Tab General hello
The General tab contains fields copied from the contract and the financed object. (For details on these fields, see the Smlouva se službami and Předmět financování ).
Vehicle Registration make (Licence Plate No.)
Financing Contract No.
Financing Type
Product Code
Calculation Type
Detailed Contract Status Code
Master Agreement No.
Master Agreement Customer No.
Customer No, Customer Name
Customer Business Place No, Customer Business Place Name
Driver No. Driver Name
Sales Currency Code
Object Hand-over Date
Expected Termination Date
Before you enter a vendor, you must select:
Service Kind
The default value is Maintenance. The user chooses a different one if he/she bases the permission for a different type of service.
If the user selects the MV (Road Tax) value, the system displays an error message and the user cannot continue (a service permit cannot be established on Road Tax).
Maintenance Type Code
The user selects the service type for that kind of service. If only one type of service is created for a given type of service, the system will add it automatically after selecting the type of service.
Other fields on the General tab are related to the selection of the service provider.
Preferred vendor No/Yes (Preferred Vendor)
The field affects which vendor table the user selects from
Yes = selection of preferred vendor on the customer's Master Agreement
No = selection from table vendor
Purchase Currency Code
If the purchase invoice arrives in a foreign currency, the user must select the currency code.
The user can select the vendor's establishment:
Vendor Business Place No.
The user can select a specific vendor business location. This is important if the terms and conditions are contracted to a specific business location. E.g. discounts and bonuses, supplier rates and prices, or the entire maintenance agreement.
When choosing a supplier, the system Checks the valid framework service agreement of the supplier. If the vendor has a valid framework agreement, the system will add
Maintenance Agreement No.
After entering the vendor, the user fills in the following fields:
Odometer Status (Mileage)
The value is entered by the user. When changing the status of a permit (from preparing for anything), the value of the field is stored in the Odometer Status History table. When the odometer is recorded manually, the system checks – if the odometer is lower than the previous record, a decision message follows: "The odometer reading is lower than the last record in history. Do you still want to save the record Yes / No."
Maintenance Permission Lines Tab
The tab contains a subform with an overview of maintenance permission lines.
Rows can be inserted and edited via this tab (details of individual fields can be found in the chapter Description of Maintenance permission Lines fields below).
Maintenance Permission Tab
Contractual Distance
From a financing contract – the "Calculation parameters" tab contains the calculated field "Contractual mileage" = the last contractual mileage registered for the contract
Last Mileage
Last entry in Odometer Status History
Last Mileage Date
Date from Odometer Status History table
Odometer Status (Mileage)
Copied from the General tab after entering the user
Planned Mileage
((Initial Mileage + Contractual Mileage) / Total Days of Contract Duration) x Number of Days of Contract Duration (i.e. Mileage Date – Object Handover Date)
Ratio Km %
(Mileage / Planned Mileage x 100)
Upper Tolerance
Calculated Field from Financed Object, Termination Tab – Field Tolerance Multiple km (value)
Lower Tolerance
Calculated Field from Financed Object, Termination Tab – Tolerance Less km (value) field
When created, the maintenance permission is in the Preparation (Preparation) User changes status to Approved (Approved). If the user changes the status to Approved, the system assigns an Approval number from the number series for that service type. Writes the date and time of the approval. When approved, the mileage is recorded in the Odometer Status History. You cannot revert the permission back to the Preparing state. Status Unposted The (nonposted) system changes after the purchase invoice is created. (All non-zero allowance lines must be used in the purchase invoice, otherwise it remains in the Approved status). After you post the purchase invoice (which contains all the allowance lines), the system changes the status of the maintenance permission to Closed (Closed). If lines with zero purchase price remain on the allowance and do not enter the purchase invoice, it does not prevent the NF from changing the status to Closed during posting. After posting, it is not possible to change the purchase price amounts on the posted allowance lines. After a sales invoice is created (from all allowance lines), the system changes the status to Reinvoiced (Reinvoiced). The user can manually change the status of the allowance to Claim (Claim), Rejected (Declined) or Unrealized (Unrealized). It is not possible to create purchase and sales invoices (individual or bulk) for allowances in the status "Complaint", "Rejected" or "Unrealized".
Approval No.
The system assigns from the number series for the given service type when the status changes to Approved
Customer Approval No.
A text field for recording the number under which the customer records the work
Approver ID
The system writes who has switched to the Approved status
Approval Date
The system writes the current date upon approval
Approval Time
The system writes the approval time
Purchase Invoice Date
You can enter the date that the system will transfer to the form when you create a purchase invoice
Vendor Invoice No.
You can enter a number that the system transfers to the form when you create a purchase invoice
Original Maint.Permission No.
The field is filled in when the user copies the allowance due to a repair or complaint.
In the case of a copy of the allowance, the system saves whether a Copy or a Correction has been created.
Vendor Credit Memo No.
Created Purchase Credit Memo No.
Subject Tab
The fields of the Subject tab are copied from the Financed Object card. They are not editable on the header of the service permission
Maintenance Bookmark
The data on this tab are about the type of service "service" for the given subject – tab Maintenance
Field Maintenance Maintenance Gratis, No of Years/Km of Free Maintenance, Prepaid Maintenance, Maintenance Prep. Number of Years/km, Maintenance Pack, Maintenance and Repair Pack, Standard Warranty, Standard Warranty No. of Months/km, Extended Warranty, Extended Warranty No. of Months/km - the system displays service permissions, if they are filled in on the item card on the Maintenance tab.
Calculated Bookmark Fields Maintenance:
Maintenance Draw Amount
Sum (of purchase prices – reinvoiced amount) of allowances for this financed object. Allowances she's already been on Purchase invoice created.
Maintenance Payment Prescription (Maintenance Payment Total)
Sum of posted service payment lines from the service payment calendar
Maintenance Total
Total sum of service payment lines from the service payment calendar until the end of the lease
Maintenance Difference
is Total Maintenance Prescription – Maintenance Payment Total
Tire Service Tab
The data on this tab are about the type of service tire service for the given object – the Tire Service tab
Summer Tire Drawn
Sum of drawn tires – sum of the number of summer tires from the allowance lines for the given object of the tire service type
Summer Tire Entitled (Summer Tire Entitled)
Sum of the number of summer tires from the tire service
Winter Tire Drawn
Sum of drawn tires – sum of the number of winter tires from the allowance lines for the given object of the tire service type
Winter Tire Entitled
Sum of the number of winter tires from the tire service
Year-Round Tire Drawn
Total Pumped All-Season Tires
Summer + Winter Tire Entitlement (Year-Round Tire Entitled)
The sum of the number of tires in case the total claim is entered for the service, not differentiated into winter and summer.
Spare Wheel
Copied from Financed Object
Short Range Spare Wheel
Copied from Financed Object
TPMS Pressure Sensor
Copied from Financed Object
Rim Drawn
Sum of rims from allowance lines for a given object of service type tire service
Rim Entitled (Rim Entitled)
Sum of rims from tire service
Tire Service Draw Amount
Sum (of purchase prices – reinvoiced amount) of allowances for this financed object. Allowances she's already been on Purchase invoice created.
Tire Service Payment Total
Sum of posted service payment lines from the service payment calendar
Tire Servise Total
Total sum of service payment lines from the service payment calendar until the end of the lease
Tire Service Difference
is Total Tire Service Prescription – Tire Service Payment Total
Replacement Vehicle Tab
Field from contract service (marked in red):
Replacement Vehicle No.
Contract Service Code (type "replacement vehicle") – Service for the given LS
Valid From
Beginning of validity of this service on the contract
Valid To
Expiration of this service on the contract
Field from the service detail of the replacement vehicle (marked in yellow):
Replacement Vehicle Type
According to the contract service detail
Copied from the detail of the replacement vehicle service on the contract – description of the replacement vehicle"
Brand, Model Line, Model, Vendor No., Vendor Name
Copied from the detail of the replacement vehicle service on the contract
Purchase Price Excl. VAT
Copied from the service detail on the contract
Contract Price Excl. VAT
Copied from the service detail for the contract. (Contract rate x contracted number of days is the basis for calculating the service calendar).
Contracting Days per Year
Number of days contracted for a given replacement car service
Calculated fields of the service from the allowance lines and the Replacement Vehicle service calendar (marked in blue):
Replacement Vehicle Draw Amount
Sum (of purchase prices – reinvoiced amount) of allowances for this financed object. Allowances she's already been on Purchase invoice created.
Replacement Vehicle Payment Total
Sum of Posted Replacement Vehicle Payment Lines from Service Payment Calendar Replacement Vehicle
Replacement Vehicle Total
Total sum of payment lines replacement vehicle from service payment calendar Replacement vehicle until the end of the lease
Replacement Vehicle Difference
is Replacement Vehicle Total – Replacement Vehicle Payment Total
This tab contains the calculated fields:
Expected Price Total Excl.VAT
Here the user can record the total preliminary price reported by the service
Purchase Amount Total Excl.VAT
Calculated Field - Purchase Price Amount Excl. VAT - From Lines allowances
All Object Maint. Permissions Purchase Amount Total Excl. (VAT)
Sum of purchase prices excluding VAT from all allowance lines for the subject
Total Object Reinvoiced Amount Excl. VAT (All Object Maint. Permissions Reinvoiced Amount Total Excl. VAT)
Sum of reinvoiced amounts excluding VAT from all allowance lines for the subject