The Model Types code list follows the Models code list and keeps track of the model types of individual object models. An unlimited number of entries can be entered into the code list.
These settings are available via the search: Model Types.
A new record can be entered via the "New" button on the Action Pane.
Make Code
the user selects a brand from the Brands code list for which he wants to create a model type.
Model Line
The user selects a model series from the Model Series code list filtered by the selected brand.
Model Code
The user selects a model from the Object Models code list filtered to the selected model series.
It represents a unique code that the user enters manually. It is not possible to enter the same code twice for the same make, model series and model. It can be numeric, text, or a combination of numbers and text with a maximum length of 10 characters.
The user manually enters the name/description of the model type.
Indicate whether the model type is active and can be entered into the catalogue card. When entering a new record, the field is automatically checked. User editable.
The system will automatically check if the model type was added to the code list when importing catalogue cards.
Date of issue
Fills in BC automatically in case of creating a new record