By the transfer of a financing contract, we mean a process in which a new customer (the so-called successor) enters into all the rights and obligations of the original customer without changing the terms and conditions. Therefore, the financing contract is transferred from the original customer to the new customer without any changes.
The contract transfer procedure is as follows:
The transfer of a contract has several steps, some of which can be omitted depending on the processes in the leasing company:
We recommend that you perform the contract transfer operations on the change copy of the contract
Change the detailed status if the user wants to stop invoicing, for example (optional step)
Recording of input data for transfer into the contract
Transfer Approval
Stopping insurance contracts and creating e.g. new contracts by copying
Execution of the transfer
In addition, the settings from OneCore Settings are needed to perform the transfer (see Nastavení Business).
The condition is that the transfer is approved and that the detailed contract status is allowed for the transfer.
The system automatically sets the effectiveness of the transfer to the 1st day of the unposted payment period
Optional step – change the detailed status to one that does not allow invoicing from the payment schedule (if the leasing company wants to ensure that no further invoicing is done if the transfer is not completed). The user starts the Contract Status Change Wizard and changes the contract status from active, e.g. to temporarily suspended. After changing the detailed status, the contract will remain in the change copy (or on the variant) – for a description of the steps to change the detailed status, see the previous chapter.
On the contract card, in the Contract Transfer tab, it is necessary to fill in the data related to the transfer of the contract:
New Customer No.
Selects manually by the user from among the customers
New Customer Name
Fills in the system automatically after selecting New Customer No.
New Framework Agreement No.
The number is selected by the user after entering the New Customer No. from the Framework Agreements List filtered to the new customer number (only for contracts with OPL or GMP services)
New Master Agreement Customer No.
not user-editable
completes the OC automatically according to the Framework Agreement No. from the card of the relevant RS
Transfer Request Receipt Date
The user fills in the date of the transfer request
Documents for approval
The user fills in the date of receipt of the documents for the approval of the transfer
Reason for transfer
Selects by the user from the code list Transfer Reasons
Transfer Status
any change in the transfer status will be recorded in the Contract Transfer History (see below). The transfer statuses are: Empty, Request Accepted, Waiting to Be Accepted, Transfer Reject, Transfer Approved, Contract Transferred.
Transfer Status To execute the transfer, the transfer must be approved. Contract transferred cannot be set manually, it will be set by wizard after the transfer is completed.
If the transfer is approved, the user wants to make the transfer and the contract has insurance contracts, the user runs the wizard for changes (not yet the wizard for transfer), creates a change copy and terminates the original insurance contracts and creates new insurance contracts (e.g. by copying insurance policies). It is necessary to have the validity until the original WG and the validity from the new WG in accordance with:
Set the end of the original insurance policy to the last day of the last posted period
The start of a new fuse is set on the first day of the follow-up. Unposted Period
Then sets Contract Transfer Status=Transfer Approved
User on That certain change copy (as he terminated the insurance contracts) starts the Contract Transfer Wizard (in step 1/3 selects Change Type Code = with Wizard number 4046865).
Before opening the first step of the wizard, the system performs several checks:
Before opening the first step of the special wizard, the system checks the contract to see if it is in the automatic extension mode (contract Extension=Y flag). If it is, it displays a message and does not run the wizard – no recalculation of the payment schedule is allowed in this contract mode: "Contract extension is Y, change is not possible."
If the contract is not in automatic extension mode (i.e. Contract extension=N), it continues.
Whether the given detailed status allows the transfer to be carried out (Detailed Contract Statuses table, Allow Contract Transfer flag). If the detailed status does not allow the conversion, the OC will display the message: "Allow Contract Transfer must be Yes in Detailed Contract Status: Code=XY. The present value is No." and the conversion process stops.
Whether the Contract Transfer Status is Transfer Approved, if not, it will display the message: "Contract Transfer Status must be equal to "Transfer Approved" in Financing Contract Header: Number: XY. The present value is "XY." and the process stops.
Whether it is filled in New Customer No., if not, it will display the message: "The New Customer No. field must have a value (Cannot be zero or empty) in the Financing Contract Header table: Number: XY." and the process stops.
Check the user to see if they can make the transfer
In User Settings, the logged-in user must have Contract Transfer=A, otherwise the system will display a message and will not allow to continue
Check the customer to see if they're blocked
If the field Blocked=A is on the customer, the system will display a message and will not allow to continue
Checking the existence of an active fuel card – only for contracts with Financing with services=A:
It checks the existence of active fuel cards in the Fuel Card Organizer for the given contract. Checks the following tabs (filters) The data on the card are:
the Financing Contract No. the same as the original contract number (i.e. the Card belongs to the contract), and
Card Validity Date To > Transfer Effective Date and Current
The Blocking Date or Card Return Date or Card Exclusion Date is not filled in.
If it finds active cards, the system checks the Transfer Active Fuel Cards flag in OneCore Setup:
If Transfer Active Fuel Cards=N:
displays the error message "There are active fuel cards for the contract, the transfer cannot be carried out." and stops the process.
If Transfer Active Fuel Cards=Y:
It goes on.
Whether the original insurance contracts are terminated (it is necessary to terminate them before starting the transfer wizard). If not, the OC will display a message: "It is not possible to transfer a financing contract that does not terminate insurance contract No. XY to the original customer!" and the process stops.
Checks if the customer contact has incidents in the contact's Incidents:
Retrieves the contact number of a new customer, then
In Incidents, the contact searches for records:
Contact No=same
If it also finds records, it displays them in step 1/3.
If all the conditions according to the previous points are met, the first step of the conversion wizard will be displayed.
Step 1:
Financing Contract No.
Fills up the system automatically
Current Customer
The system automatically fills in the current customer's number from the contract
Current Customer Name
The system automatically adds the name of the current customer to the contract
Object Handover Date
The system will automatically fill in the date of handover of the object from the contract
Successor (new customer)
The system will automatically add the number of the new customer from the contract
New Customer Name
The system automatically adds the name of the new customer from the contract
Transfer Effective at Date
The OC determines automatically, it is the first calendar day of the nearest open (unposted) repayment period.
After clicking, the contract payment calendar will open.
The system will check if the new customer has a record in contact incidents (for incidents, see PD Address Book - Contact):
If not, it displays info: Successor is not in the incident list...
If it is, will it display info? The successor is in the incident list, do you really want to transfer the contract?
Number of Records in Incidents
Displays the number of customer contact records in incidents
After clicking, an overview of incidents of the new customer's contact will open (filter to the contact number and Active=Y)
New Framework Agreement No. (linen for OPL)
It is possible to select a new successor framework agreement number.
Step 2:
Transfer Fee - Posting Date
By default, the transfer fee posting date will be displayed as the effective date of the transfer (it is also the date of the VAT liability). Modifies by the user as needed.
Fee Payment Term Code
The number of days that the transfer fee invoice is due. By default, the code is displayed according to OneCore Settings, modified by the user as needed.
Fee Amount Excl. VAT
Default 0.00. Enter manually by the user as needed.
Fee Customer No.:
Customer number to whom the fee invoice will be issued. By default, it is the successor (new customer), but the user can also enter the original customer.
Branch No.
The number of the branch that is making the transfer. Selects the user from the Branch List table. Selects by the user as needed.
Step 3:
In step No. 3, the OC displays a summary of the important data of the contract transfer. The user has the option to check the effective date of the transfer once again, after clicking on the date in the Transfer Effectiveness to Date field, the repayment calendar of the financing contract will open.
After confirmation by the Finish button, the OC will execute:
Performs a contract recalculation if the contract flags are other than Y:
Paymens - Updated
Calculation Lines- Updated
Insurance – Updated
Service - Updated
Filters insurance contracts in Preparation status with Valid From=Change Date (first day of the next unposted payment)
The wizard calls the contract transfer codeunit, which executes:
Filters installments:
Financing Contract No.=Contract No.
Postind Date=>workdate
On the found installments, they will change:
Customer No=new customer number
Bill-to Customer No=empty
In the Contract Header, change Contract Transfer Status=Contract Transfered
In the Previous Customer No field, fill in the Customer No. number.
Executes the contract - changes the customer on the contract card, i.e. into Customer No. in the contract is taken over by New Customer No. from the Contract Transfer tab.
Customer No. validation performs the extraction of the new customer's data from the address book (name, address, phone number, payment terms, etc.).
After customer validation, the wizard overwrites the posting groups regardless of the OneCore Setup setting, the Posting Group Priority field:
Header." Gen. Bus. Posting Group" := customer." Gen. Bus. Posting Group";
Header." VAT Business Posting Group" := customer." VAT Bus. Posting Group";
Header." Customer Posting Group" := customer." Customer Posting Group";
Header." Ind. Inv. Customer Post. Group" := customer." Customer Posting Group";
If the contract has Financing with Services=Y, evaluates that it is not empty New Master Agreement No. and differs from Master Agreement No, then it takes the value to Master Agreement No.
Validation copies data from the framework agreement
If the detailed contract status does not correspond to Det.Contract Status after Activation in OneCore Setup and there is an allowed transition from Det.Contract Status to this detailed status, then it sets the detailed contract status to Det.Contract Status after Activation.
Searches for contract services in Status=Preparation and/or Active, then changes the following:
Gen.Bus.Posting group
VAT Bus. Posting Group from Customer
flags services with Service – Updated=N so that the service is recalculated
Create a line in Contract Transfer History
Then searches for a financing object that has the same detailed contract status and updates it on the subject Customer Contract No. (end of codeunity)
Triggers contract recalculation
The wizard will then create a non-posted individual invoice for the transfer fee if the entered fee amount was different from zero (it will need to be posted after the change copy is transferred)
Overwrites the customer on the newly created insurance contract in the status Preparation to Continuer, after the customer change, the posting groups on the policies are updated, and then recalculates these insurance contracts and changes their status to Active
If there are policies on the contract as an add-on to the main insurance, the correct number of the main policy to which the add-on is related must be selected in the "Supplement to Insurance Contract" field in the copy of the additional policy
Deletes the transfer data in the Transfer tab on the contract card
Changes the due date of the first unposted payment after the transfer to the last day of the payment period depending on the parameter in OneCore Setup:
Change Payment Due Date After Transfer =N – does not shift the due date
Move Payment Due Date After Transfer=A – shift the due date of the payment to the last day of the payment period of the given payment
Blocks all old customer entries from being penalized depending on the parameter in the OneCore Setup if Set Fin.Charge Memo Blocking for old customer ledger entries when Transfering=Y
In the last step, the user transfers the change copy after checking the data
When transferring a change copy, the user
Post an individual transfer invoice (if one was generated)
If the OneCore Setup check mark in the field Transfer Customer Change to Active Fuel Cards (Transfer Active Fuel Cards) = Yes and exist on the financing contract Fuel Cardswhere:
Card Validity Date To > the effective date of the transfer and at the same time
Not filled in Blocking Date or Card Return Date or Card Exclusion Date
When transferring a change copy, the system overwrites the customer to the successor on the fuel cards.