The dependency for posting calculation inputs and accruals for selected types of calculation inputs is on the Gen. Groups and CI Type Relations settings available in the Calculation Inputs Types table. Another dependency is to enable CI and CR accounting on an adequate detailed contract status in the Allow Accruals / Calculation Input Posting field. Another dependency is the setting of the number series for posting the internal document to the CC and the Czech Republic in the Financing Model Card in the fields Calculation Input Post. Nos. and Contr. Accrual Line Post Nos.. A description of these settings is in the Nastavení Business
A prerequisite is the existence of calculation inputs in contracts.
Another prerequisite is to set up CI and CR posting in the OneCore Posting Setup table and Accruals Calculation Method Setup. A description of these settings is in the Nastavení Finance
Calculation Inputs and Accruals can be posted:
Collectively Batch Job
It is not possible to post calculation inputs that are invoiced, e.g.
Initial Fee Invoiced at Contract Activation
Calculation input for VAT in financial leasing with delivery of goods (Variant of calc. input is VAT - supply of goods)
Billing individually from the Calculation Input
From the Financing Contract, go to Elements -> Calculation Inputs (Elements -> Calculation Inputs). In the ribbon, you will find the Post button, which will start posting the given calculation input. In the same way, you can also charge from the Contract Calculation Input Card (KV Contract).
When posting, the system will use the lines of OneCore Posting Settings according to the data on the Calculation Input (the data are transferred to the Calculation Input card when the Calculation Input is created, see the description Creating Calculation Input in PD Contract):
Calc. Input Variant and Calculation Input Type (on the General tab)
What calculation input is charged (e.g. Purchase Cost/Cost)
Post calc. local input (in the Invoicing tab)
Selects setup lines where Accrual / CI Accounting Area is Local
Post calc. IFRS input (in the Invoicing tab)
Selects setup lines where Accrual / CI accounting area is IFRS
Calc. Inp. Accruals Local (on tab Invoicing)
When posting in the local accounting system, does it affect the selection of an account in OneCore Posting Settings, either an account from the Account No. column or from the Accruals Account No. column
Calc. Inp. Accruals IFRS (in the Invoicing tab)
Does it affect the selection of an account in OneCore Posting Settings when posting in IFRS Accounting, either an account from the Account No. column or from the Accruals Account No. column
After successful posting of the calculation input, one internal document (for local and IFRS entries) is created. After posting, the Calculation input posted field is automatically checked on the calculation input and the number of the posted internal document is entered into the Document No. field.
Before posting the calculation input, you can check the posting (future general ledger entries) by clicking on the Posting Preview button.
Accruals Posting
Accrual posting involves 2 basic operations
Accruals Prescription Posting
In principle, the prescription (drawing) of accruals can be charged in the OC in 3 ways:
Posting calculation inputs (e.g. commissions to IAS)
Posting a purchase or sales invoice (e.g. commission invoice to CAS)
By posting a contract payment (e.g. interest). Part of the accounting operation for IAS may be the elimination of CAS accounting entries
Accounting regulations are not the subject of this document of this chapter.
Accruals Release Posting (Regular Monthly Income / Expense)
Contract accrual and calculation input prescriptions are amortized by posting lines in the Contract Accrual Calendar
This chapter describes only posting for the Contract Accrual Calendar using the OneCore Posting Setup table.
You can post accruals:
Individually by clicking on the Accrual Calendar (Contract Accrual Lines)
Batch Job in Bulk. Mass accrual accounting is part of the calculation input posting batch job. The batch job is described in the next chapter.
If the contract is duly terminated, all accrual lines are posted, which will result in the accounting settlement of the accruals regulations.
If the calculation input is additionally posted in a terminated contract, the calculation input will not be posted to the "Accruals account" if set up correctly, but (according to the settings) to the "Account". An accrual calendar will no longer be created on a terminated contract.
Batch Job Posting
Calculation inputs and accruals can also be posted in bulk, by a batch job. Mass posting is part of the "Batch – CI and Accr. Posting" batch job (Batch-CI and Accr. Posting Scheduler). The Tasks dialog box has the following tabs:
Calculation Input Posting Date field
The user enters the date manually. The field will be used to post the calculation input.
If the Posting Date in the dialog window is not filled in, the system will use the "Calculation Enter Date" from the calculation input for posting.
If the Posting date (from the dialog window or from the calculation input) falls within a closed period, the system automatically changes the date to the 1st day of the open period (valid for the user who runs the task – from User Settings, Posting From and Posting To, if not set, then from General Ledger Settings, Posting From and Posting To)
Financing Contract Header
A filter by which the user can limit the selection of charged calculation inputs and accruals according to common data in the Financing Contract (e.g. by contract number, customer number, contract status, contract currency, etc.)
Contract Calculation Input
A filter that allows the user to select specific calculation inputs, e.g. according to the Calculation Input Type code.
Contract Accrual Line
A filter that the user can use to select specific accrual lines, e.g. by accounting system, by period....
The task automatically skips accruals / calculation inputs posting in case it is a contract variant and does not write any entries to the posting error log.
After posting, the following data is copied to the Calculation input in the contract:
Posting Date = the used Posting Date is written (the date from the posted document is always filled in).
Flag Calculation Input Posted = Yes
Document number = the used internal document number (from the set number series) is written down
After posting, the following data are copied to the line of the Contract Accrual Calendar:
Flag Posted = Yes
Document number = the internal document number used is entered.
Note: If the accrual line has been canceled in the past, the new document number from the number series will not be used for posting, but the document number from the contract accrual line will be used
The batch task is run manually by the user (further adjustments are needed to set the task to the scheduler).
In case of early termination of the contract (Contract Status is Ending or higher), when running the Accruals and Calculation Inputs Posting batch job, the task performs the following operations:
Posts unposted lines of the Accrual Calendar according to Accrual Objects on a one-off basis:
All Calendar Lines, Until the End of the Contract
Down Payment
Expense Input Fee
Income Input Fee
Expense Subsidy
Income Subsidy (Income Subsidy)
Only accrual lines related to the last posted payment
Contract Service
Detail Service
Lines are not accounted for individually (according to the calendar), but cumulatively for the Accrual Object and for the Accounting System
Accounting for Extraordinary Contract Termination
When posting, the batch job will use the same settings as for the accruals posted on the active contract, which means that the extraordinary termination accruals will most often be posted to expenses or revenues (e.g., 384 x 602).
In the case of a balance on accrual accounts that is not an exchange rate difference (in the case of a difference in the course of drawdown and accruals over time in the case of irregular contracts), the user will derecognise the balance manually.
After posting, the lines in the calendar are marked as exceptionally finished, posted, and the document number is added to the lines. Accrual lines that are related to posting a payment and this payment will no longer be posted after the extraordinary termination will only be marked as posted and exceptionally terminated (new field Extraordinary Termination of Accruals), but the Document No. will not be filled in.
Posting logging
If an error occurs during posting, the system makes an entry in the log (Posting Error Log table) and the processing continues.
The following data will be added to the Posting Error Log table to record errors about CI and CR accounting:
Type – Calculation input type and Accruals type
Error Detail field 2 (Text 250 characters) – the option to save the rest of the error message with a length of >,250 characters as a supplement to the Error Detail field
Object No. – Key Component in CI Posting
Calculation Input Line No. – Part of the Key in CI Posting
Accrual accounting area – part of the key in CR accounting – is used for posting contract accrual lines
Accrual object – part of the key in CZ accounting – is used when posting contract accrual lines
Accrual type key – part of the CR Accounting key for more detailed accruals within the financing contract (Insurance Contract No., Contract Service No.) – is used when posting contract accrual lines
Accrual Line No. – part of the key in CZ accounting – is used for posting contract accrual lines
Reverse Posting
The posted calculation input can be cancelled by the Cancel button available above the contract calculation input or in the contract calculation input card.
In case of cancellation, the system searches for the posted document according to the Document No. from the Calculation input and reverses the document (creates copies of the original general ledger entries and posts them with the opposite sign using the Reverse transaction function).
Deletes the Calculation Input Posted flag on the calculation input and deletes the Document No. as well.
Function „Cancel Accruals Posting“ is available from the Contract Accrual Calendar by clicking on the Cancel button. This button can be used to cancel 1 posted accrual line (1 document number = 1 transaction).
Cancel Accruals Posting Function
Searches for a posted internal document (according to the Document No. from the calendar line)
Cancels a posted internal document using the standard "Reverse transaction" function.
The document number on the original entries is renumbered by adding "S" after the document number. In the case of the second and subsequent cancellation of the same accrual line, the sequence number (S1, S2...) will be added after the "S" flag, if the repeated posting is performed with the same document number as the first attempt
If the cancellation is posted to a closed accounting period, the posting date will be shifted to the open version following the posting date shift is enabled in the OneCore Settings table
On the line of the accrual calendar
clears the Posted flag and ticks the Canceled flag.
The document number on the line is not deleted or changed, the "S" flag is not added, this number is used in the next posting of the line.