


SK: Year

PK, Integer

the user enters the year for which the MV tax calculation is to be calculated, after confirming the value, the values of the formal fields on the card are automatically pre-filled

Basis No.
SK: Substrate No.

PK, Integer

non-editable, the number is written by the system

Declaration Type
SK: Kind of confession

Option:Tax Return,Corrective Tax Return,Additional Tax Return (ENG:Regular,Regular-Correction,Additional)

Default Value = Regular

·         The user selects a different Option value, depending on what other type of return they want to process

SK: Ulica

Text (200)

editable field, the value from the Street Name field (52, Text[100]) from the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907) is automatically filled in

SK: Municipality

Text (30)

editable field, the value from the City field (56, Text[30]) from the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907) is automatically filled in

Orientation Number
SK: Approximate number

Code (4)

editable field, the value from the Municipal No. field (54, Text[20]) from the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907) is automatically filled in

House Number
SK: Subscription No.


editable field, the value from the House No. (53, Text[10]) field from the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907) is automatically filled in

City No.
SK: Postcode


editable field, the value without a space from the Post Code field (57, Code[20]) from the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907) is automatically populated

SK: Štát

Text (30)

editable field, the value from the Country/Region Name field (60, Code[50]) from the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907) is automatically populated

Legal Entity Name

SK: Name of the legal entity

Text (36)

editable field, the value from the Name field (2, Text[100]) from the Company Information table (79) is automatically populated

Legal Entity Reg. Tax ID
SK: VAT Registration No.

Code (10)

editable field, the value from the slt_Tax Registration No. (51611901, Text[20]) field from the Company Information table (79) is automatically populated

Created by First Name
SK: Created by Křtné měno

Text (50)

editable field, automatically populated with the value from the First Name field (2, Text[30]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table to the value entered in the Completed by field (73, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

·         The field is for informational purposes only, it is not entered into the XML form

Created by Surname
SK: Created by Nickname

Text (50)

editable field, automatically populated with the value from the Last Name field (4, Text[30]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table to the value entered in the Completed by field (73, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907)

·         The field is for informational purposes only, it is not entered into the XML form

Created by Phone No.
SK: Telefónne číslo

Code (30)

editable field, automatically populated with the value from the Phone No. (20, Text[30]) field in the slt_Company Official (51611908) table to the value entered in the Completed by field (73, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

Created by E-mail
SK: E-mail address

Text (100)

editable field, the value from the E-Mail field (22, Text[80]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically populated with the value entered in the Completed by field (73, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907)

Adv. Payments Amount

SK: Amount of advances


non-editable field, the total amount of Advance Payment Amount field values from the API Road Tax Basis Adv. Paym table is filled. (4027510)

·         values in the Rad Tax Basis Adv. Payments table are populated by the user

Bank Account No.
SK: Account No.

Text (30)

editable field, the value before the slash from the Bank Account No. (14, Text[30]) field from the Company Information table (79) is automatically populated

·         In the XML form, the value of the field will be filled only if a tax overpayment is calculated

Bank Code
SK: Bank Code

Code (20)

editable field, the value after the slash from the Bank Account No. field (14, Text[30]) from the Company Information table (79) is automatically filled in

·         In the XML form, the value of the field will be filled only if a tax overpayment is calculated


Code (50)

editable field, the value from the IBAN field (38, Code[50]) from the Company Information table (79) is automatically filled in

·         In the XML form, the value of the field will be filled only if a tax overpayment is calculated

Start Date
SK: For the Tax Period from


the user enters the date from which the MOI tax is to be calculated

End Date
SK: For the tax period to


the user enters the date by which the MOI tax is to be calculated

File Name
SK: Názov súboru

Text (100)

The user enters the name according to which the generated XML file is named and adds ".xml" to the name

Data on the person who submits the tax return tab

Signing Person Type
SK: Typ podajúcej osoby

option:'',Representative, Heir, Trustee in bankruptcy,Liquidator,Štatutárny representative (PO),Legal successor (ENG:'',Representative,Heir,Trustee in bankruptcy,Liquidator,Statutory representative (LP),Legal successor)

default value = ''

·         The user selects the Option value based on the person filing the tax return for the company

Name of The Representative
SK: Meno zástupca

Text (50)

editable field, it is automatically populated with the value from the First Name field (2, Text[30]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table to the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Surname of The Representative
SK: Representative Nickname

Text (50)

editable field, it is automatically populated with the value from the Last Name field (4, Text[30]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table to the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Title of The Representative
SK: Deputy Title

Text (10)

editable field, the value from the Initials field (6, Text[30]) from the slt_Company Official table (51611908) is automatically populated with the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907)

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Id. No. of The Representative
SK: Representative's birth number

Text (30)

editable field, the value from the Social Security No. (21, Text[30]) field from the Employee table (5200) found to Authorized by (72, C) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically populated to the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Birthdate of The Representative
SK: Dátum narodenia zástupca


editable field, the value from the Birth Date field (20, Date) from the Employee table (5200) found to Authorized by (72, C) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically filled in to the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907)

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Tax Advisor Tax ID

SK: VAT Representative Registration No.

Code (36)

User-editable field without automatic filling

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Business Name of The Representative
SK: Obchodné meno alebo názov zástupca

Text (100)

User-editable field without automatic filling

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Street of The Representative
SK: Ulica zástupca

Text (100)

editable field, the value from the Address field (10, Text[100]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically populated with the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

House No. of The Representative
SK: Súpisné číslo zástupca

Text (50)

editable field, the value from the Address 2 field (11, Text[50]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically populated with the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907)

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

City of The Representative
SK: Obec zástupca

Text (30)

editable field, the value from the City field (12, Text[30]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically populated to the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Post Code of The Representative
SK: Postal Code of the Representative

Code (20)

editable field, the value without spaces from the Post Code field (13, Code[20]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically populated to the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907)

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Country of The Representative
SK: State Representative

Text (30)

editable field, the Name value (2, Text[50]) from the Country/Region table (9) is automatically populated with the value entered in the County field (14, Text[30]) in the slt_Company Official table (51611908) with the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup table (51611907)

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Phone No. of The Representative
SK: Telefón zástupca

Text (30)

editable field, the value from the Phone No. (20, Text[30]) field from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically populated with the value entered in the Authorized by (72, Code[20]) field in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

E-mail of The Representative
SK: E-mail representative

Text (80)

editable field, the value from the E-Mail field (22, Text[80]) from the slt_Company Official (51611908) table is automatically populated with the value entered in the Authorized by field (72, Code[20]) in the slt_Statutory Reporting Setup (51611907) table

·         The value is transferred to the XML form only if the Type of the submitting person will be different than empty

Additional tab: is available and editable only when Additional is selected in the Declaration Type field, when switching Declaration Type from Additional to Regular or Regular-Correction, the entered data in the fields on this tab is deleted

Date of Finding Reasons Add. Tax
SK: Dátum zloženia faktnosti na filanie dodatočného tax return


The user enters the date in case he is creating an additional tax return

Last Total Number Of Vehicles
SK: Posledný celkový počet vozidiel


The user enters the total number of vehicles that was stated on the previous/regular tax return

Last Known Tax
SK: Last Total Tax


The user enters the tax amount from the previous/regular tax return

Presumptive Tax
SK: Expected Tax


The user enters the amount of the estimated tax according to the latest/regular tax return

SK: Notes

Text (1000)

The user enters the necessary comment on the additional tax return

Paid Advances

On the Road Tax Base Card it is possible to open the table Road Tax Base Advances / Road Tax Basis Adv. Payments by selecting Paid Advance Payments or from the calculated field Advance Amount / Adv. Payments Amount.

A table will open with an overview of paid advances.

With the New option, you can manually enter the Advance Payment Date and the Advance Payment Amount. The final sum of each advance amount is in the Advance Amount / Adv. Payments Amount field on the asset card.

CZ – individual rows from the Road Tax Base Advances table (sentence Z) are filled in the xml file.

SK – The total amount of paid advances is filled into the XML file.


The file is generated by selecting the Export option on the tax document card.

CZ – The process of generating an xml file of the road tax base

After launching the Export button, the system proceeds to calculate and generate the xml file as follows:

  • The system only goes through items from financing contracts with financing type = Operative leasing that have the Date of First Registration and Date of First Registration to the Leasing Company filled in. If these dates are not filled in, it is not possible to calculate the road tax, or the vehicle has not been registered.

  • If the contract for the object is in status Variant (Calculation Variant=A), the processing of the calculation document is skipped.

  • If the contract for the object is in the status Change copy (Change copy=A), the processing of the calculation document is skipped including the original contract (Change copy=A) and the object number and the contract number are entered into the Road Tax Log table (change copy and original).

  • The system checks that the data in the Registration Data tab in both the Object Owner field and the Holder/Operator field equals "Leasing Company". If one of the fields is not equal, it skips the processing of the underlying asset calculation.

  • It will not include in the calculations items that have the field "Road Tax Calculation Type" set on the Group of the Catalogue Card= "Not subject to".

  • It checks for duplicate VIN and at the same time checks the Handover Date of the item. For the calculation, the vehicle with the duplicate VIN that has the highest object handover date is valid. After transferring the license plate number to the report, it will take the value and take into account the data in the License Plate History table. If the value in the Vehicle Registration Number field on the Object Card is not filled in, the system continues processing and writes the information about the empty field into the Road Tax Log. If the VIN field is not filled in, it skips processing and writes the information about the empty field into the Road Tax Log.

  • The system checks to see if the Exempt = Yes field is set on the object card. If is = Yes, then it proceeds in the calculation described in the following points. If Exempt = No, then it will check that a service exists in the contract Service Kind = Road Tax. If it does not exist, it skips the calculation processing and enters the information in the Road Tax Log that the contract service is missing and the vehicle is not exempt from tax.

  • Goes through the individual months of the defined interval. For each month, a check is made to see if the start date of the month is >= the date of the first registration of the object and at the same time <= the date of deregistration of the technical certificate. If the condition is met, the month will be processed. If the First Registration Date field is empty, it skips the processing of the underlying data calculation and enters the information into the Road Tax Log (also applies to exempt vehicles).

  • Based on the current month and the date of first registration, the age of the car is calculated. According to the age, the tax rate and the monthly payment (rate / 12) are then calculated for the current month. If the date of the first registration is not entered, it skips the processing of the calculation of the document and enters it in the Road Tax Log (does not apply to exempt vehicles).

  • If the Exempt from Tax = Yes field is set on the object card and the Object Usage Method is selected with the value in the Exempt from Tax = Yes field, the exemption under Section 3 according to the letter entered in the "Letter of the Act" field will be applied. In the Object Usage Method table, the law letter F must not be set. This value is set only in the Fuel Types table. Based on the selected Fuel Type with the value in the field Exempt from Tax = Yes, the exemption according to § 3 according to the entered letter in the field "Relevant letter" will be applied. If the Relevant letter field is not filled in, the processing of the underlying document calculation continues and the system will write the information about the empty field into the Road Tax Log. The number of months of exemption shall be the same as the number of months subject to road tax. If there is a combination of both exemptions on the same card of the financed object, the "Letter of the Act" from the table Method of using the financed object is used. The calculation of the tax rate for passenger cars (the identification of "personal vehicle" is set in the Contract with Service Setup table in the Value for Passenger Car field) for electric drive (Electric vehicle) is different, regardless of the "Letter of the Act". To identify an electric vehicle, the task looks at the set value in the Electric vehicle value field in the Contract with Service Setup table. The calculation of the tax rate for exempt vehicles, i.e. there is a field Exempt = yes on the object card, will be as follows:

    • For exemption by method of use – on the object card, the system looks at the value in the Object Usage Method field and checks in the Financing Object Usage Methods table whether Tax exempt = Yes is set and the value in the Law Letter field is not empty. If the value "A" or "B" is found in the Letter of the Act field, the calculation will be terminated (vehicles exempt in this way are not included in the return). A value other than "A" or "B" in the Law Letter field is stored and used to fill in the xml in Veta0, the "k_osvoboz=" field. To calculate the road tax, he identifies whether Fuel Type = Electric Vehicle and, in case of a match, the calculation will be carried out as described in point b). The calculation of the road tax for the identified Fuel Type <> Electric vehicle will be performed in the same way as in the Create Road Tax task, including the application of discounts according to discount bands. If the Object Usage Method field is not filled in on the course, the task will end with an error message and the error will be recorded in the Road Tax Log.

    • For Fuel Type Exemption = Electric Car on the Object Card, the system looks at the value in the Object Usage Method field and checks in the Financing Object Usage Methods table to see if Exempt from MV Tax = No is set. It then looks at the value in the Fuel Type field and checks in the Fuel Types table to see if MV Tax Exempt = Yes and the value in the Law Letter field is not empty. The value of the Law Letter field is saved and used to populate the xml into Veta0, the "k_osvoboz=" field. If the Fuel Type is set to Exempt from MV Tax = No or the Law Letter field is empty, the task will end with an error message and the error will be recorded in the Road Tax Log. Subsequently, it will be identified whether it is an Electric Vehicle. If the result of the identification is ≠ Electric vehicle, the calculation described in point (c) shall be followed. If the identification result is = Electric vehicle, it will find codes in the Road Tax Pricelist table that have Object Category = Other Vehicle set. According to the number of axles (in the subject of the Number of axles field) and according to the maximum permissible total weight of the vehicle (in the subject of the Maximum or total weight (kg) field), when it searches for the intersection in the values set in the fields "Total weight in kg from" and "Total weight in kg to" fields and this inclusive, it finds the corresponding code from the Road Tax Pricelist and uses the rate from the related Rates table. Then it looks at the Discount by Vehicle Age table and takes the discount into account in the calculation using the same principle as in the Create Road Tax task. Until xml sentence0, the field "weight" is always reported in tons, regardless of the value of the Road Tax Calculation Type field in the Catalogue Card Groups table. It now sends weight only if the Road Tax Calculation Type value is higher than 1. If the Fuel type, Number of axles or Maximum or total weight (kg) field is not filled in on the item, the task will end with an error message and the error will be recorded in the Road Tax Log.

    • For the exemption according to fuel type ≠ Electric car – the calculation of the road tax will take place in the same way as in the Create Road Tax task, including the application of discounts according to discount bands. If the Fuel Type field is not filled in on the item, the task will end with an error message and the error will be recorded in the Road Tax Log.

  • Monthly payments are added up for the reporting period and rounded up for individual vehicles to whole crowns. The total sum is entered in Section III of the tax return, in field 31 Total amount of road tax.

  • Paid advances are added together and the sum is filled into Section III of the return, in the field On advances paid.

  • The remaining remaining payment is calculated by subtracting from the Total Road Tax Amount Paid on Advances. If On Advances Paid is not filled in, zero will be deducted. The calculation is filled in section III of the tax return, in the field Remaining to pay.

The generated xml file will be saved under the downloaded files on your computer under the name specified in the File name field on the Road Tax Base Card. When the generation is complete, the system displays the message: "Road tax calculation is complete. Do you want to open the log?". After confirming YES, the Road Tax Log table is opened, which contains information about the result of processing or not processing and the error listed.





Import the resulting xml file into the tax portal website. Here you can find out what errors are found in the generated tax return document.

Vehicle type code (column 17 in the declaration)

XML - <Sentence 0, k_drvoz="1"

It is filled in according to the settings in the Catalogue Card Groups table, setting the value of the field Road Tax Calculation Type -> Option when:

  • Not subject to = 0

  • Cylinder size = 1

  • Max. Allowed Total Weight = 2

  • Sum of axle weights = 3.

SK – Process of generating xml file of data for motor vehicle tax

After launching the Export button, the system proceeds to calculate and generate the xml file as follows:

  • Checks the Discount by Age of Vehicle (4027503) API table. In the table:

    • There must be some lines. If no row is created, the task will end with the error message "No Discounts by Age of Vehicle are set"

    • In all rows, in the Paragraph No. (25, Code[10]) field:

      • The value must be non-empty. If the value is empty in any row, the task will end with the error message "There is not set Paragraph No. for a Discount by Age of Vehicle"

      • The set value must be in the "číslo_číslo" format corresponding to the paragraph number and the paragraph number of the law, e.g. 7_1 or 7_2 or 7_3. If the set value does not match the required format, the task will end with the error message "The set Paragraph No. does not correspond to the required format.

  • Excluded from the MOI tax calculation are those contracts that have Calculation = Yes in the Detail Contract Statuses field, as well as those contracts that have:

    • In the Status field, a value lower than Signed

    • In the Calculation Variant field = Yes

    • In the Change Copy = Yes field

    • In the Change Copy Exists box, = Yes. Until LOG writes down the object number and contract numbers under the condition that the date of the first registration for the leasing company is <= the last day of the generated MOI tax document

  • Items will be found for the selected contracts, and only items that have:

    • In the specified code in the Cataloque Group Code field on Cataloque Groups s Rate Tax Calc. Type <> Exempt (Nepodlieha)

    • Then in the Object Holder = Leasing Company field. If it is not equal, it skips the processing of the calculation of the tax base from the MOI and enters the discrepancy in the LOG

    • Then, in the License Plate No. field, <> empty. The completed field is a unique identifier of the actual vehicle registration.

    • Then in the field 1st Registration Date <= to the entered End Date in the MV Tax Calculation Basis card. If the value is empty, it will skip the processing of the calculation for the given object and LOG writes info about an empty field

    • Then, in the field Leasing Comp. Reg. First Date => to the entered Start Date in the MV Tax Calculation Basis card. If the value is empty, it will skip the processing of the calculation for the given object and LOG writes info about an empty field

    • Then, in the Technical Certificate Check-Out Date field, the date is either blank or falls within the MV Tax Calculation Period

    • Then, on the selected subjects, it checks that:

      • there is a non-empty value in the Chassis No. (VIN) field. If it is empty, the task skips the processing of the MOI tax calculation to the financed object and to the LOG writes down information about the contract number and the object number that has an empty VIN

      • there is a non-empty value in the Fuel Type field. If it is empty, the task skips the processing of the MOI tax calculation to the financed object and to the LOG writes information about the contract number and the item number that has a blank Fuel Type

  • Then it will check for duplicate VIN on the items selected for processing the tax calculation. If items with duplicate VIN are found, it will check that the 1st Registration Date and Leasing Comp. Reg. First Date are the same on all items. If:

    • are not identical, so it skips the processing of all items with a duplicate VIN and into the LOG Writes information about the discrepancy in the fields

    • are identical, then for the calculation of the MOI tax, the vehicle with the duplicate VIN that has Highest Handover Date (Date) of the subject. If there is a blank value on any contract, the information is entered into the LOG and continues to process. To transfer Licence Plate No. to the statement, the valid value at the end of the period for which the MV tax is calculated is taken according to the history to the field, i.e. from the Licence Plate History table

    • Until the calculation of the "Estimated tax according to § 10 par. 2 of the Act", only financed objects that have Leasing Comp. Reg. First Date <= to the entered End Date in the MOI Tax Calculation Basis card, at the same time the date in the Technical Certificate Check-Out Date field is blank or higher than the End Date entered in the MOI Tax Calculation Basis card. In the case of duplicate VINs, the subject is used for the calculation, Who Has the Highest Handover Date

      • This calculation is only performed if Regular or Regular-Correction is selected in the Declaration Type field on the Road Tax Basis Card

      • If Additional is selected in the Declaration Type field on the Road Tax Basis Card, this calculation will not be performed

  • Checks if there is a Free of Tax = Yes field on the object card. If:

    • = Yes, this is how it proceeds in the calculation described in the next points for processing for tax exemption

    • = Well, then it looks up the service of the contract type Service Kind = Road Tax in the API Contract Service (4026681) table. If:

      • If it does not find such a contract service, it skips the processing of the MOI tax calculation of the given object and writes to the LOG information that the contract service is missing and the vehicle is not exempt from tax. Then it moves on to processing the next contract/object

      • It finds such a valid service of the contract, so it continues with the processing of the MOI tax calculation described in the following points for the processing of non-tax-exempt items. If more than one such service is found, it continues to work with the last one

  • Identifies Electric car by looking at the Fuel Type set in the Value for Electric Car field in the API Contract with Serv. Setup (4026620))

  • It is defined Tractor or Semi-trailer by looking at the Homologation Class Code set value in the Financed Object tab, API Financed Object (4026560) table. If this value is in the "N" or "O" category, it will look at the value setting in the Group field on the subject card and then look at the settings in the APISK Rate Tax Calc field for this value in the API Catalogue Group (4026565) table. Type (4027525, Option). If this field is set to Total Axle Weight, it is Tractor or Trailer

  • Processing where Free of Tax = Yes in the Subject Card field: based on a specified value in an array Financed Object Usage Methods in the API Fin. Object Usage Method (4047061) table, find the letter in the APISK Letter of Law field (4027500, Code[1]), according to which the subject is exempt under Section 4 of the Act. If the value of the field is:

    • "A" to end the processing of the object and move on to the processing of the next object

    • "B" or "C" or "D" is written in line No. R11litz into the XML by adding a parenthesis ")" after the value. At the same time, it shall be stated in the r11 that the vehicle was exempt during the entire tax period, i.e. the value >1 shall be entered<

    • If the letter in the field is not filled in or its value is different from the above values, the calculation processing continues and the information about the empty field or incorrect value is written into the LOG

    • Only the following lines are filled into the XML file for the exempt object (nothing is entered into the others, not even zero, unless it is directly described!):

      • r01 – First Registration Date – value from the 1st Registration Date field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table.

      • r02Incurrence Date – value from the Leasing Comp. Reg. First Date field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table if the value of the (date) field falls within the MV Tax Calculation Period, otherwise no value is filled in

      • r02extinction – Tax Liability Extinction Date – the value from the Tech. Cert. Check-Out Date field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table if it is not empty, otherwise no value is filled in

      • r03 – Vehicle Category – value from the Homologation Class Code field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table

      • r04Tractor – the value >1< is filled in for the vehicle category "N" defined as Tractor, otherwise the value >0 is filled in.<

      • r04naves – the value >1< is filled in for the vehicle category "O" defined as Semi-trailer, otherwise the value >0 is filled in<

      • r05 – Registration number – the value from the Licence Plate No. field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table valid according to the Licence Plate History at the end of the calculated period

      • r06 – Engine cylinder displacement in cm3 – for categories L and M1 not identified as Electric Vehicle, the value from the Engine Displacement (ccm) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table is filled in, otherwise no value is filled in

      • r07 – Engine power in kW – for categories L, M and N identified as Electric Vehicle, the value from the Engine Power (kW) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table is filled in, otherwise no value is filled in

      • r08 – Vehicle weight in tonnes – for category M2, M3, N1 to N3, O1 to O4 not identified as: Electric vehicle, Tractor or Semi-trailer, the value from the Max. Allowed Total Weight (kg) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table converted to tonnes is populated. For a defined Tractor or Trailer, the value from the Total Weight on Axles (kg) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table is filled in tons. Otherwise, no value is filled. The conversion to tons is performed to two decimal places, rounded mathematically

      • r09 – Number of axles – for category M2, M3, N, O not identified as Electric car, the value from the Number of Axles field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table is filled in, otherwise no value is filled in

      • R12 to R21 - No value is filled or >0 is filled for exempt items< for fields of type Boolean

      • r22 to r24 – field for additional declaration, i.e. if it is Declaration Type = Additional, these fields are fulfilled as described in chapter Modification of xmlport 4027500 API Road Tax Export

  • Processing where Free of Tax = No in the Free of Tax field on the object card: for the foreseeable service of the contract type Service Kind = Road Tax, it finds the value in the Service Code field (45, Code[10]) in the API Contract Service (4026681) table. According to the searched value, it finds the tax rate by finding the same value in the Road Tax Pricelist Code (1, Code[10], PK) field in the Road Tax Rate (4027501) API table and using the value in the Tax Rate (LCY) (10, Decimal) field, whose validity, entered date in the Valid From (110, Date, PK) field, is less than the date entered by the End Date in the MV Tax Calculation Basis card and at the same time the date in the Valid To field is either blank or equal to or higher than the End Date entered in the MV Tax Calculation Basis card. The found tax rate is entered into the xml, in the line R12.. If no such tax rate is found, the task ends with an error message and the error is written to the LOG.

    • Then it goes through each moons specified interval for MV tax calculation. The tax is paid for each commenced month both at the beginning and at the end of the obligation to pay the tax. For each month, a check is made to see if the date in the Leasing Comp. Reg. First Date field is less than or equal to the last day of the month being processed, and if the Technical Certificate Check-Out Date field is greater than or equal to the first day of the calculated month or is empty. If the condition is met, the month will be processed. For each month that is processed, the age of the vehicle in that month is calculated from the 1st Registration Date inclusive. Then you:

      • first, according to the value of the Homologation Class Code (300, Code[10]) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table, the API Discount by Age of Vehicle (4027503) table finds all active ((Active (30, Boolean) = Yes)) rows in which the same value is entered in the Homologation Class Filter (35, Code[1024]) field

        • If the Homologation Class Code value from the course is not found in the Homologation Class Filter, the task ends with an error message and the error is written to the LOG

      • Depending on the age of the vehicle in the given month that fell into processing, the Discount in % and Paragraph No. in the searched rows are defined by finding out the interval in which it falls according to the field Interval from (months) (15, Integer) and the field Interval to (months) (20, Integer) inclusive, thus defining the discount band. For one subject, up to two discount bands can be defined for the calculated period (calendar year), i.e. "Rate 1" and "Rate 2". Example: if the first discount zone according to the date ends on 20.6., then in "6" month the second discount zone will be used.

        • If the task does not find a row for the calculated age of the vehicle in the given month, the task ends with an error message and the error is written to the LOG. I.e. in the table Discounts by Age of Vehic. There must also be lines for the period in which the discount is not applied!

      • Then all the months per defined discount band are added up. The number of months for the defined first discount band is populated in the xml file into the r19aPocMesS1. If a second discount band has been defined, the number of months for the second discount band will be filled into the xml file into the r19aPocMesS2

      • The following rule applies to the fulfillment of r13 in the xml file with the value >1<, where rate1 applies to the first defined discount band and rate2 applies to the second defined discount zone, with the exception of the discount for "O4" and the found zero discount in %:

        • Defined by Discount in % = 25 and Paragraph No. = 7_1 => r13znizenieSadzba1_25 or r13znizenieSadzba2_25

        • Defined by Discount in % = 20 and Paragraph No. = 7_1 => r13znizenieSadzba1_20 or r13znizenieSadzba2_20

        • Defined by Discount in % = 15 and Paragraph No. = 7_1 => r13znizenieSadzba1_15 or r13znizenieSadzba2_15

        • Defined by Discount in % = -10 and Paragraph No. = 7_1 => r13zvysenieSadzba1_10 or r13zvysenieSadzba2_10

        • Defined by Discount in % = -20 and Paragraph No. = 7_1 => r13zvysenieSadzba1_20 or r13zvysenieSadzba2_20

        • Defined by Discount in % = 50 and Paragraph No. = 7_2 => r13znizenieMsadzba1_50 or r13znizenieMsadzba2_50

        • Defined by Discount in % = 40 and Paragraph No. = 7_2 => r13znizenieMsadzba1_40 or r13znizenieMsadzba2_40

        • Defined by Discount in % = 30 and Paragraph No. = 7_2 => r13znizenieMsadzba1_30 or r13znizenieMsadzba2_30

        • Defined by Discount in % = 20 and Paragraph No. = 7_2 => r13znizenieMsadzba1_20 or r13znizenieMsadzba2_20

        • Defined by Discount in % = 10 and Paragraph No. = 7_2 = > r13znizenieMsadzba1_10 or r13znizenieMsadzba2_10

        • Defined by Discount in % = 60 and Paragraph No. = 7_3 => r13znizenieOsadzba_60

        • Defined Discount in % = 0 and Paragraph No. = 7_* => is not entitled to any discount and no r13 with the value >1< is entered into the xml file, i.e. all r13 will be with the value >0<

    • Discount by Fuel Type – Check the value of the Fuel Type Code (15, Code[10]) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table to see if this value is entered in any row of the API Discount by Fuel Type (4027504) table in the Fuel Type Code (15, Code[10]) field. If the condition:

      • This satisfies the search for the entered value of the option of the new Type field. For the searched value:

        • Enter hybrid in xml line r15hybrid>1< and enter >0 in other xml lines r15<

        • Gas enter >0 into xml line r15gas>1< and enter 0 into other xml lines r15<

        • Enter hydrogen in xml line r15hydrogen>1< and enter >0 in other xml lines r15<

      • If it doesn't fit, fill in >0 in all xml r15 lines<

    • Filling in xml file lines for non-tax-exempt items:

      • Lines 01 to 09 are filled in the same way as for tax-exempt items

      • R12, the description of the performance is in the introduction to this chapter

      • r13 and r19, the description of the supply is in the chapter Discount or Tax Increase according to the Age of the Vehicle

      • r15, the description of the performance is in the chapter Discount by Fuel Type

      • r22 to r24 – field for additional declaration, i.e. in the case of Declaration Type = Additional, these fields are described in chapter Principle of Fulfillment xmlport 4027500 API Road Tax Export

  • The tax, the proportional part of the tax, the tax allowances and the annual rate of tax reduced or increased in accordance with Paragraph 7 shall be rounded down to the nearest euro cent. The total sum of the calculated SK is entered in Section IV of the tax return, line No. 36

  • The advances paid are added up and the sum is filled into Section IV of the return, line No. 37

  • The remaining remaining payment is calculated by subtracting from the Total Road Tax Amount Paid on Advances (line 36 minus line 37). If On Advances Paid is not filled in, zero will be deducted. The calculation is filled in Section IV of the return, depending on the result. The positive result is filled in line No. 38. A negative result is filled in row no. 39

  • The calculated "Estimated Tax" is entered in line No. 40 when calculating the Regular Tax Return from the Ministry of the Interior

  • The calculated source for the MOI tax is saved in the user's downloaded files that ran the task under the name entered in the Fiel Name field in the Road Tax Basis Card

  • After saving the file, a dialog window will appear stating whether the calculation has been performed with the option to open the Road Tax Log table directly.

Import the resulting xml file into the financial administration form. Here you will find out whether and what errors are found in the generated document for the tax return. Next, the total tax and the estimated tax for the calculation of advances for the next period.

xmlport 4027500 API Road Tax Export Fulfillment Principle

The xml file is fixed programmed to match the parameters of the return filed by a legal entity (PO).

When filling in the form, two cars are filled in on "one page".

Note for developers: ATTENTION, if something in the process of filling the xml file is corrected for an odd car, it is necessary to make the same modification for an even car!

Individual lines of the xml file are filled in as follows:

XML format:



It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created








value from Legal Entity Reg. ID field from API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


if the Declaration Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table contains the option value: Tax Confession (Regular) then it is filled in 1, otherwise 0


if the Declaration Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table contains the option value: Regular-Correction then 1 is filled, otherwise 0


when the Declaration Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table contains the option value: Dodatočné daňpriznanie (Additional) tak se plni 1, jinak 0


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


value from Start Date field from API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the End Date field from the Road Tax Basis API table (4027505)


if it is "<ddp>1" then the value from the Date of Finding Reasons Add. Tax field from the API Road Tax Basis table (4027505) is filled in


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created














It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created












It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created

<riadok>BUSINESS LEASE SLOVAKIA s.r.o.</riadok>

value from Legal Entity Name field from API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created

<ulica>Twin City Tower, Mill Meadows</ulica>

value from the Street field from the Road Tax Basis (4027505) API table


value from House Number / Orientation Number field from API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table

<psc>Reference: 82109</psc>

value from the City No. field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from City field from API Road Tax Basis table (4027505)


value from the Country field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Created by Phone No. field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Created by Email field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created














It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


if in the Signing Person Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table there is an option: Representative, then 1 is filled, otherwise 0


when the Signing Person Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table contains the option value: Heir (Heir) then 1 is filled, otherwise 0


if in the Signing Person Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table there is an option value: Správca v konkurnom konaní (Trustee in bankruptcy) then it is filled in 1, otherwise 0


when the Signing Person Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table contains the Option: Liquidator then 1 is filled, otherwise 0


when the Signing Person Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table contains the option value: Štatutárny zástupca (PO) ((Statutory representative (LP)) then 1 is filled, otherwise 0


if the Signing Person Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table contains the option value: Legal successor, then 1 is filled, otherwise 0


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


·         It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created

·         In this section, values are populated if the Signing Person Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is something other than empty


value from the Surname of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Name of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Title of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table




a value without a forward slash from the Id field. No. of the representative from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Birthdate of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Tax Advisor VAT field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Business Name of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


·         It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created

·         In this section, values are populated if the Signing Person Type field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is something other than empty


value from the Street of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the House No. of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Post Code of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the City of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Country of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the Phone No. of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


value from the E-mail of the representative field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


·         Total Number of Vehicles in Proper Declaration

·         for the additional return, the original total number of vehicles must be filled, the value from the Last Total Number of Vehicles field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is filled in

<r36>3:00 p.m.</r36>

·         The total amount of tax for all vehicles on the regular return, rounded down to the nearest euro cent,

·         for an additional return, the original total amount must be filled, the value from the Last Known Tax field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is filled in

<r37>150.00</r37> am

·         for the regular one, the value from the Adv. Payments Amount field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table or the value >0.00 is filled in< if the Adv. Payments Amount field is zero

·         For an additional return, the line is filled with >0.00<

<r38>0.00</r38> am

·         Calculation - the positive difference between the value in R36 and R37 is filled, otherwise >0.00 is filled in<

·         The line is not filled in for an additional return

<r39>3:00 p.m.</r39>

·         Calculation - the negative difference between the value in R36 and R37 is filled, otherwise >0.00 is filled in<

·         The line is not filled in for an additional return


·         The total amount of estimated tax for the regular tax return is calculated by using the same tax calculation principle for individual vehicles, with the difference that only those items that have a value in the Tech. Cert. Check-Out Date (1175, Date) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table empty or higher than the entered end date for tax calculation are included in the calculation. The annual rate from row 18 is used for the calculation, i.e. each vehicle is calculated as if it were taxable for the whole year.

No other lines are filled in for this calculation, only the total calculated tax rounded down to the nearest euro cent is filled in. At the same time, the tax rates applicable for the next period will be used for this calculation

·         for the additional return, the value from the Presumptive Tax field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is filled in


·         For a regular one, 2 vehicles are equal to 1 side (7 vehicles are 4 sides)

·         For additional, >0 is entered<


only for an additional declaration - the total number of vehicles is filled in


only for an additional return - the total amount of tax rounded down to the nearest euro cent is filled in


only for an additional return - the difference between lines 43 and 36 (the sign is left as it comes out)


just for an additional return - 2 vehicles equals 1 page (7 vehicles is 4 pages)


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


is filled >1< according to the tax result, i.e. if there is a non-zero value in R39 or if there is a minus value in R44, otherwise >0<


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created




fill in the same value as in the "return" line


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


if there is "account>1<account" in the row, then the value from the Bank Account No. field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is filled in, otherwise empty

<kodBanky>7300</kodBanky> cm

if there is "account>1<account" in the row, then the value from the Bank Code field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is filled in, otherwise empty


if there is "account>1<account" in the row, then the value from the IBAN field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is filled in, otherwise empty


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


If there is "account>1<account" in the line, then it is filled with the date of creation of the xml file


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created

<![CDATA[ ]]>

the text from the Comments field from the API Road Tax Basis (4027505) table is populated


It is not filled in, only a line for the XML file is created


populate with the date of creation of the xml file


It is not filled in, only a row is created for the xml file for each new page3 where one page3 can contain a maximum of two columns, where one column represents one vehicle


It is not filled in, it just creates a line for the XML file for each new page3


is filled in according to the order of the created base for the object, i.e. for the first and second vehicles the current page is 1, for the third and fourth vehicles the current page is 2, for the eleventh vehicle the current page is page 6


Total number of pages3, i.e. if there are 11 vehicles, then there are 6 pages


It is not filled in, it just creates a line for the XML file for each new page3


Fixed for the first vehicle on the page


value of 1st Registration Date field (250, Date) from API Financed Object table (4026560)


value of the Leasing Comp. Reg. First Date (22650, Date) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table, it is filled in only if the year is the same as the year for generating the return


value of the Tech. Cert. Check-Out Date (1175, Date) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table, it is filled in only if the year of TP deregistration is the same as the year for generating the return


value of the Homologation Class Code field (300, Code[10]) from the API Financed Object table (4026560)


if the Homologation Class Code (300, Code[10]) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table contains a value of category N* defined as Tractor, the value >1< is filled, otherwise the value >0 is filled<


if the Homologation Class Code (300, Code[10]) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table contains a value of category O* defined as Trailer, the value >1< is filled, otherwise the value >0 is filled in<


value of the Licence Plate No. (1, Code[10], PK) field from the API License Plate History (4026584) table for the processed object valid at the specified end of the processed tax calculation period


if the Homologation Class Code (300, Code[10]) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table contains a value of category L* or M1 and the vehicle is not identified as an electric vehicle, then the value from the Engine Displacement (ccm) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table is filled in as a non-negative number with one decimal place, otherwise no value is filled in


if the Homologation Class Code (300, Code[10]) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table contains a value of category L*, M* or N* and the vehicle is identified as an electric vehicle, then the value from the Engine Power (kW) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table is filled in, otherwise no value is filled in


If the value of category M2, M3, N1 to N3, O1 to O4 is in the Homologation Class Code (300, Code[10]) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table and the vehicle is not identified as an Electric vehicle, Tractor or Trailer, the value from the Max. Allowed Total Weight (kg) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table, converted to tons, is populated. For a defined Tractor or Trailer, the value from the Total Weight on Axles (kg) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table is filled in tons. Otherwise, no value is filled. The conversion to tons is performed to two decimal places, rounded mathematically


if the Homologation Class Code (300, Code[10]) field in the API Financed Object (4026560) table contains a value of category M2, M3, N*, O* and the vehicle is not identified as an electric vehicle, then the value from the Number of Axles field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table is filled in, otherwise no value is filled in




value of APISK Free of Tax Lett. of Law (4027500, Code[1]) from API Financed Object (4026560) table


populated with "1" if the Free of Tax (19090, Boolean) field from the API Financed Object (4026560) table is Yes and if the letter entered in the Free of Tax Letter of Law field is other than "A"

<r12>80</r12> mm

Finding the tax rate for the processed object is described in the process for the tax calculation function


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         For non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the tax discount or increase according to the age of the vehicle are met, otherwise the >0 is fulfilled<


·         For an exempt vehicle, the empty value >< is always filled, it is exempt if the value in row R11 is >1<

·         for non-exempt persons, the reduced or increased annual tax rate is calculated according to the category of the vehicle and the age of the vehicle – the amount of tax entered in r12 is multiplied by the coefficient according to the setting in row r13znizenieSadzba1 or r13znizenieMsadzba1 or r13znizenieOsadzba, or unreduced if the reduction no longer applies to the vehicle, i.e. no reduction or increase is entered in r13xxxxx1 or r13zdizenieOsadzba is multiplied by a factor of 1

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent


·         For an exempt vehicle, the empty value >< is always filled, it is exempt if the value in row R11 is >1<

·         for non-exempt persons, the reduced or increased annual tax rate is calculated according to the vehicle category and the age of the vehicle – the amount of tax entered in r12 is multiplied by the coefficient according to the setting in row r13znizenieSadzba2 or r13znizenieMsadzba2 or r13zvysenieSadzba2, or unreduced, if the reduction no longer applies to the vehicle, i.e. no reduction or increase is entered in r13xxxxx2, it is multiplied by a coefficient of 1

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         for non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the discount by Fuel Type are met, otherwise >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         for non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the discount by Fuel Type are met, otherwise >0 is fulfilled<


·         The value >0< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in the R11 row<

·         for non-exempt persons< the value >1 is fulfilled if the conditions described in the process for the tax calculation function in the section for calculating the discount by Fuel Type are met, otherwise >0 is fulfilled<


·         For an exempt vehicle, the empty value >< is always filled, it is exempt if the value in row R11 is >1<

·         For those who are not exempt, a reduced annual tax rate is calculated according to the type of drive of the vehicle – if the value in any R15 is >1<, the amount of tax registered in R14S1 is multiplied by a coefficient of 0.5, if a discount is not set in any of the R15s, it is multiplied by a coefficient of 1

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent


·         For an exempt vehicle, the empty value >< is always filled, it is exempt if the value in row R11 is >1<

·         For those who are not exempt, a reduced annual tax rate is calculated according to the type of drive of the vehicle – if the value in any R15 is >1<, the amount of tax entered in R14s2 is multiplied by a coefficient of 0.5, if the discount is not set in any of the R15s, it is multiplied by a coefficient of 1

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent


the value >0< is always filled, there is no need for input in the system to identify a vehicle used in combined transport


·         For an exempt vehicle, the empty value >< is always filled, it is exempt if the value in row R11 is >1<

·         For non-exempt persons, a reduced annual tax rate is calculated according to the use in combined transport – the amount of tax entered in R16S1 is multiplied by a coefficient of 0.5 if the value is >1 in R17<, if not, it is multiplied by 1

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent


·         For an exempt vehicle, the empty value >< is always filled, it is exempt if the value in row R11 is >1<

·         For non-exempt persons, a reduced annual tax rate is calculated according to the use in combined transport - the amount of tax entered in R16S2 is multiplied by a coefficient of 0.5 if the value is >1 in R17< if it is not then multiplied by 1

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent


The principle of populating the number of months for row 14, column 1 is described in the XML generation process


The principle of populating the number of months for row 14, column 2 is described in the XML generation process


fixed – the number of days in which the bus was used for transport outside the performance of transport in the public interest is stated, no input is required in the system for such calculation


fixed – the number of days in which the bus was used for transport outside the performance of transport in the public interest is stated, no input is required in the system for such calculation

<r20s1>5:00 p.m.</r20s1>

·         For an exempt vehicle, the empty value >< is always filled, it is exempt if the value in row R11 is >1<

·         for non-exempt persons, if there is a value other than >12< in r19aPocMesS1, the proportional amount of tax is calculated as follows: value r19aPocMesS1 times (amount in r18s1/12, rounded down to 5 decimal places)

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent


·         For an exempt vehicle, the empty value >< is always filled, it is exempt if the value in row R11 is >1<

·         for non-exempt persons, if there is a value other than >12< in r19aPocMesS2, the proportional amount of tax is calculated as follows: the value of r19aPocMesS2 times (the amount in r18s2/12, rounded down to 5 decimal places)

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent

<r21>5:00 p.m.</r21>

·         The value >0.00< is always filled in for an exempt vehicle, it is exempt if the value is >1 in row R11<

·         For non-exempt people, the total vehicle tax is calculated by adding the value from row R20s1 and the value from row R20s2 (check: the amount must always be positive with two decimal places or it can be >0.00<)

·         The calculated rate is rounded down to the nearest euro cent


Only for additional returns, when it is not possible to systematically enter the amount of tax from the original return, the field will be filled with the same rounded value as in R21, the user will then have to make a manual adjustment according to the reality in the form


only for additional declarations to fill in the same rounded value as in r21, i.e. Declaration Type = Additional is entered in the SD calculation card


Only for the additional return to fill in the difference between R23 and R22, i.e. zero, the user will then have to make a manual adjustment according to the reality in the form


Fixed for the first vehicle on the page


fixed for the second vehicle on the page (The lines below serve only as a sample of fulfillment for the second vehicle)















<r12>80</r12> mm











































Fixed second vehicle on the page







Road Tax Log

A LOG is created for some process steps, which displays important warnings after processing in order to prevent incorrect calculation of the tax return.

When the substrate processing is finished, a dialog window opens with the option to display the LOG Yes / No. If you select Yes, the log for the specific substrate being processed will be displayed.


The log can also be opened separately from the menu of the underlying card Related ->> Road Tax Log or by searching it through the system magnifier.

After launching the Log, an overview of all logged entries that were found during the processing of the tax document will open. Some write-ups are error-prone and some may be informative. Depending on how their logic is described in the chapter on the process of generating tax documents.

The individual lines of the log contain the numbers of the specific contract and the financed object to which the log relates. By clicking on the contract number or object number, one can go directly to their card.

All fields are not user-editable. Field description:  

  • Entry No.

    • CZ/SK: Entry No.

    • Integer, PK

    • The system automatically fills in the item number

  • User ID

    • CZ/SK: Created By / User ID

    • Code

    • The system automatically fills in the name of the user who started the task

  • Procesing Date and Time

    • CZ/SK: Date and Time of Processing / Date and Time of Processing

    • DateTime

    • The system automatically fills the system date and time when the task started

  • Financing Contract No.

    • CZ/SK: Financing Contract No. / Financing Contract No.

    • Code

    • The system automatically fills in the contract number for which the log was detected during the process processing

  • Financed Object No.

    • CZ/SK: Financed Object No. / Contract Object No.

    • Code

    • The system automatically fills in the number of the object for which the log was detected during process processing

  • Procesing Result

    • CZ/SK: Result of Processing / Result of Processing

    • Option = Unprocessed,Processed (CZ: Unprocessed, Processed, SK: Unprocessed, Processed)

    • The system automatically fulfills the processing result. Not processed means that the contract/object did not make it into the tax document. Processed means that the contract/subject matter has been included in the processing of the document, but the information may not be complete

  • Error Detail

    • CZ/SK: Error Description

    • Text 100

    • The system automatically completes the description of the found error according to the logic described in the process of processing the substrate.

  • No labels